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  1. #81

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Sad, but true its the only warship we have. BRP Rajah Humabon, Its old and the only warship we have on our arsenal whose on call in the Spratly Islands now. Just recently our Navy just purchased 378-foot Hamilton-class cutter which will be named BRP Gregorio del Pilar that will start on its 3 week long journey from the US to the Philippines. As soon as it arrives it will replace Humabon on its 1st call of duty to safeguard our interest in the Spratlys. A billion thanks to our president of showing a strong stand on our claims and its interest on upgrading our Armed Forces. This acquisition cost our government P450M. If our current president was able to find allocation to upgrade our Armed Forces why cant other presidents do this. During Gloria "Makapakal" Arroyo offices under her reign was able to wallet billions of Armed Forces budget as their personal bank accounts. Buying expensive houses & condos units abroad, traveling all through out the world, luxury cars, sending their children abroad with government money.

    This link will help us view how this new ship looks like.

    378-foot Hamilton-class cutter - Hanapin sa Google

  2. #82
    Elite Member
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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Nus-a pa kaha ta maka aircraft carrier or sub noh??

    But anyway, it's something to look forward to..

  3. #83

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Quote Originally Posted by bofox44 View Post
    Nus-a pa kaha ta maka aircraft carrier or sub noh??

    But anyway, it's something to look forward to..
    dia ra bro....

    Navy Future Acquisitions

    The Philippine Navy, together with the entire armed forces as a whole, is embarking on a modernization and upgrade program under the Capability Upgrade Program (CUP). This is in line with the Philippine Navy Strategic Sail Plan 2020.

    [edit] Ocean-going Escort Vessel / Hamilton Class Vessel

    The Philippine Navy announced the acquisition of an ex-US Coast Guard Hamilton Class High-endurance cutters, and expected it to be ready for active deployment by the middle of 2011. [10][11] The first ship acquired, out of ( planned, was the USCGC Hamilton (WHEC-715)[12], renamed BRP Gregorio del Pilar was officially turned-over to the Philippine Navy on 13 May 2011 with a simple ceremony at Alameda Point. Since then, It has been subjected to refits and modifications while still in the US mainland to replace systems removed by the USCG. Doing so will make the vessel ready for its trans Pacific Crossing to its new home port in the Philippines by 2nd half of 2011.[13]

    It was confirmed that Philippine Navy will be acquiring a possible total of eight ( Hamilton Class cutters over the course of the next 5 years as part of the Philippine-United States military cooperation. These ships will most likely be assigned to the waters west of the Philippine archipelago to address heightened concerns in that area caused by territorial incursions of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy. [14]

    [edit] Additional Cyclone class patrol vessels

    It was announced on July 2011 that the Philippine government is looking for acquisition of additional Cyclone class patrol vessels, similar to its own BRP Mariano Alvarez (PS-3.[15]

    [edit] Multi-purpose Attack Crafts (MPAC)

    The Philippine Navy received three (3) Philippine-designed, Taiwanese-built[16] Multi-purpose Attack Crafts (MPAC), which is similar to the Swedish Combat Boat 90. These were presented during the 111th Navy Anniversary last May 2009.[17]

    The boats are around 15 meters in length and are equipped with water jet system. It has a maximum speed of 40 knots (74 km/h) and could reach around 300 nautical miles (560 km) while traveling on a transit speed of 30 knots (56 km/h). It is made of welded aluminum and can carry 16 fully-equipped soldiers and 4 crew members or a payload of 2 tons. The ships are armed with one 50-caliber machine gun and two 7.62mm machine guns.[18]

    At least 9 more units are reportedly being expected for delivery in the near future, with the bidding for the 2nd lot of 3 units already done.Expected delivery is 2nd half of 2011.[19]

    The Philippine president said more MPAC to be acquired in the future.

    [edit] Additional Patrol Killer Medium

    The Philippine Navy recently commissioned an upgraded Patrol Killer Medium (PKM) patrol craft previously transferred from South Korea. BRP Emilio Liwanag (PG-11 was presented during the 112th Navy Anniversary rites.[20]

    [edit] Amphibious Transport Dock (Multi-role Vessel)

    The Department of Defense is reportedly rushing the acquisition of one or two multi-role vessels for the Philippine Navy through government-to-government contract at a cost of 5 to 10 billion pesos. Initially the reported source of the said ships are either South Korea or Singapore.[21] Previous statements and news reports point out that the Multi-role Vessels are comparable to Landing Platform Docks operated by foreign navies like the Singaporean Endurance Class or the Spanish Galicia Class.[22] It was confirmed later on that the ship would be from South Korea [23] and is a variant of the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) Makassar class LPD, and is packaged with four (4) units Samsung Techwin KAAV-7 Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAV), two (2) units Landing Craft Utility LCU-23M, four (4) units 9.8 meter Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boats, one (1) unit truck-based Mobile Hospital, two (2) units Kia KM-250 2 1/2 ton troop trucks, two (2) units Kia KM-450 1 1/4 ton troop trucks, two (2) units Kia KM-450 Ambulance, two (2) units Kia Retona 1/4 ton utility vehicles, and one (1) unit forklift/cargo handling equipment.[24]

    On May 2011, reports surfaced on the possible acquisition of three (3) landing platform docks from Indonesian shipbuilder PT PAL. This would be of indigenous design and will have no resemblance to the previously constructed model for the Indonesian Navy, the Makassar class, which was of South Korean origin.[25] This would represent another option as South Korea has been reportedly pushing for the sale of at least one (1) platform based on, incidentally, the Indonesian Navy Makassar class.

    [edit] Landing Craft Utility (LCU)

    The construction of (2) units of Landing Craft Utility (LCU) was awarded on March 2010[26] and is expected to enter service by 2011.[27]

    [edit] Offshore Patrol Vessel

    Media reports of the Philippine Navy's plan to purchase three (3) Offshore Patrol Vessels was made, although there were no details available regarding their specifications.[28] However, only two (2) units were listed as part of the priority items in the list for purchase between 2012 to 2016 presented by the armed forces to the House of Representatives’ committee on national defense and security last 26 January 2011.[29][30]

    [edit] Strategic Sealift Vessel

    A proposal to acquire a Strategic Sealift Vessel, which is a converted Ro-Ro (Roll On - Roll Off) vessel from Japan was recommended by the Center of Naval Leadership & Excellence as of 2009. Purchase and technical assistance will be provided by the DBP Maritime Leasing Corporation Inc. (DMLC).[31] It is one of the priority items in the wish list for purchase between 2012 to 2016 presented by the armed forces to the House of Representatives’ committee on national defense and security last 26 January 2011.[32][33]

    [edit] Anti-Submarine Corvettes

    It was reported that the Philippine Navy is in the market for four (4) anti-submarine corvettes, each weighing at around 2,000 tonnes.[34]

    [edit] Submarine

    Reports as of May 2011 indicate that the Philippine Navy is eyeing the purchase of it's first submarine not later than 2020, although no further details were provided.[35][36]

    Philippine Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  4. #84

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    By the way , unsay meaning sa BRP ?

    When we had the CARAT CRUISE in 98 and 02 to participate in the CARAT EXCERCISE in Subic and the COBRA GOLD in Thailand , the best gyud ang pakals ato hehehehe . Swapan namo ug steak and lobster ang utan bisaya ug buwad nila .
    barko ng republika ng pilipinas man ngali

  5. #85

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    barko ng republika ng pilipinas man ngali
    sakto ka bro.

    "BRP" (Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas or Bapor ng Republika ng Pilipinas; in English, "Ship of the Republic of the Philippines.")

  6. #86
    Elite Member
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    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Mas nice tingali kung "SRP" or "RPS". Bisdak kaayo ang Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas gud, IMO..

  7. #87

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Quote Originally Posted by ad_dur View Post
    Sad, but true its the only warship we have. BRP Rajah Humabon, Its old and the only warship we have on our arsenal whose on call in the Spratly Islands now. Just recently our Navy just purchased 378-foot Hamilton-class cutter which will be named BRP Gregorio del Pilar that will start on its 3 week long journey from the US to the Philippines. As soon as it arrives it will replace Humabon on its 1st call of duty to safeguard our interest in the Spratlys. A billion thanks to our president of showing a strong stand on our claims and its interest on upgrading our Armed Forces. This acquisition cost our government P450M. If our current president was able to find allocation to upgrade our Armed Forces why cant other presidents do this. During Gloria "Makapakal" Arroyo offices under her reign was able to wallet billions of Armed Forces budget as their personal bank accounts. Buying expensive houses & condos units abroad, traveling all through out the world, luxury cars, sending their children abroad with government money.

    This link will help us view how this new ship looks like.

    378-foot Hamilton-class cutter - Hanapin sa Google

    how sure are you who's admin was the boat procured?

    FYI lng. almost all military procurement was done by mrs arroyo. the ship? her time. the 8 brand new choppers on its way? her time. the brand new tenix coast guard ships(56 and 35 meter ships)? also during her time. the APC's from turkey? also from her time... and a lot more.. sorry for the dis appointment there.

    what did current admin bought? envy. tsk tsk tsk.
    Last edited by elvandesantos; 07-19-2011 at 08:02 PM.

  8. #88
    Elite Member
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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    If you mean about the Sokols, they were already canceled for quite some time now..

  9. #89

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Quote Originally Posted by bofox44 View Post
    If you mean about the Sokols, they were already canceled for quite some time now..
    let me check other links. the halt was for the AH not for the CUH.

    Invitation for Bids: 7 Attack Helos, Brand New

    or this

    Combat Utility Helicopter procurement

    the cancellation of the said choppers was mixed up by media... AH and CUH are totally different. nag tuo sila they are purchased under 1 roof.

    arrival is delayed. but re scheduled to arrived q4 this year.

  10. #90

    Default Re: Philippine Navy or Philippine Fleet Ships

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadstring67 View Post
    sakto ka bro.

    "BRP" (Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas or Bapor ng Republika ng Pilipinas; in English, "Ship of the Republic of the Philippines.")
    it is Bapor ng Republika ng Pilipinas...

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