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No dude you're completely wrong. The British settled on the Falkland Isles long before Argentina even existed as a state and way before oil exploration was dreamed up. The British retook the islands because it was their duty to do so. The population requested rescue and that place was a British overseas territory same as Bermuda, The Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena & Gibraltar.
Argentina's claim to The Falklands is based on it being 4-500 miles from their coast. Well, too bad for them the Brits got there first. The population have been asked time and again about what they wish for the future and the answer is always the same.... British protection. By the way any oil that may be discovered in that area (nothing significant yet) belongs to the Falkland Islanders themselves and not the UK government.
That's from an article in Wikipedia that was recently edited running in 3-4 months exactly the same time the Falkland issue came up again. As for me I've lost trust in just about anything being put up in the Internet that points to a known active political issue. Misinformation and Propaganda goes hand in hand.
If that's true then its the same situation of the PH claiming the spratly's by basis of them being closer to the PH then..