Originally Posted by
[list][*]Where is the data? What are the specific sources of your data so we can examine it? You gave three general sources, but no actual documents, so how do we know you aren't comparing apples to oranges? You could be hiding any number of errors by NOT providing the data and sources. This alone totally negates any value of your graphs,
ARE YOU BLIND? the data came from nscb.gov in the form of tabulations. i even provided some footnotes:
Source: Basic data come from the 1997, 2000 and 2003 FIES of the NSO.
Note: The values were computed using a Stata do-file for computing FGT measures. Except for the weights, the sampling design was not used to generate the values, in an attempt to facilitate comparability of the figures.
if u want to see the tables, here is the link:
NSCB - Statistically Speaking... The Poor Have Bigger Families: A Matter of Choice or Circumstance? by Dr. Romulo A. Virola

Originally Posted by
[*]Did you make these graphs? What software did you use to create the graphs? Or did you ask someone to do it for you? or did you just pluck it off some other website without the data?
i made the graphs based on the tabulations i mentioned above in simple and ordinary Excel file. then i uploaded them on a photo server so that i can post it here. you can even make your own graphs based on the tabulated data too!

Originally Posted by
[*]How do you define poverty gap (which is the Y axis of your graph)?
just follow the link i posted above. it's there. i think it uses Poverty Gap Index from The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) measure.

Originally Posted by
[*]More importantly, what is your definition of a significant correlation? Zero, of course, means absolutely no correlation, which is a theoretical value.and doesn't happen often int he real world.
Your post is some of the most unbelievably SLOPPIEST RESEARCH I have ever encountered. Unless you can provide what's missing it proves NOTHING.
hahaha. now u talk as if u r better than our National Statistics Office. that's totally absurd of u!
of course, zero means no correlation.
YOUR NTH LIE: there is no correlation between family size and poverty. COUNTERFACT: there is. and i have just shown you.
YOUR 2ND NTH LIE: Zero correlation doesn't happen often in the real world. COUNTERFACT: it does. and it doesn't even need explaining.
NOT ONLY DO U BLATANTLY LIE here, u girls also lied in the streets by deceiving innocent students! ur group also lied by false claims about the condom!
@wakkanaka: take note on that...