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  1. #81
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    wala boss, i know this would be useless, si boss esoy gani wa man maaprove iyaha,kuti kuno kaayo gipangayo requirements sa owwa.

  2. #82

    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    dahhhh..magpautang rasad sila sa mga ofw nga dagko pod ug sahod daghan kayna requirements..ako ni abroad ka avail ko sa owwa pero yearly naa judna silay vacation galore sa member sa owwa..ako member ko pero ambot why wala ko adto2x kada naay events.....

  3. #83
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    still an ofw now princess??

  4. #84

    Default Teach them how to produce fish and they eat for a lifetime

    I hope that someone is able to reach out to President Aquino and tell him there is a better way, rather than just giving fish, we can teach how to produce fish (and vegetables as bonus). Learning how to produce fish(and vegetables) for a lifetime of sustenance. The billions of Php investments will be more than worth it.

  5. #85

    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    yes dear i have done many projects in Agricultural Department..............i can help in this.

  6. #86

    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    Quote Originally Posted by windsong View Post
    Its already impossible to demand efficiency for the government what we really need is a Revolution and a Clean slate "Tabularasa" to replace all government/politician so that we can start anew problem is majority of the people likes to vote Politicians bcoz they like the Superficial Value of these actors and pres.Noynoy hmmmmmmmmm well i rather pick GMA at least she elevated our GDP nows Noynoys term our GDP is slowly decreasing
    I was waiting for someone to take the issue towards "renewal". However, I take a slightly different approach. It will be an "intellectual revolution". It really doesn't matter who is the president is and all those politicians- they are our PUBLIC SERVANTS. PNOY has already mentioned that over and over and over again. Unfortunately the "BOSS" that we are cannot manage the "PUBLIC SERVANTS".

    Hence to achieve "renewal-intellectual revolution" there are some elements needed and realize the following:

    a. We are the BOSS, we are the GOVERNMENT, Politicians are our Servants. If our Government is inefficient, corrupt etc., it is because we let it be. Anyone who maligns the government is actually telling others how "diputs" he is.

    b. We have to ask what we can do for our country and what our country can do for us. If we cannot do that then we cannot be the boss of this country. Very many are worried that they have to work for their country, there is no need to do that, you are the boss, we have public servants, we use them or fire them. But we have to be fair and just.

    c. As Boss we have to set clear goals for our politicians, tell them what we want and expect not take what they give us and all the excuses. If they cannot serve as public servants, they have no business staying there. The problem with the BOSS is they do not know what they want so the employees/public servants continue to serve us "TIHS". For many are happy and the rest continue to make "bagulbol" on mediocre performance.

    d. As Boss we have to be united and organized or else our "employees" will make us look ridiculous. Our "public servants" whatever they are doing, is a result of what our deficiency as BOSS. The failure of our country is our failure because we let it be.

    e. We have to learn to work smart not hard, the tools are infront of you, we are the boss and real bosses really doesn't need to work. They are clever and smart so their employees do not cheat them. Their employees do not outsmart them.

    So it really doesn't matter who will be the president or the politicians and their cohorts, as long as we are divided and indifferent and ill-principled and without moral values, our employees - our public servants will take advantage of our ignorance.

  7. #87

    Default Opportunities will not wait for us..while we are sleeping

    Seafood Giant Sees $5bn Revenue in 2015 Via Growth

    How can Thailand forecast to export 5 Billion USD in seafood while we are sleeping… Exporting OFW’s…

    RM2 Billion Lobster Farm for Sabah

    Malaysia setting up so 2 Billion RM lobster farm…while we are sleeping…

    Letting above opportunities “sleep-away”, know what they “enemy” is doing, we don’t have to let it “sleep-away” so much opportunity for prosperity and growth if we are united. We already have all what we need provided, we just have to unite for what we want.. There is more than enough for everyone, no need for greed or hunger or violence, we just need to organize and unit. We can beat our neighbors(countries – Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma) and be far better than far better than Singapore.

    OFW's(FRIENDS AND RELATIVES) UNITE AS ONE !!!! Together we can beat the hell out of them(our friendly neighbors)

  8. #88

    Default Storm or no Storm - Business as Usual by God's grace

    Storm-Affected Fishermen Receive Fingerlings

    Aquaponics – an alternative solution to food production process and can address storm related disasters, such that damage on food supply can be reduced or minimized, or really protected. In the US the production facility is inside a warehouse – thus, extreme heat or cold (except perhaps tornadoes and hurricane) it would be business as usual. We are very very fortunate and blessed that we don’t have the kind of issues they have in the US, we should be very grateful and use this to our advantage. Many things in our lives we take for granted but the grace and blessings we think are quite ordinary and common place are often forgotten. We have a truly rich country.

    OFW's in the middle east, get the chance to introduce this technology to your sponsors and tell them that the middle east can be truly self-sustainable. No need to depend on other countries to provide and import their food. This is the time to set up the systems so they can start while they producing while they still have the oil to spend on all those glamourous things but will not help them when famine or war comes.

    Philippine Aquaponics | Facebook
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  9. #89

    Default Be in control of your health, your future -

    Researchers Find Evidence of Banned Antibiotics

    I do hope this is not happening to our food products in the Philippines. I hope that our BFAD are doing their part to protect us. The wise learn from the others, the fool learns from himself. For me, let us not make ourselves as the fool being used by “wise” to learn from the consequence of what “wise” will do to others before the “wise” does it to himself.

    Scary indeed to know what goes into our food and all the consequences it would bring-allergies, etc., (benefits those in the health care industry). If these can happen in the US what more to us in the Philippines, so help us God.

    OFW's, friends and relatives, be in control of your health, your future and your childrens' future. We have to manage our country smartly, we have to be the boss and not let our public servants do what they wish to do. Their incompetence will drag us down to oblivion. We have to organize and unite as one so we can set goals for the benefit of the many and not for the few chosen people. We can be far better than Singapore as long as we take control of our country. We have to manage our resources, people and those who are to this day being exploited and abused. OFW's are one of them - maids, helpers and underpriveldge. We can do a lot for our country and still have jobs. There is no need for greed or hunger or violence because our country is a very rich country.

  10. #90

    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    Remittance Is Not the Enemy, Economic Reintegration of Returning OFWs Is | The OFW Microinvestor

    A write up on creating an OFW Bank - OFW's friends and relatives, if we don't help each other no one will...

  11.    Advertisement

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