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call outs! this is one of the scandals inside the company. what provoKed them to maKe such move? until now the higher positioned personnel does not have a clue. but if agents are just given a chance to speaK out and to have a reply from a human being and not just by telling them that "cge lang Kay amo lang unya na i-taKe note" . is this the answer that agents have to expect everytime they voice out? second... sicK hotline!!!!! ate pag chure oist! agent calls and won't be able to maKe it to worK, rtm aKss a valid reason and if the om is there you will be transferred to what agents call as .... sweet hotline she answers if asKs the reason and expound why be absent, if she does not agree to your rison.. you worK even if your not feeling well. third ag1, ag2 blah2x.... agents are segragated to genres or travel agencies. genres is divided accdg to tenureship and also thru ag1,2,3 travel agencies taKe another training for additional Knowledge. so what's wrong? some are Queuing and some are not? what's that again?...... meaning we are divided out to certain levels on how much calls you taKe per shift day. there agents whose been talKing every second and sometimes have to race with the beep of the phone to gulping their own saliva on the other hand hand.... ther are agents just strolling inside the floor and some are...sitting pretty... imagine all of us receives the same pay yet the burden of our calls have very different scales. and the only inspiration you taKe is that your regulariZe with just p500 increase?? pag chure oist! fourth issue: vacation leave and sicK leave..... naman! if you try to utter these words it will sound good but!!! is it really a priviledge. vacation leave wherein you will have to apply for it 2 months in advance and yet not an assurance that your reQuest will be approved, naman .... agents have to fight(not literal) and has to annoy thier tl's f its approved or not. you applied for it coZ you have something to taKe care on that specified dates waiting and reQuesting 2 months in advance only to find out 3 days from the said reQuests...denied!!! sicK leave...otro pud, they control who can maKe the absence and who cannot. its monarchy inside teletech especially for ual.
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