Originally Posted by
Doc, I have a question. Why do others don't value the privacy of an individual? Are they retarded? Thanks and thumbs up for this nice thread.
Thanks for the thumbs up.
Ahh...Privacy, I admit I am guilty of spying on my kids.
I read their messages, scan internet history files, follow their facebook account wall posts etc.
But I do it to know whats going on in their mind.
If its bad, that's the only bad thing I could do.
But I do it for the good of my kid.
But usually, i don't get complains, except for the kid who is doing suspicious things and those who got secret boyfriends.
As a parent you should be wary all the time.
Some parents give their kids privacy and failed to notice the marijuana sticks on their kids wallet.
Or they failed to notice the history files..they don't know that their kid have seen all the porn sites in the net.
How old are you?
Too much privacy is dangerous to the young kids.
In the U.S. kids are not allowed to open a social network account without the permission of their parents.
This is because kids are easy prey to pedophiles and other s.e.x offenders.
If your parents invade your privacy,
they are just doing their duty--to guard you and protect you from outside dangers.
If they are wrong, they are wrong for the right reasons.
But if you mean your trouble with some istoryans, I cant comment on that.
I have enough trouble on my back.
Can somebody remove the target painted on my back, please?