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  1. #871

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shugi View Post
    Eh kung mangayu nalang ko ug kapasayluan sa akong mga nabuhat? Naa ko faith pero nakabuhat ko balik balik ug mga sukwahi sa balaod sa Ginoo, niya mangayo nalang gud ug pasaylo, dili jud gihapun maluwas?
    the least we can do bro is to keep trying, and avoid situations where we will be tempted,and eventually sin..
    prehas ra na sa bana nga nakasala bro, mangayo ug pasaylo sa asawa,gipasaylo..nagpasalamat sa iyang asawa..
    ug naninguha siya nga di najud masayop kay iya gi value nag forgiveness nga iyang nadawat..
    and do not take comfort in the saying nga nobody is perfect..'cause that is not entirely true...
    'cause you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God..Psalm 139:14..
    our imperfection is just an invitation for us to trust God Jesus said, His strength is made perfect on our weaknesses-2Corinthians12:9..and lastly, nothing is impossible with God-Luke 1:37...

    so any negative thoughts about not being able to make it comes from the enemy..
    but again the choice is yours bro..

    i was hooked in to drugs,alcohol and a whole lot of crazy stuff..i tried to change and stop by my own means a thousand times na guro..but failed a thousand times as was only when Jesus found me and when i opened my heart to Him as my only savior i was set free from the bondage of doesnt mean that i am perfect in that aspect..'cause i still have the urge, but much3x lesser this time..Jesus saved me, but i need to take care of that salvation..and that;s my part..God already did His part..He sent Jesus.

  2. #872
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    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    i could say both..interpretation from a bible verse..

    not all sufferings are caused by sin, by wrong's just simply an invitation for an increase of let God be God in the midst of the blind man in the bible, he could have chosen to refuse Jesus from healing him 'cause he could have drowned himself in self pitty..he could have gave up and killed himself the day before he met Jesus which would have been too late for him to be healed.but he didn't instead the blind person accepted Jesus' healing...blessed are those who wait,and other translation for wating is to have faith...the blind person couldn't possibly do any physical good works..or he could but just enough for himself.the only good work that is visible in this man is that he had the heart to wait, because of the faith in him.

    we could use this as an illustration, when we are born we are blind spiritually because of sin, but with true knowledge and prayer, asking for his guidance(a blindman need someone to guide his path) he will heal us from our blindness (spiritually) kung parehas ta sa blind man sa text nga niduol jud and searching for the truth.

    also one of the fruitage of spirit... faith. Gal. 5:22,23 and even the apostles ask for more faith. Luke 17:5
    Last edited by King; 06-25-2012 at 07:53 PM.

  3. #873

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaBelleza View Post

    Unfortunately for u, u just encountered bad people who are some of those who ignore the proper teachings of the holy Qur'an. Islam condones killing so there is no place for someone who kills in heaven and the promise of virgins is a myth. Islam is the most misunderstood religion. We believe that Islam is perfect, however the followers are not. I'm not the perfect Muslim at times. I do the best I can tho. I don't drink, smoke, swear, eat bad food, go out to clubs...I respect people, love my parents, love my husbad...I pray at least 5 times a day, however sometimes not on time..

    So back to those people u met..until they change their dishonest ways, they will continue to have bad deeds written in their books. Honesty is an important attribute of the Muslim character. Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:

    “Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. In addition, a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person. Falsehood leads to wickedness and evil-doing, and wickedness leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before God, as a liar”. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

    *swt means: subhanahu wa ta'ala (Glorified and Exalted be He)
    *saw means: salallahu alayhi wasalam (peace and blessings be upon him)

    i agree with you sis, you have bad muslims as much as we have bad christians..
    best thing to do is to pray for them.

  4. #874
    C.I.A. LaBelleza's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?


  5. #875

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shugi View Post
    Eh kung mangayu nalang ko ug kapasayluan sa akong mga nabuhat? Naa ko faith pero nakabuhat ko balik balik ug mga sukwahi sa balaod sa Ginoo, niya mangayo nalang gud ug pasaylo, dili jud gihapun maluwas?
    Ang imung Gipangayuan ug pasaylo maoy nakahibalo if napasaylo na ba ka or wala. Ug siya ra sad makahibalo if maluwas na ba ka or wala.

  6. #876

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    i could say both..interpretation from a bible verse..

    1 Samuel 16:7
    But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

    and also try reading the book of John chapter 9
    where Jesus healed a blind man since birth,Jesus' disciples asked Him if who sinned?the blind person himself? or his parents..asssuming that his condition was a result of sin..Jesus answered neither..Jesus said the reason is so that the glory
    of God may be displayed through him..having read the verse and also according the verse in the book of samuel i posted above...
    not all sufferings are caused by sin, by wrong's just simply an invitation for an increase of let God be God in the midst of the blind man in the bible, he could have chosen to refuse Jesus from healing him 'cause he could have drowned himself in self pitty..he could have gave up and killed himself the day before he met Jesus which would have been too late for him to be healed.but he didn't instead the blind person accepted Jesus' healing...blessed are those who wait,and other translation for wating is to have faith...the blind person couldn't possibly do any physical good works..or he could but just enough for himself.the only good work that is visible in this man is that he had the heart to wait, because of the faith in him.
    You said from ur previous post: "a person who has physical incapabilities but has a good heart and strong faith can bless and inspire others, this somehow describes faith in action..walking the talk(though not physically)."
    -wala ko kabasa sa verse nga naay nag indicate that having Faith = Physical action.

  7. #877

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by King View Post
    we could use this as an illustration, when we are born we are blind spiritually because of sin, but with true knowledge and prayer, asking for his guidance(a blindman need someone to guide his path) he will heal us from our blindness (spiritually) kung parehas ta sa blind man sa text nga niduol jud and searching for the truth.

    also one of the fruitage of spirit... faith. Gal. 5:22,23 and even the apostles ask for more faith. Luke 17:5
    Am I correct that what you post indicate that a person is saved because of his Faith and Not by amount of good works he performed?

  8. #878

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post
    .. ha ?? " Cya Ra MakaHIbalo If Maluwas Na Ba Ka or Wala " ... kuwaya gud ana. mura man ang imong g.ask ug sorry na tao kay ginoo... klaroha daw na diha
    murag ang Ginoo jud iyang pasabot bro..hehehe

  9. #879

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    mao nay gi ingon, nasa diyos ang awa nasa tao ang gawa

  10. #880

    Default Re: Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post
    .. kanang mag ingon na FAITH CAN SAVE US... mura na cya ug si Juan Tamad, tapulan, gadako lang hunahuna na maluwas... ang angay na e.judge kay dili ang faith, kung unsa imong nabuhat sa imong isig ka tao...

    .. tan-awa ra gud nang mga Pari diha; grabi kuno ilang "faith" pero tan-awa unsay gipang buhat ana sa ngitngit..
    relax lang bro, might wanna try checking the earlier posts kay naa didto daghan discussions related sa imu gi post and about sa mga pari, ilaha pud na..and besides not all priest are doing the dirty deeds..same as not all people who are doing good deeds are doing it as an act of faith...
    others might be doing it to serve their personal intentions, others might doing it out of onw really knows...except for the one who sees he heart..and that's neither of us
    i hope you will not judge bro, malangit man cla or dili..fake man cla or dili...
    we will never know what's inside their hearts ..only God knows, and only God can judge them pud..goodworks without faith might turn to business..hehehe...pareha sa uban nga charitable works nga na korakot na...goodworks are merely the result for having the faith...
    faith without action is a dead faith...

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