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  1. #71

    Quote Originally Posted by RISyrnuj View Post
    Peru ang pangutana kung ikaw ang ma presidente unsa ang imong pang buhaton para kasigoro ka nga mapalambo nimo ang Pilipinas??
    ako buhaton in order:

    1. great purging - means elimination of unwanted politicians, government employees, rank and file of the AFP, and means of swift justice.

    2. abolish congress

    3. bring back death penalty

    4. economy, health, defense forces and education

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by pepponeskie View Post
    ako buhaton in order:

    1. great purging - means elimination of unwanted politicians, government employees, rank and file of the AFP, and means of swift justice.

    2. abolish congress

    3. bring back death penalty

    4. economy, health, defense forces and education
    maojud supportaan tika boss..

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    Let me comment:
    1. Tripling sin tax rate would reduce its revenue, not increase it. Therefore it will fall short as a supplemental budget for health care. Its unintended consequence would be increase smuggling and underground market which put average consumers at the mercy of underground merchants. Review Prohibition of Alcohol in Chicago USA.
    2. Its a waste of resources for government to actively seek its own alternative sources of energy. Cost benefit analysis can be done on Germany's example, where government plays an active role in establishing renewable resources of energy. Economists there analyzed that the price for energy has gone up so high to finance low yielding energy sources. And the price will continue to significantly rise in the next decade so much so that it will grab a huge chunk on average citizens budget. Decreased purchasing power will have deep ramifications, yet unforeseen by any economist.
    3. The first part is good. The succeeding parts i disagree. Social security is nothing more than government sponsored pyramid scam.
    4. Sounds good, but unrealistic. Government-prIvate partnership would only yield monopoly andnfavored businesses. As for quality of education, competition would do far better results than any government planning. The reason why we have lousy educational system is that we dont have much competition in our schools. Basically, we have different schools whose contents in teaching are dictated by a central government agency.
    5. Creative. Yet, this does not really answer the problem of corruption. It only appears to be addressing the problem. This is giving a chance for corrupt politicians to escape their criminal liability. And as a matter of consistency, this should apply to thefts and robberies as well?
    6. This is actually doable. Good one, as an initial step.
    7. Too trivial.
    8. We already have a taskforce, that would be Congress. And COA to audit it afterwards.
    9. Traffic issues should never be tackled by a President. Its a local issue. Economize your time on national concerns.
    Your comments actually do make sense. And after giving it a thought, I do agree with some of them. But let me comment on some of them as well.

    On 1. There is as much uncertainty on whether the increase of the rate of sin tax would decrease the revenue from it. To put it on a macro perspective, I want higher taxes imposed on luxury items or the items that not everybody needs and channel the revenue to provide the basic needs of the citizenry.

    On 3. On a certain level I agree. However, the citizenry can still somehow benefit to an improved social security. Unless we abolish the whole social security concept, then we should continue to improve it.

    On 4. I realize it's unrealistic but hey, it IS a hail mary. That's just hoping for the best, I agree. But until we do start exploring that option, we would never know. As for lack of competition, I do not know what educational model we should follow to bring that "competition" here.

    On 5. The intent is not to fight corruption. Nobody knows how anybody can. The simple intent is to get back the money stolen from us. I do not think they are escaping criminal liability because they will still serve time, just reduced at that. And yes, I think it should stream down to petty robbers and thieves as well, as long as they are considered non-violent. However, I do agree with you that this does not solve the problem of corruption at all.

    On 7. Yeah. Hehe. It was just a matter of opinion inserted on this list.

    On 8. If it's actually the congress who makes the list of projects, I do not think they can be unbiased in evaluating it. I agree that we already have the COA, but do they audit the purpose of the project as well and not only the financial side? On that I admit I have no knowledge about.

    On 9. If traffic issues take its toll on the economy, then it should be tackled upon. But yes, it should be spearheaded by the local government and not the President. I merely meant that the President should support and should work with the local government in implementing any means.

    I realize that most of the items on my list are either too simple or unrealistic. That's given since I know nothing about running the country. This is just for fun. To explore what I do know and what I do NOT know. Thanks for your comments emow. They made me think.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    Your comments actually do make sense. And after giving it a thought, I do agree with some of them. But let me comment on some of them as well.

    On 1. There is as much uncertainty on whether the increase of the rate of sin tax would decrease the revenue from it. To put it on a macro perspective, I want higher taxes imposed on luxury items or the items that not everybody needs and channel the revenue to provide the basic needs of the citizenry.

    On 3. On a certain level I agree. However, the citizenry can still somehow benefit to an improved social security. Unless we abolish the whole social security concept, then we should continue to improve it.

    On 4. I realize it's unrealistic but hey, it IS a hail mary. That's just hoping for the best, I agree. But until we do start exploring that option, we would never know. As for lack of competition, I do not know what educational model we should follow to bring that "competition" here.

    On 5. The intent is not to fight corruption. Nobody knows how anybody can. The simple intent is to get back the money stolen from us. I do not think they are escaping criminal liability because they will still serve time, just reduced at that. And yes, I think it should stream down to petty robbers and thieves as well, as long as they are considered non-violent. However, I do agree with you that this does not solve the problem of corruption at all.

    On 7. Yeah. Hehe. It was just a matter of opinion inserted on this list.

    On 8. If it's actually the congress who makes the list of projects, I do not think they can be unbiased in evaluating it. I agree that we already have the COA, but do they audit the purpose of the project as well and not only the financial side? On that I admit I have no knowledge about.

    On 9. If traffic issues take its toll on the economy, then it should be tackled upon. But yes, it should be spearheaded by the local government and not the President. I merely meant that the President should support and should work with the local government in implementing any means.

    I realize that most of the items on my list are either too simple or unrealistic. That's given since I know nothing about running the country. This is just for fun. To explore what I do know and what I do NOT know. Thanks for your comments emow. They made me think.
    Let me further comment.
    1. There is an inverse relationship between tax rate and tax revenue at certain levels (read the Reagan years). Heavily taxing luxury items would diminish the standard of living of the lower and middle class. The already rich would be able to afford the tax but not the other classes. This would cause visible class differentiation and make the social divide clearly felt. To top it all, people would prefer underground markets which would be least regulated by law.
    3. Abolishing SSS makes sense. Tapering off from SSS slowly and make it voluntary for younger generations into labor force will ultimately culminate in SSS closure, and it will be good riddance. SSS will eventually default in its promise as we implement RH law, debasing our younger labor force thereby placing the burden on smaller number of people.
    4.we could start by abolishing deped and ched. Then privatize all schools. For the poorest of the poor, they will be given vouchers so that they can choose schools to their preference. Tuition fees will rise initially but will eventually go down as more schools will open.
    5. Well, its not really a bad proposal. There is some sense into it. Honestly, i cannot assess it deeply as of this time. Its making me think.
    9. Presidents tend to be partisan in local issues. Presidents should be be kept from local issues, if ever there will be cha cha.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    Your comments actually do make sense. And after giving it a thought, I do agree with some of them. But let me comment on some of them as well.

    On 1. There is as much uncertainty on whether the increase of the rate of sin tax would decrease the revenue from it. To put it on a macro perspective, I want higher taxes imposed on luxury items or the items that not everybody needs and channel the revenue to provide the basic needs of the citizenry.

    On 3. On a certain level I agree. However, the citizenry can still somehow benefit to an improved social security. Unless we abolish the whole social security concept, then we should continue to improve it.

    On 4. I realize it's unrealistic but hey, it IS a hail mary. That's just hoping for the best, I agree. But until we do start exploring that option, we would never know. As for lack of competition, I do not know what educational model we should follow to bring that "competition" here.

    On 5. The intent is not to fight corruption. Nobody knows how anybody can. The simple intent is to get back the money stolen from us. I do not think they are escaping criminal liability because they will still serve time, just reduced at that. And yes, I think it should stream down to petty robbers and thieves as well, as long as they are considered non-violent. However, I do agree with you that this does not solve the problem of corruption at all.

    On 7. Yeah. Hehe. It was just a matter of opinion inserted on this list.

    On 8. If it's actually the congress who makes the list of projects, I do not think they can be unbiased in evaluating it. I agree that we already have the COA, but do they audit the purpose of the project as well and not only the financial side? On that I admit I have no knowledge about.

    On 9. If traffic issues take its toll on the economy, then it should be tackled upon. But yes, it should be spearheaded by the local government and not the President. I merely meant that the President should support and should work with the local government in implementing any means.

    I realize that most of the items on my list are either too simple or unrealistic. That's given since I know nothing about running the country. This is just for fun. To explore what I do know and what I do NOT know. Thanks for your comments emow. They made me think.
    Let me further comment.
    1. There is an inverse relationship between tax rate and tax revenue at certain levels (read the Reagan years). Heavily taxing luxury items would diminish the standard of living of the lower and middle class. The already rich would be able to afford the tax but not the other classes. This would cause visible class differentiation and make the social divide clearly felt. To top it all, people would prefer underground markets which would be least regulated by law.
    3. Abolishing SSS makes sense. Tapering off from SSS slowly and make it voluntary for younger generations into labor force will ultimately culminate in SSS closure, and it will be good riddance. SSS will eventually default in its promise as we implement RH law, debasing our younger labor force thereby placing the burden on smaller number of people.
    4.we could start by abolishing deped and ched. Then privatize all schools. For the poorest of the poor, they will be given vouchers so that they can choose schools to their preference. Tuition fees will rise initially but will eventually go down as more schools will open.
    5. Well, its not really a bad proposal. There is some sense into it. Honestly, i cannot assess it deeply as of this time. Its making me think.
    9. Presidents tend to be partisan in local issues. Presidents should be be kept from local issues, if ever there will be cha cha.

  5. #75
    Declare Martial law at the very first day, suppress the biased media and huge businesses. take control of the economy by taking control the flow of goods and services... Line up the anti-government and shoot in public. Those who follow by the rules will be given a decent life by providing them the shelter and a job to support there daily needs... There will still be the spirit of democracy by providing them the freedom of expression and the internet but limited to political intervention. It will never be a democracy just the spirit.
    Proper forum in every problem faced by the government, any criticism laid in the forum will be exempted from public execution, unless they bring it on the street then they will be massacred in the street.

    Implement a compulsory birth control, a family should only have a maximum of 3 children, the rest will be taken from their custody and send the rest to military camp to determine their faith, to be whether an Phil Army or a fertilizer... If the parents commit the same fault, the parents will be the one to be sent to the said camp, and their children will be taken cared of by the DSWD and mold them to be a better citizen of the future..

    Total eradication of Religion, Cult and Religious Sect... Coz we will be paying only but tax, no more tithes... Social differences will be completely destroyed and we will only have one goal, to Prosper and compete with the rest of the world...

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by emberjim View Post
    Declare Martial law at the very first day, suppress the biased media and huge businesses. take control of the economy by taking control the flow of goods and services... Line up the anti-government and shoot in public. Those who follow by the rules will be given a decent life by providing them the shelter and a job to support there daily needs... There will still be the spirit of democracy by providing them the freedom of expression and the internet but limited to political intervention. It will never be a democracy just the spirit.
    Proper forum in every problem faced by the government, any criticism laid in the forum will be exempted from public execution, unless they bring it on the street then they will be massacred in the street.

    Implement a compulsory birth control, a family should only have a maximum of 3 children, the rest will be taken from their custody and send the rest to military camp to determine their faith, to be whether an Phil Army or a fertilizer... If the parents commit the same fault, the parents will be the one to be sent to the said camp, and their children will be taken cared of by the DSWD and mold them to be a better citizen of the future..

    Total eradication of Religion, Cult and Religious Sect... Coz we will be paying only but tax, no more tithes... Social differences will be completely destroyed and we will only have one goal, to Prosper and compete with the rest of the world...
    Wow, seems like a fan of the Kims. What you want is to be God, not president. This is so 1984. Complete subjugation of the individual to the will of the enlightened. Somehow, they believe they are made from divine substance of which they can play gods. They will delude themselves that they are doing good for the people even if they sponsor inhuman policies and atrocities, much like the events of the French Revolution. They dont have a high regard to the common person, they treat them as inanimate objects that bends and flexes according to their will. Whatever prosperity you aspire, you will have to be asleep to convince yourself.
    Last edited by emow; 09-12-2014 at 09:01 PM.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    Wow, seems like a fan of the Kims. What you want is to be God, not president. This is so 1984. Complete subjugation of the individual to the will of the enlightened. Somehow, they believe they are made from divine substance of which they can play gods. They will delude themselves that they are doing good for the people even if they sponsor inhuman policies and atrocities, much like the events of the French Revolution. They dont have a high regard to the common person, they treat them as inanimate objects that bends and flexes according to their will. Whatever prosperity you aspire, you will have to be asleep to convince yourself.
    Don't bother answering comments. We were asked if we were the President what we would do..
    t doesn't matter who sounds who, ibutang ang imong tampo.. entiende?

  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by emberjim View Post
    Don't bother answering comments. We were asked if we were the President what we would do..
    t doesn't matter who sounds who, ibutang ang imong tampo.. entiende?
    Well thats that. Another one simply wants to hear his own. Last time i checked, this is still a forum. Reactions are a given.

  9. #79
    bitaw pareng emow, isuwat sd imong plans if ikaw ang ma presidente para maka comment sad sila...

    ako, if mo bali ang tuyok sa kalibutan ma presidente ko, mo focus ko sa education.

    1. build schools, schools, and a lot of schools.
    2. increase salary ceiling sa mga teachers para ma attractive ni na profession
    3. teach kids the basics of honesty, honor and dignity.

    diha ko magsugod. lisod naman gud badlungon ning current generation sa mga politician kay nangugat na. mrag "you cant teach an old dog some new trick" na idea.

    ako sad ni...hehe

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    Let me further comment.
    1. There is an inverse relationship between tax rate and tax revenue at certain levels (read the Reagan years). Heavily taxing luxury items would diminish the standard of living of the lower and middle class. The already rich would be able to afford the tax but not the other classes. This would cause visible class differentiation and make the social divide clearly felt. To top it all, people would prefer underground markets which would be least regulated by law.
    3. Abolishing SSS makes sense. Tapering off from SSS slowly and make it voluntary for younger generations into labor force will ultimately culminate in SSS closure, and it will be good riddance. SSS will eventually default in its promise as we implement RH law, debasing our younger labor force thereby placing the burden on smaller number of people.
    4.we could start by abolishing deped and ched. Then privatize all schools. For the poorest of the poor, they will be given vouchers so that they can choose schools to their preference. Tuition fees will rise initially but will eventually go down as more schools will open.
    5. Well, its not really a bad proposal. There is some sense into it. Honestly, i cannot assess it deeply as of this time. Its making me think.
    9. Presidents tend to be partisan in local issues. Presidents should be be kept from local issues, if ever there will be cha cha.
    On 1: Admittedly, I still have not read about the impact it has during the Reagan years. I simply can’t find the right material that my simple mind can understand. Hehehe. I think that it’s very difficult to predict whether this move would increase or decrease revenue because the effects are simply hard to measure. This opinion is based on something I read about a contrasting study asserting that heavily taxing luxury items having no long-term impact on consumer behavior. However, I acknowledge that the long-term impact (revenue-wise) is too important to go about this with a cookie-cutter approach.

    As for class differentiation, I think that should be one of the main impacts of this measure. I disagree that it would diminish the standard of living of the lower and middle class because it SHOULD NOT be the standard of living for the L and M class. We see too much poor people going after things that we all know they do not need. I understand that there are very serious elitist undertones of this. But if increasing the rate of sin tax and heavily taxing luxury items would decrease the buying power of the L and M class for the things they do not need, then I can live with that.

    As for underground markets, the crime of smuggling should be addressed separately, thus I did not consider that here.

    Anyway, your comments made me think and I will continue to read on. I may do an about-face once I get a better understanding on this.

    On 3: Let me be clear, I was not advocating the abolishment of SSS but I’m not against it either. What I was trying to say is that if we were not to abolish the SSS, then I think we should continue to improve it. Just a point of clarification though, when you said that when we implement the RH law SSS will eventually default to its promise, what exactly do you mean?

    On 4 and 9: Point taken

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