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  1. #71

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    these means that kinahanglan diay ug funding basta magrecord.
    hokaayyy magtigum sa mi....

  2. #72

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    Quote Originally Posted by redlites
    thats nice.. what i like bout this new studio is they make a music video while you record your songs. hehe. i think they have a package on that... were recording there soon. ill just tell you guys the feedback. Sound tech's had experience working in the US Bands. he has also worked with tagalog bands.. dont wana judge them till we get our chance to try them out. tc peeps
    ask lang ko ni j paolo, unsa nga band iyang na work? yes he may have work sa u.s. with some band but do they have a name na? sa local which band does he worked already? sometime too much talking bacin unsa ra na ciya. what if i have a good studio but dili kamao sa sound engineering, wa gihapoy ayo. show me all the bands he worked so kahibaw mi kung unsa gyud iya performance tnx for introducing this guy

  3. #73

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    Quote Originally Posted by redlites
    ... after your done, they give you your CD and your Music Video... hehe. nice to try out eh? pero of course, maminaw gyud ta sa quality nila before we jump. impressed gani ta, well, why not? extra video na. heheh!
    Don't let the music video affect your decision in choosing a recording studio. The video means nothing. It's just for documentary purposes. Every band that records there will have a very similar video since it's recorded in the same location.

    It's the Sound that matters.

    I suggest you visit as many recording studios you can and talk to them. There are a lot of recording studios around town. Ask if you could listen to their recordings, not just in one genre if possible. After you've done the rounds, then Make Your Decision.

    I've heard stories from bands that recorded their music in one flashy studio only to be disappointed with the results. To make things worse, this studio will not give the band the data files of their recording so they could have it remixed (by Micmic of Backyard) unless they pay a substantial amount for it (gi hostage). They ended up re-recording their songs with Micmic at Backyard Project Studios.

    I won't name the Studio or the Band, but If the parties concerned can read this post please feel free to comment.

    BTW If you want to record at Backyard, you'll have to book your session way ahead of time. They're that busy. But you could get lucky if there are booking cancellations... :mrgreen:

  4. #74

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    mas maayo jud mag pa book daan kay busy man gud usahay ang backyard.pero dili jud mo mahay kay nice kaayo elang recording studio.nindot pa jud ang pag mix.labi na si mic2x ang mo mix.payter kaayo nice jud kaayo ang backyard studio.

  5. #75

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    mic mic is the man

  6. #76

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    Ngano ka-ingon man ka nga "mic-mic is the man"? based on my research, mic-mic's forte is more on alternative to rock music. hunumdumi nga ang maayo nga MIXER will cover all genre in his resume. so far, i find mic-mic's mixing harsh and fatiguing ug nipis paminawon. to obtain the correct judgement on music, you must audition music in a flat response system. this means, no boosting/dipping of certain frequencies. as in FLAT. even in rock music, you can mix it not harsh but still the ingredients is there. kong maminaw lang ka ug maayo sa mix ni mic-mic, naay daghan build-up nga certain frequency.

    hinumdumi sad nga ang major sa ato banda diri sa cebu kay rock/alternative.

    Mixing is a serious art. Consider your studio as musical instrument.

    wala ko mag da-ot ni mic-mic pero ma-o man gud ni ang ako na dunggan sa iya mga mix.

  7. #77

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    Micah, if you have read a post that i made, i wrote the bands he has worked with in the US. producer sad sya at the same time. anyway, sakto man jud, you cannot judge sa sturya lang. I've heard the work of micmic already coz my friends gf recorded there, i dont really find it that amaizing. lubong and murag lata.. no offense. I'm goin to try and listen pa to other recording studios just to make sure. if you guys are intrested on my reviews, just post. ill let you know.

  8. #78

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    good observation. a good mixer must know how to distribute all instruments across the whole audio spectrum(20Hz - 20KHz) with respect to specific genre. this way, during mastering, the compressor/limiter will work evenly and effeciently. most importantly, spot for any frequency build-up. also, be careful with those subsonics(low frequencies).

    mixing is an art of compromise. the secret to this art is simple, ACTIVE EAR TRAINING.

  9. #79

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    Whisper, have you tried listening to various music genre mixed by mic mic? Have you listened to his earlier works? Lahi ra compared to his recent work.

    I say this because the art of mixing is an Evolutionary Process, just like Music. Those mixing 101 rules you read in books just don't hold water these days (some of them anyway). You must be able to meet the mixing demands of the current crop of bands or ma habilin ka sa train. What was a perfect mix a few years ago may not be acceptable today.

    Incidentally, It's the Album Producer that dictates the "Sound" of the band wants to achieve, not the Mixer.

    The mixer, with his talent, technique, ingenuity and experience then manipulates the tracks to satisfy the demands of the producer or the band. Dili mag buot and mixer kon unsang sound ipa gawas sa banda unless they make him their producer or asks for his input. This is very important because if the band is not satisfied with the mix, then they will surely have their recording mixed somewhere else.

    Ergo, Mic mic's sound you hear now is moulded by the by the demand of the current crop of bands which happens to be mostly alternative or rock.

  10. #80

    Default Re: Recording Studio Rates... anyone know?

    nice man si mic2x mo mix.kung bati pa mo mix si mic2x ngano fully book man permi ang backyard studio.dha gud nag recording ang some local bands nga nisikat na ron just like urbandub,junior kilat,slapshock,ambassadors and more.

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