Use this tool to build a customized pspbtcnf.bin file for firmwares not supported by PSPBTEdit.
I designed this tool because I didn't have any way to load plugins in APP mode on 3.90m33-2... and Go! Messenger runs in APP mode.
As with most of my releases, the source is included. Thanks to Dark_AleX for information about the new pspbtcnf format; this wouldn't have been possible without that. (Well, maybe it would be... but it would've taken a little longer.)
Usage: btcnf <pspbtcnf file> -build | -extract -b | -e
-e | -extract: extract pspbtcnf file to pspbcnf.txt
-b | -build: build pspbtcnf file from pspbtcnf.txt
The pspbtcnf.txt file should be pretty straightforward; it's just a list of modules paired with a list of modes each module is loaded in.
Valid modes are VSH, Game, Updater, POPS, and App, abbreviated as V, G, U, P, and A. To make a module load in one of these modes, just add it to the list after the module name. They can be in any order, upper/lower case, doesn't matter.
Here are a few examples:
$/kd/hpremote_02g.prx VGUPA
$/kd/openpsid.prx VGPA
$/kd/usb.prx VGA
$/kd/ata.prx VGU
$/kd/umdcache.prx G
$/kd/mgr.prx VPA
$/kd/msaudio.prx V
$/kd/np9660.prx A
$/kd/vshbridge.prx VU