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  1. #911

    Quote Originally Posted by thisbe.ara View Post
    This is the thread for

    1.) all professional istoryan writers...
    2.) istoryans who love to express themselves through writing
    3.) istoryans who would love to increase their skills in writing
    4.) istoryan writers at heart

    If you are a writer, what is your forte? and why?

    say anything about writing (experiences,etc.) and how important writing is in your life...

    OT: maybe we can group together and write a journal or something..hehehe..
    I've been writing since highschool. It's the only way to express feelings into something creative or literary. I have a personal blog, tokusatsu blog and hopefully, a fiction blog.

    I wouldn't call them(Romance and Adventure) fortes but specializations. I'm still learning proper grammar usage and hope to publish a novel/pocketbook someday.

    Random Thoughts >>> my personal blog
    Tokusatsu Bang >>> my tokusatsu blog

    Wala pa koy sure kung asa nako ibutang ang fiction blog. Basin isagul ra niya nako sa personal blog nako.

  2. #912
    hopefully, i can write snippets na of my short story next year,

  3. #913
    i have articles online..i didnt know i could write but when i read those...i was like...ako nag suwat ani...hehehehe..seriously, i love of my outlets in life...

  4. #914
    I write because I am not a writer...

  5. #915
    Hello Istoryan Writers!

    Quote Originally Posted by thisbe.ara View Post
    This is the thread for

    1.) all professional istoryan writers...
    2.) istoryans who love to express themselves through writing
    3.) istoryans who would love to increase their skills in writing
    4.) istoryan writers at heart

    If you are a writer, what is your forte? and why? Say anything about writing (experiences,etc.) and how important writing is in your life...

    OT: maybe we can group together and write a journal or something..hehehe..
    When it comes to this thread, I could say that I'm a veteran. I kind of miss the past posters. Though I know they're busy, I do hope they can come back for a visit and update us on what's happening to their lives, particularly in the aspect of writing.

    Speaking of updates, myself I'm a working writer-- technical and business nowadays. Drafting up manuals and copy for marketing and documentation. However I do still creatively write up short stories and scripts, thankfully I do have that outlet.

    Nowadays I'm re-learning to enjoy creative writing, particularly in developing those kind of characters that take a life of their own and win the hearts of readers.

  6. #916
    thank you for answering my question diem...

    i think that if you have free time during the weekends you should start like a writing club or something...I will join it jud as long as im not travelling ... you could give pointers from the know-how and skills you have as a creative and technical writer!!!

  7. #917
    Hi Salma, how are you? I've been thinking about setting up a writer's club but yeah, time is indeed an issue since my weekend is devoted to rest and another recreation, filmmaking.

    If I do make up a writer's club, it would have to be small maybe and somewhat focused on the writing that i'm really good at~ which is creative writing in English with emphasis on fictional narratives.

    As I posted in the past, I'm not fond of writing poetry but I do admire poets. I'm clumsy in writing in Bisaya so I applaud those who strive to excel in writing balaks and sugilanons. And I really want to work with people who are committed to produce something through their writing, be it a collection of short stories or a novel or a play. So if anyone's interested, I can try to accomodate a group of 4 maybe.

    For everyone else, please keep posting, sharing your works and information on writing, how it enriches your life

  8. #918

    Default Write about your Favorite Book and Win!

    Write about your Favorite Book and get a chance to win prizes from National Book Store and Globe!

    National Book Store, The Philippine STAR and Globe "My Favorite Book" contest invites readers to write about their favorite book/s or author/s and why they have touched their lives. Books can be fiction or nonfiction. Make us laugh, make us cry, or just touch us, as your favorite books have touched you.

    Learn more HERE

  9. #919
    I still want to write but I think I've already said enough but I still want to write because I feel like when I write I am alive. Well, maybe that's what makes me think I'm a writer...I want to write even if there's nothing to write about. That's all.

  10. #920
    Call for Submission of Manuscripts to the
    49th Silliman University National Writers Workshop

    The Silliman University National Writers Workshop is now accepting applications for the 49th National Writers Workshop to be held May 3-21, 2010 in Dumaguete City.

    This Writers Workshop is offering fifteen fellowships to promising young writers who would like a chance to hone their craft and refine their style. Fellows will be provided housing, a modest stipend, and a subsidy to partially defray costs of their transportation.

    To be considered, applicants should submit manuscripts in English on or before March 19, 2010 (seven to ten poems; or three to five short stories; or three to five creative non-fiction essays).

    Manuscripts should be submitted in hard copy and on CD, preferably in MS Word, together with a resume, a recommendation letter from a literature professor or a writer of national standing, a notarized certification that the works are original, and two 2X2 ID pictures.

    Send all applications or requests for information to Department of English and Literature, attention Dr. Evelyn F. Mascuņana, Chair, Silliman University, 6200 Dumaguete City.

  11.    Advertisement

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