The Pearl Gourami has accumulated several common names, Leeri Gourami, Lace Gourami, Diamond Gourami, Platinum Gourami, Mosaic Gourami, to mention a few, but they are all the same fish, trichogaster leeri. They are one of the most colourful of the Gourami family, and also one of the hardiest, making them an ideal fish for novices at fish keeping.
They are a peaceful community fish; however, if you are keeping more than one male in the tank, they may fight with each other, especially at breeding time. They originate from Asia, Thailand, and Indonesia, living to an average lifespan of 5 years, but some have been reported to live for 8 years in captivity.
Feeding is not a problem with these; they will accept flake foods, granules, almost everything that is offered. Their colouration is a brownish/silver with a wonderful spotted lace pattern running from head to tail. A black line runs midway along the body; this then ends with a well defined dark spot near the tail. In the wild they would normally live in the slightly acidic swamp regions which are full of vegetation, but they do adapt to harder water in the aquarium. They are, like all Gourami, a labyrinth fish so a large surface area is recommended for the tank. They will spend most of their time middle to top of the tank, and having a slightly upturned mouth, will surface feed. The males are more colourful than the females, displaying an orange coloration on the throat and belly; this is more pronounced when ready to breed. The pearl Gourami can be kept singly, but if kept in pairs, they will display their full coloration.
Tank set up:-
In the wild the pearl Gourami lives in densely vegetated areas, trying to match these conditions in your aquarium will certainly benefit the life of your Gourami. If keeping a pair of these fish a tank of at least 12 UK gallons should be used. A larger tank would me more beneficial, giving them a lot more swimming space. As these are middle to top dwellers the substrate can be sand or gravel, choosing a darker substrate will contrast more against the striking colours of the fish, so this would be my choice. Plenty of plants should be added whether they are real or artificial is purely the keeper’s choice. These fish do not like bright lighting, toning it down for a more subdued effect is ideal, try to add some floating plants as well, Gourami build bubble nests for breeding so the plants will aid them in that. Make sure that the fish can still get to the water surface, they are labyrinth fish, a gulp of air is essential every now and again. The temperature should be set anywhere between 22-28°C (72-82°F), and the pH should be approx. 6.5-8.0.
A clean tank is essential, as with all tropical fish, bad tank maintenance can bring on fish diseases, so a good filtration system is vital; back this up with regular water changes.
Dietary needs:-
Pearl Gourami will accept any form of flake or pellet food offered. Two or three times per week live or frozen foods should be offered, bloodworm or brine shrimp are an excellent choice. With patience the fish will start to accept some foods by hand.