o...... wala man guro..
o...... wala man guro..
for me mas maayo si Gloria...
before she became president, she was:
one of the best economist. in the history of phil's election, she garnered the highest votes when she run for a senator and highest votes when she run as vice president.
she has a nice track record.
but when she became president, everything faltered.. maybe it's because of the people around her..
that's what politics can do to a good person...
pareho rna sila! pero Erap is stupid and weak while Gloria is more wiser and stronger
i find it funny when people trust a showbiz personality than an economist
nagsayop ko og vote. ako na click si erap tsk tsk tsk. Abi nako yes or no ahahaha. Pwedi change og answer? Gloria to ako vote oi.
I think parehas ra UNTA sila, pero mas taas ug mileage si Gloria
Si Erap, mas gamay ug damage kay na-putbol man mentras sayo pa. Si Gloria, mas dakog damage kay paugat, wala monaog (although in fairness, naay mga cases nga wa siyay labot. Iyang gabinete ug mga advisers ang gadala sa tigaw).
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