my lab was prescibed with hypoallergenic diet by her vet. can i give her chicken neck and saw dust?
my lab was prescibed with hypoallergenic diet by her vet. can i give her chicken neck and saw dust?
take out the part nga nag green that is already a clear example that bacteria has taken over.
when preparing food either for your dog or yourself try to smell everything.
if it smells funky common sense will guide you.
that is why i rarely prepare sawdust now only in special occasions.
lets face it no doubt sawdust is better but between you and the dog i put myself first.
a few reasons why i dont make sawdust that often:
1. supply and cost. i kid you not. no thanks to the other guys including myself hehehe suggesting sawdust for their dogs the demand for it increases and supply is not that regular anymore. have you noticed the price of sawdust today!?
2. raw material. lets face it even though your sawdust comes from rustans. there will come a time that they will give you something that smells like a dead rat. the sawdust was left in the floor and made rancid. and frozen later that day. and it's the butchers fault. not to mention the countless debris i have to scoop out from plastic wrappers, pebbles and the most bizarre thing i found a staple!
3. preparing it. even a single part of rotting green meat that you havnt noticed and removed and failed to cook and store properley you will ruin the whole batch and if you have finicky eaters they will not eat it. that is 300 to 500 pesos worth of dog food down the drain. takes time and money nuff said.
4. storing. unless you have a freezer big enough to store your sawdust your in luck. before whenever there is sawdust available in the grocery i horde it. you will never know when you have a chance to get it again.
panicking that you dont have food for your dogs because you forget to buy enough and driving from fooda. sm. rustans ayala. metro ayala. robinsons. makro and found out that their all sold out because some idiot bought it all!
Last edited by tonioyantao; 06-17-2010 at 12:13 AM.
don't really know what she is allergic to. the vet aleady did a skin smear on her twice and ruled out mites.
then they concluded that it was just dog food allergy and prescribed her a hypoallergenic diet.
been wondering myself if its really allergy or just because of the hot weather that she scratches a lot
im currently using optima performance and puppy..
cheaper than beef pro , better than beef pro..
@po-po - continue with what you are feeding lang sa bro then gradually change to raw food if your dog is feeling well.
I'd recommend chicken back/neck ...take out the skin lang and boil it for 3 min with 3-4 calamansi. This idea was shared to me by Nena president of IRO...there's a thread in here somewhere about barf.
hmmm. the easiest thing to know is what are you feeding your dog before it started on that hypoallergenic diet.
if it's dog food check on the ingredients list. look at the main ingredients. if it contains chicken, corn, gluten, egg byproduct. these are the usual culprits on dogs getting allergic reactions. then those are the things you will try to avoid.
if not try making a little batch and observe for a few days, if nothing happens then good, if the dog show signs of a reaction then stop.
nagchange og dogfud karn from befpro to nutripro..ngw8 ko pra sa shipment sa big red pa gud..
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