@G U E R R I L L A S, i'm just able to see beyond the fog. All purely based on truth and facts, and no matter how much they try to conceal it, the truth shall rise up from the smoke. But be forwarned. The masters of this world will set upon us and the believers to crush us and each other. Divide us by language and specially by religion... connect the dots. Tower of Babel anyone? But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Now before I go off topic. My thoughts about the art. Art is not for everyone. It is in the eye of the beholder. To some the great Picasso's work may be akin to a child's scribblings, but to others it is art in all it's splendor. This goes the same for the work of art mentioned here, the artist has his own vision and people relate to it but not everyone or perhaps he is just showing his own suffering in the hands of real evil hidden among us. Look deeply and see different things. Just like rock music is art to some people but noise to others. Perhaps the artist here tries to depict what he sees in this religion. The great Da Vinci used to hide secret code in his art without the knowledge of the vatican for fear of being lashed out by it's hidden thorns. People who defied the rules of the church were condemned to death in the past. Condemned to death? For what? For saying that our planet is round? Or by saying that the earth is not at the center instead it revolves around the sun? Remember the inquisition? The templars? There are others as well, too long to mention... Humans... open your eyes.