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  1. #791
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmicaeld View Post
    "theories", rather, "hypotheses", but are NOT SCIENTIFIC FACTS. so, who else aside from Dr. Ian Stevenson believe in this "reincarnation" as an exact science?
    Jeanie Dicus' Near-Death Experience
    Dr. P.M.H. Atwater's NDE Research

    Jeanie Dicus had a very interesting episode during her near-death experience concerning reincarnation. In 1974, Jeanie Dicus' heart went into fibrillation and she died. Her resulting near-death experience is documented in P.M.H. Atwater's excellent book, Beyond the Light, reprinted by permission. You will find Jeanie's experience to be truly unique. Besides reincarnation, her experience reveals more information concerning other concepts such as, the mechanics of the life review and why people cannot remember their life experiences before birth.
    I was floating above my body. I saw green shower caps. The people in the room all wore those stupid caps. There were five or six caps and they were panicky. Their fear was so thick I could feel it. I kept thinking, "Hey, I'm okay, don't worry," but they didn't get my message. This was a little frustrating.
    I found myself in the right-hand corner of the room. I lifted my arm and stretched. I had been immobile for so long. It felt like I had taken off a body girdle, and it was so delicious to get out of that cramped body. I felt a wonderful feeling wash over me - a sense of peace and power. I felt love and a sense of wonder as I realized that any question I could come up with would be answered.
    There was Jesus. I was stunned and said, "I don't believe in you."
    He smiled and said the etheric equivalent of "tough shit," here I am.
    Looking at his eyes, I asked, "You mean, you've been with me the whole time and I didn't know?" And his reply was:
    "Lo, I am with thee, always, even beyond the end of the world."
    Now, I wasn't into "lo" so I said, "Hey, man, this is the seventies and we don't say "lo." Come on."
    He kind of grinned, I guess I was amusing him, and he answered, "You want to be reincarnated?"
    "Hey, give me a break," I yelled (only I made no sound). "I just died. Don't I get a chance to rest?"
    "Take it easy, hold on, it's alright. You can change your mind at any time."
    I gasped, "I don't even believe in you and now you want me to reincarnate. Help!"
    Our conversation continued. He even asked me to kiss his feet. No way. I gave him a bear hug and kissed his cheek. I got the equivalent of a belly laugh. I was so happy with him that words were no longer necessary. We then communicated mind-to-mind.
    Suddenly I was aware God was coming. I came to know that I had needed a human-looking Christ to relate to so I wouldn't be scared. The light came and I was given a choice - I could remain trapped in Earth, seeing and hearing everything, but unable to help anyone, not even my daughter (I was told this was limbo), or I could stay with God. I chose God.
    The White Light in front of me was sort of like a white light bulb only it was so strong. I remember thinking my eyes, should be burning, but then I remembered that I didn't have any eyes to burn. God was love and love was light, and it was warm and it permeated every molecule of me. This was so delicious, I was crying with torrents of tears that didn't exist. It was so enormous. I was loved. I didn't feel irrelevant. I felt humble, awed, and amazed. For a long time after my near-death experience, I ended my prayers with, "You are soooooo big!" It was my way of expressing appreciation.
    Then I was instantly zapped to a domed room with square screens up and down the walls, on the ceiling - hundreds of television screens. On each screen was a home movie of one event in my life. The good, the bad, the secret, the ugly, the special. Everything was going on at once; nothing was chronological. All was silent. When you looked at one screen, you focused in, and you could hear what was there. Not only words, but your thoughts, your feelings, everything; and when you looked at the other people or animals, you could hear their thoughts, their feelings, too. And you made the connection between these and the events which ensued. You were filled with, not guilt, but a strong sense of responsibility.
    God said to me: "I gave you the precious gift of life. What did you do with this gift?"
    I answered in a puny, wimpish voice, "I'm only twenty-three. I didn't know I was supposed to do anything. I have a two-year-old daughter. I spend my time and energy on her."
    It wasn't a good answer, but it was the truth. I was the judge and I was satisfied. I guess that was what God wanted. But the next time this happens, I'm having a list ready.
    I now have a card on my fridge door that says, "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty."
    I asked a lot of questions, about sin, murder, and such, and I got a lot of answers. I was told that before we're born, we have to take an oath that we will pretend time and space are real so we can come here and advance our spirit. If you don't promise, you can't be born.

    "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." - ancient saying

  2. #792
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmicaeld View Post
    "theories", rather, "hypotheses", but are NOT SCIENTIFIC FACTS. so, who else aside from Dr. Ian Stevenson believe in this "reincarnation" as an exact science?
    Arthur Yensen's Near-Death Experience
    Arthur Yensen was another near-death experiencer who received knowledge of reincarnation. In August of 1932, Yensen, a university graduate, geologist, and staunch -materialist -turned -syndicated -cartoonist, decided to take some time off to research his weekly cartoon strip, "ADVENTUROUS WILLIE WISPO." Since his main character was a hobo, Yensen became a hobo for a time, blending in with the over sixteen million unemployed at that time in our nation's Great Depression. He bummed rides from Chicago through Minnesota, until a young man in a convertible coupe picked him up on the way to Winnipeg. Going too fast for the road conditions, the car hit a three-foot-high ridge of oiled gravel and flipped into a series of violent somersaults. Both men were catapulted through the cloth top before the car smashed into a ditch. The driver escaped unharmed, but Yensen was injured, losing consciousness just as two female spectators rushed to his aid. After seeing the afterlife during this near-death experience, he later learned that telling others about his NDE often brought criticism, especially from the church. But there were those who would listen and as time wore on, more and more people would ask him about it. Finally in 1955, Arthur Yensen published a report of his near-death experience after much public interest. His booklet entitled "I Saw Heaven" (now out-of-print, but a photocopy of the booklet is available for $5 from Eric Yensen, 1415 E. Oak St., Caldwell, Idaho 83605 or email describes his NDE and gives answers to questions he was always asked. On this web page I have some excerpts from his booklet. His NDE also appears in P.M.H. Atwater's book "Beyond the Light."

    I felt as if I were coming loose from my body! While I believed that my body was me, I knew instinctively that if I separated from it, I'd be dead! My soul and body started separating again and continued to separate until I felt a short, sharp pain in my heart, which felt as if something had been torn loose. Then slowly and softly I rose out through the top of my head.
    Gradually the Earth scene faded away, and up through it loomed a bright, new, beautiful world - beautiful beyond imagination! For half a minute I could see both worlds at once. The Earth fading away, and the other world looming up brighter, and brighter, and still brighter! Finally when the Earth was all gone, I stood in a glory that could only be heaven.
    In the background were two beautiful mountains similar to Fujiyama of Japan. The tops were snow-capped, and the slopes were adorned with foliage of indescribable beauty. Since there was no pollution, haze, or other obstructions to mar one's vision, all the details were sharp and clear. The mountains appeared to be about fifteen miles away, yet I could see individual flowers growing on their slopes. I estimated my vision to be about 100 times better than on Earth.
    While I stood there marveling, I saw twenty people beyond the first trees, playing a singing-dancing game something like "skip-to-my-lou." They were having a hilarious time holding hands and dancing in a circle - fast and lively. Their singing, their laughter, and even their shouting was melodious.
    As soon as they saw me, four of the players left the game and joyfully skipped over to greet me. As they approached, I estimated their ages to be: one 30; two 20; and one 12. Their bodies seemed almost weightless, and the grace and beauty of their easy movements was fascinating to watch.
    As the heaven-people gathered around, the oldest, largest and strongest-looking man announced pleasantly, "You are in the land of the dead. We lived on Earth, just like you, till we came here."
    With unbounded enthusiasm I shouted, "This is wonderful!"
    "It's marvelous!" they answered. Then with delight they told me how I could swim around in the lake as long as I pleased and when I came out, I'd be dry! Another one said, "You can run, jump, dance, sing and play as much as you want to and you'll never get tired!"
    Then I noticed that the landscape was gradually becoming familiar. It seemed as if I had been here before. I remembered what was on the other side of the mountains. Then with a sudden burst of joy, I realized that this was my real home! Back on Earth I had been a visitor, a misfit, and a homesick stranger. With a sigh of relief, I said to myself, "Thank God I'm back again. This time I'll stay!"
    Then the oldest man, who looked like a Greek god, continued to explain. "Everything over here is pure. The elements don't mix or break down as they do on Earth. Everything is kept in place by an all pervading Master-Vibration, which prevents aging. That's why things don't get dirty, or wear out, and why everything looks so bright and new. Then I understood how heaven could be eternal.
    Next I noticed that I was loving everything and everybody and that it was making me intensely happy. Apparently only the good in me had survived. Without the bad, which is discord, I was happy beyond anything I had ever known.
    My next question was, "How do you explain this intense happiness?"
    Your thoughts are vibrations which are controlled by the Master-Vibration. It neutralizes all negative thoughts and lets you think only the good thoughts, such as love, freedom and happiness.
    "Then what becomes of the old grouches?"
    If they are too bad they go to a realm of lower vibrations where their kind of thoughts can live. If they came here, the Master-Vibration would annihilate them. After death people gravitate into homogenous groups according to the rate of their soul's vibrations. If the percent of discord in a person is small, it can be eliminated by the Master-Vibration; then the remaining good can live on here.
    For example, if a person were 70% good and 30% bad, the bad could be eliminated by the Master-Vibration and the remaining good welcomed into heaven. However, if the percentage of bad were too high, this couldn't be done, and the person would have to gravitate to a lower level and live with people of his own kind. In the hereafter each person lives in the kind of a heaven or hell that he prepared for himself while on Earth.
    If you threw a small pebble into a threshing machine, it would go into the box - not because it is good or bad, but because of its proper size and weight. It's the same way here. No one sends you anywhere. You are sorted by the high or low vibrations of your soul. Everyone goes where he fits in! High vibrations indicate love and spiritual development, while low vibrations indicate debasement and evil.
    When I asked what a person should do while on Earth to make it better for him when he dies, he answered, "All you can do is to develop along the lines of unselfish love. People don't come here because of their good deeds, or because they believe in this or that, but because they fit in and belong. Good deeds are the natural result of being good, and bad deeds are the natural result of being bad. Each carries its own reward and punishment. It's what you are that counts!"
    While we talked, my mind, or whatever I had to think with, became crystal clear. Instantly and without effort I could remember everything I had ever known. I seemed to understand the Earth and all about it. The whole scheme of life was plain as day. Everything on Earth has its purpose. It all fits into a pattern which will, in the end, work out for justice and good. People worry because of their incomplete viewpoints. They don't realize that trouble is nature's way of teaching lessons that won't be learned otherwise. If we'd only learn from other peoples' troubles, we could avoid most of our own.
    While we were still talking, and I was enjoying the ecstasy of heaven, my friend gently announced, "You can't stay here any longer. You have to go back to Earth."
    "Back to Earth! Oh, no, not back to that horrible place!"
    But already I was leaving this beautiful land and slipping back into my body - still enough in heaven to have no inhibitions, and yet far enough back into my body to have terrible thoughts. Like a kid having a tantrum I kicked and screamed, "Let me stay! Let me stay!" - But all my protesting did no good.
    As I moved farther back into my body, there was a painful, prickly feeling all over, similar to a foot waking up. Also a crowded feeling as if the real me was having to compress itself to get back into its hateful prison.
    The last thing the strong man said to me was, "You have more important work to do on Earth, and you must go back and do it! There will come a time of great confusion and the people will need your stabilizing influence. When your work on Earth is done, then you can come back here and stay."

  3. #793
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmicaeld View Post
    "theories", rather, "hypotheses", but are NOT SCIENTIFIC FACTS. so, who else aside from Dr. Ian Stevenson believe in this "reincarnation" as an exact science?
    The Reincarnation of Jeffrey Keene
    Perhaps the greatest circumstantial evidence supporting the reality of reincarnation without using hypnotic regression, is the account of Jeffrey Keene, an Assistant Fire Chief in Westport, Connecticut. After a series of synchronistic events and subsequent research, Keene discovered many uncanny parallels between his life and the life of a Civil War general named John B. Gordon. The photo on the left shows a comparison between the facial appearance of Jeffrey Keene and General John Gordon. The similarities between the two go far beyond mere coincidence. What makes Keene's story unique from most accounts of reincarnation is that Keene's story contains evidence that did not involve hypnotic regression. Instead, Keene's evidence of a past-life came from his own life experience involving a series of unusual synchronistic events.

    The account of Jeffrey Keene is documented in his book, Someone Else's Yesterday. This book details Keene's amazing journey of accepting the fact that he was being guided to discover his past life as General Gordon. Long before Keene became convinced of his past life, unusual events kept reinforcing its reality. Through subsequent years of research and travel, Keene has amassed compelling evidence of his former life. Keene and his past-life evidence were profiled in the A&E documentary entitled, Beyond Death. An independent file documentary entitled, In Another Life, also profiles Keene's story. His story and photos can also be found on Keene's website and the website of Dr. Walter Semkiw. Dr. Semkiw is the author of the book, Return of the Revolutionaries which contains observations of Keene's case. Keene had never given reincarnation much thought until the extraordinary became ordinary and strange occurrences throughout his life started to make sense. Read an interesting interview of Jeffrey Keene on the SpiritKeep website.

    Keene's story began on May, 1991, while on vacation with his wife looking for antiques. They stopped in Sharpsburg, Maryland, where the Civil War battle of Antietam was fought. Though Keene had never read a book on the Civil War before or had any affinity for that era, he felt compelled to visit the battlefield. While walking through a field called "Sunken Road," Keene had the following strange reaction:

    "A wave of grief, sadness and anger washed over me. Without warning, I was suddenly being consumed by sensations. Burning tears ran down my cheeks. It became difficult to breathe. I gasped for air, as I stood transfixed in the old roadbed. To this day I could not tell you how much time transpired, but as these feelings, this emotional overload passed, I found myself exhausted as if I had run a marathon. Crawling up the steep embankment to get out of the road, I turned and looked back. I was a bit shaken to say the least and wondered at what had just taken place. It was difficult getting back to the car because I felt so weak. I did not have any answers, just questions. I would one day receive my answers, but not until more than a year later and then from a most unusual source...."
    Before leaving Sharpsburg, Keene and his wife visited a gift shop where a Civil War magazine on the Battle of Antietam caught his eye and which he purchased. When they returned home, Keene filed the magazine away and did not look at it until a year and a half later. At that time, when he finally decided to look at the magazine, he once again experienced a strong wave of emotions. When he turned to a page that featured a picture of General John Gordon, Keene was shocked to see himself in General Gordon's visage. Keene learned that General Gordon nearly died after incurring multiple gunshot wounds at Sunken Road during the battle of Antietam. Keene recalled that it was at Sunken Road that he had the profound experience of grief, anger and sadness over a year before.

    After his Sunken Road experience, Keene had no idea of the series of events that was about to be put into motion. In a few short steps on an old Civil War road, the line between past and present began to become blurred. As information on General Gordon's life was uncovered, Keene discovered many parallels to himself and General Gordon. Besides the past-life memories, Keene and General Gordon shared a similar physical appearance (looks, height, eye color, birthmarks, and more), personality traits, common lifetime events, writing styles, habits and traits. Both men preferred to stand with their arms crossed. Both had similar tastes in clothing.

    Fifteen years before Keene became aware of his connection with General Gordon, an interesting event happened. Keene began having a severe pain in his jaw which grew steadily worse; so much so that he had to be driven to the emergency room where they ran some tests but could not find a cause. Eventually, the pain slowly subsided and then vanished altogether. This painful event occurred on September 9, 1977, his 30th birthday. Fifteen years later, Keene discovered that General Gordon was wounded in the face at the Sunken Road on September 17, 1862 during the Battle of Antietam. General Gordon was 30 years old at the time.

    Keene has three markings on his face in the same locations where General Gordon was wounded: under the left eye, on the forehead, and across the right cheek.
    Jeffrey Keene's "star" birthmark

    General Gordon's "star" wound
    As you can see in the photos above, both men also have a star-shaped mark on their foreheads above the left eye. This can be borne out by photographs in the collections of the United States Library of Congress and the National Archives.

    Keene was not only receiving confirmation of a past life; he was being beaten over the head with it. Keene's facial birthmarks support Dr. Ian Stevenson's research on the apparent correspondence between birth marks and past-life physical traumas.

    Another synchronistic event involves a written order by General Robert E. Lee on September 9, 1862, which led to the Battle of Antietam where General Gordon was severely wounded. This event occurred on the same day as Jeff Keene's birthday, September 9, 1947. Such synchronistic events have been reported in other cases of reincarnation where a major event in a person's life corresponds to a major event in a past-life.

    There also exist similarities between Keene's writing style and General Gordon's. In his later years, General Gordon wrote a book entitled Reminiscences of the Civil War which provided material for such analysis. Comparing a passage of Keene's writing with a passage from Gordon's book reveals very similar linguistic styles. For example, Keene once wrote a letter to the Fire Chief regarding his fire department's response to an emergency incident:

    "With my radio restored, man power and apparatus were brought in and put under the guidance of Acting Lieutenant Christopher Ackley. While setting up a plan of action, Lieutenant Ackley displayed good common sense, knowledge, training and a deep concern for the safety of firefighters under his command. A large amount of gas entered the structure by way of a open window. Though we tried to remove all possible sources of ignition, we were able to remove all but two. The owner informed us that the house contained an oil-fired furnace and a hot water heater. There was no way to shut them off from the inside or outside. Using metering devices, a positive pressure fan and opening and closing windows, the hazard was removed."
    In General Gordon's book, he describes the efforts of his men to put out a fire in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania:
    "With great energy my men labored to save the bridge. I called on the citizens of Wrightsville for buckets and pails, but none were to be found. There was no lack of buckets and pails a little while later, when the town was on fire...My men labored as earnestly and bravely to save the town as they did to save the bridge. In the absence of fire-engines or other appliances, the only chance to arrest the progress of the flames was to form my men around the burning district, with the flank resting on the river's edge, and pass rapidly from hand to hand the pails of water. Thus, and thus only, was the advancing, raging fire met, and at a late hour of the night checked and conquered."
    The comparison between Keene's and Gordon's writing style suggests they come from the same "voice".

    Keene has demonstrated spontaneous awareness of details of General Gordon's life without having learned them. As an example, Keene toured a visitor center where artifacts of a Confederate surrender ceremony were housed which General Gordon had participated in. A print in the visitor center depicted the event complete with the flag used to surrender. Keene knew innately that this was not the flag actually used. He recognized the correct flag from an assortment displayed at the visitor's center. Upon questioning the center staff, it was verified that the flag in the print was indeed from a later era and that Keene had identified the authentic flag used in the ceremony.

    Group cases have emerged that demonstrates a common pattern in how reincarnation occurs. These cases show that facial architecture, personality traits, aptitudes, interests and writing style, stay consistent from lifetime to lifetime. Synchronistic events related to past-lives have been observed. Reincarnation research suggests that people reincarnate in groups based on shared karma, emotional attachments and joint missions. Keene's case is one which demonstrates all of these principles of reincarnation.

    Though Keene has not found pictures of General Gordon's troops, one can only imagine that the same men who served under Gordon as troops now serve under Keene as firefighters. These firefighters have confirmed that Keene certainly displays the personality of a general.

    Besides being an Assistant Fire Chief, Jeffrey Keene is now an accomplished Civil War researcher and speaker (having visited most of the major battle sites in the North and South). He is also now a lecturer on Civil War topics.

    "Not yet." - the original title of Jeff Keene's book and an order issued by General John Gordon during the Sunken Road battle which was recalled by Jeffrey Keene before he realized his past-life connection.

  4. #794
    john lennon to greenocide

    john lennon


    mao ni ang reincarnation reg?

    reg luwas(wake up).... lolz
    Last edited by GrEenOCIDE; 01-21-2009 at 01:05 AM.

  5. #795
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmicaeld View Post
    "theories", rather, "hypotheses", but are NOT SCIENTIFIC FACTS. so, who else aside from Dr. Ian Stevenson believe in this "reincarnation" as an exact science?

    Carol Bowman - Past Life Center

    Have you lived before? Are you curious about past lives and reincarnation? Welcome to the Past Life Center, the most comprehensive reincarnation site on the Internet.
    I'm Carol Bowman, past life therapist and researcher. To me, reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy, but a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical.
    This Past Life Center is for everyone. Skeptics are welcome, as are the curious. Those who have already read about past lives, or have had personal experiences, will find a wealth of information about spontaneous past life memories and past life regression here. We cover a broad range.
    We also offer a forum where you can freely discuss your own past life memories, read about others' experiences, and ask questions. We are not affiliated with any religious group or particular philosophy, so we keep the discussion open and welcome all points of view. We are all here to learn.
    In the links to the right, click on Past Life Regression for general information about regression therapy with adults and teens, or if you want to make an appointment with me for a private session. I have been a practicing past life therapist since 1989. My office is in Media, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.
    Children's Past Lives is an introduction to my research of the spontaneous past life memories of very young children. Read excerpts from my books, Children’s Past Lives and Return from Heaven (published around the world in 16 languages) . I've also included an introduction to the essential, ground-breaking research of Dr. Ian Stevenson.
    Click for a schedule of my upcoming Workshops, and my top picks for books on reincarnation in the Reincarnation Bookstore. The crown jewel of the Past Life Center is the Past Life Forum, the oldest and largest reincarnation discussion forum on the Internet.
    Join us in exploring this true mystery.

  6. #796
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmicaeld View Post
    "theories", rather, "hypotheses", but are NOT SCIENTIFIC FACTS. so, who else aside from Dr. Ian Stevenson believe in this "reincarnation" as an exact science?
    Christian NDEs and Reincarnation Testimonials of those who have seen Jesus
    On these pages you can find the testimonies of people who are living today and who had a near-death experience (NDE) and have been in the very presence of Jesus Christ. NDEs such as these dramatically change the lives of those who have them and can even change the lives of those who read about them. These testimonies are firsthand eyewitness accounts of experiences in afterlife realms which you will not find in the Bible. It is unfortunate that the Bible is strangely silent about these matters. The bishops who decided which writings to include into canon chose to not include some writings because they feared they were not orthodox. This included all the writings describing afterlife experiences, such as the "Apocalypse of Paul" which reads remarkably like NDE testimony, and even the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John almost got the axe because they was suspected to be unorthodox.

    Religious faith is inferior to NDE knowledge: The spiritual treasure found within these NDE testimonies have the power to transform faith (which by definition implies the possibility of doubt) into sure knowledge (which by definition implies absolute certainty) because of the light they shed on particular problematic Christian doctrines. Along with the NDE testimonies, I provide supporting information from the Bible, early Christian and Jewish writings, and historical information for people who seek answers to critical questions concerning particular controversial orthodox Christian doctrines which have been problematic for many people throughout history. The table below lists some of the most critical that need to be answered and which are answered within these web pages:

    The links below connect to web pages which will explain in great detail why this is the case. Because early Christianity was so different than Christianity as it is practiced today, many scholars have said that the entire teachings of Jesus had more in common with Buddhism than it does with Christianity as it is practiced today. This is because the early Christian writings discovered in 1945 and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 has given scholars a better picture of the early Christians. They were Jews who did not renounce their Jewish religion. They were believers in reincarnation and taught a special form of "resurrection" that had to do with becoming spiritually "born again." They believed that Jesus was a very, very special man but not God. They believed that Jesus would return within their generation. As you will see, the evidence also shows that the early Christians were much more believers in mysticism than probably most people are aware of today.

    NDEs with Jesus Index

    Christian NDE and Reincarnation
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    "He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it." - Jesus Christ, Revelation 3:12

    Last edited by regnauld; 01-20-2009 at 01:30 PM.

  7. #797
    what would it profit you if you win this debate?

  8. #798
    john lennon to greenocide

    john lennon


    mao ni ang reincarnation reg?

    reg luwas(wake up).... lolz

  9. #799
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red.Emano View Post
    what would it profit you if you win this debate?
    Nothing. This is just a sharing of information, sir! Nothing really serious about it! I respect their beliefs if they don't believe in the information presented so far! At the same time for educational purposes!

  10. #800
    Quote Originally Posted by regnauld View Post
    Nothing. This is just a sharing of information, sir! Nothing really serious about it! I respect their beliefs if they don't believe in the information presented so far! At the same time for educational purposes!
    ngaks, dont pretend that u are sharing, where naman ang mga "contents" nga ako gpanga-u reg, share daun, sharing man kaha ni reg.

  11.    Advertisement

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