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  1. #801

    serama is the most popular among other exotic bantam chicken,considered the smallest and lightiest bantam in the whole world and its very expensive fowl! believe it 470 euros for one serama times 68 pesos do the math! thats why american bantam club and UK bantam clubs have some constructive critics to malaysian serama breeder in as much as they monopolize the market value of their seramas!

  2. #802
    maayong adlaw mga bai..musta namo tanan....agi lang sa ko..hehehe

  3. #803

    general meeting on SUNDAY AFTERNOON @ CBCBAI OFFICE in INAYAGAN @ exactly 3:30pm

    this includes major discussions like: breeding and marketing. afterwards TOUR DE TANGKAL napud


    1. janroe
    2. mark

  4. #804
    Elite Member jdjd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    salamat kaua sa pag post sir janroe, palista ko bai..present jud ko ana,hehehe

  5. #805
    Elite Member jdjd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    maayong gabie bai barry, maau unta ug ma dala sa imu sched krn sunday puhon bai para mag ka tapok2x ta

  6. #806
    Elite Member jdjd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    gi copy lang naku sir janroe para makapalista ko


    general meeting on SUNDAY AFTERNOON @ CBCBAI OFFICE in INAYAGAN @ exactly 3:30pm

    this includes major discussions like: breeding and marketing. afterwards TOUR DE TANGKAL napud


    1. janroe
    2. mark
    3. jdjd

  7. #807
    Elite Member jdjd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jmpal View Post
    please check my rooster, am willing to lend it to your group para magamit ninyo... it came from the mountains of bohol given to me.. i don't know kung true blue ihalas ni... its bigger than the bantam.
    daghan kaayong salamat sa imung nindot nga offer sir, hope maka attend ka sa meeting krn sunday puhon sir para mag ka istorya2x ta unya maka tul2x pud mi sa imung manukan sir

  8. #808
    [quote=jdjd;7341499]gi copy lang naku sir janroe para makapalista ko


    general meeting on SUNDAY AFTERNOON @ CBCBAI OFFICE in INAYAGAN @ exactly 3:30pm

    this includes major discussions like: breeding and marketing. afterwards TOUR DE TANGKAL napud


    1. janroe
    2. mark
    3. jdjd
    4. san pedro

  9. #809

    general meeting on SUNDAY AFTERNOON @ CBCBAI OFFICE in INAYAGAN @ exactly 3:30pm

    this includes major discussions like: breeding and marketing. afterwards TOUR DE TANGKAL napud


    1. janroe
    2. mark
    3. jdjd
    4. san pedro
    5. barry (not sure kung maka attend..pero ako paningkamotan)

  10. #810
    mga bai..pwede ngayo ko usab exact address sa office..nya landmarks sab...thanx..

  11.    Advertisement

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