Originally Posted by
just because 2 sides don't agree means the issue is undecided...which authority says that it is undecided?
Well then who are you to say it has been decided?
If there is any conclusive evidence, it does not point to these contraceptives NOT being abortifacint. Can you prove they can never be abortifceint? Of course not! That is why it is still controversial. So the best you can do is say it is unresolved.
There is so much evbidence that says these contraceptives can cause abortion. So if you cannot prove for sure that these can never be causing abortion, you have to play it safe. What is so hard to undertsand about that?
You are beiog so fanatic about your RH thing. Grabe. That isn't logical anymore.
now whether you talk about 2 sides that doesn't agree about the definition of conception and whether contraceptives are abortifacient or not, the authority we should look into is W.H.O., US FDA, and our BFAD.
The BFAD did not make decision on that at all. They still have to determine the facts. But you are just being blind to it and being fanatic. You refuse to look at the evidences that say what you dont agree with.
There are many other authorities who disagree. Why should you choose which ones we should follow? The issue is still unsure at the most. You have no proof. But I think the proofs given that show these contraceptives are abortifacent are very strong. So why should I go with you?
Besides, I think some have already pointed out that the WHO and FDA use the definition that life begins at implantation. But is not the definition usind in the Phil. Consti. We define life as beginning at fertilization. Or as @mannyamador shpowed, they assumed that. So that is the assumption of the Phil. Consti. And that is what we should follow. If we follow the Consti, then your authorites are wrong and those contraceptives are capable of causing abortion.
The Consti is still higher than the WHO or FDA or BFAD, bro. Dont forget that.