iya plastic boss ba murag dili solid like branded chagers... bsta dili jud advisable gamit sa iya charger, miskan ang nagbaligya did2 giingnan ko nga mao daw na reklamo saila pirmi kay mubuto,
gituyo guro kay hapit na new year, libre pabuto
Asa ka nipalit sa imong unit @backstab?
SM/ RC goldline boss...
Thanks boss!
naa ba sila service center incase naa problem?
Just pray dli maguba gabaha reklamo ani na phone
Enjoying cloudfone thrill 430x =)
Impressive screen
Solid build
Good camera performance for a phone even in low light condition
Acceptable speed in stock (just need to use 3rd party apps plus task killer)
Superb external speaker and headset, thanks to its yamaha amplifier and acc loudspeaker
Acceptable wifi range and fast throughput
Charger unit not busted in several usage already (guess I have the newer batch already), and quality is comparable with myphone's and starmobile's (some people are complaining about the low quality body build of the charger, i find it not)
Acceptable gaming performance
Good HD movie viewing specially with its screen which is higher than IPS
Long battery life (never worries me in traveling or places where i cannot reach out for the outlet, lol)
Going for the Innos9 firmware update for more improvement plus speed? Nah, not yet, Im still happy with the original/stock firmware.
Lots of complains as I observed in the net; Quite amusing, I experienced the other way around with the phone and gives me more time to shell out Android's beauty![]()
weaker jud iyang 3G performance bai... compared to my old galaxy y duos... i used to get 600kBps (not kbps) download speed tethered to my tablet and/or laptop while in my bedroom... now i can barely load facebook while tethering the same Globe unli data plan on the 430x...
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