Sad, but true its the only warship we have. BRP Rajah Humabon, Its old and the only warship we have on our arsenal whose on call in the Spratly Islands now. Just recently our Navy just purchased 378-foot Hamilton-class cutter which will be named BRP Gregorio del Pilar that will start on its 3 week long journey from the US to the Philippines. As soon as it arrives it will replace Humabon on its 1st call of duty to safeguard our interest in the Spratlys. A billion thanks to our president of showing a strong stand on our claims and its interest on upgrading our Armed Forces. This acquisition cost our government P450M. If our current president was able to find allocation to upgrade our Armed Forces why cant other presidents do this. During Gloria "Makapakal" Arroyo offices under her reign was able to wallet billions of Armed Forces budget as their personal bank accounts. Buying expensive houses & condos units abroad, traveling all through out the world, luxury cars, sending their children abroad with government money.
This link will help us view how this new ship looks like.
378-foot Hamilton-class cutter - Hanapin sa Google