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  1. #71

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    The ambush carried out by the fighters of the Reynaldo Pinon Command of the New People's Army RPC-NPA) on the 45th IB PA on April 12 in Sitio Minanga, Bigao, San Mariano was a splendid victory.

    Three soldiers were killed in the said battle and three troops were also wounded. The NPA sustained no casualties. According to Vic Balligi, spokesperson of the RPCNPA, this tactical offensive was carried out amidst an onrush of military operations of the 45th IB and the 52nd Recon Coy in the towns of San Mariano, Ilagan and Benito Soliven, Isabela, which they had been conducting since March 29. The NPA used a command detonated explosive to ensure that it would only explode when the targeted vehicle carrying the enemy troops passed.

    The people rejoiced over the punishment of the troops of the 45th IB who had long made them suffer and inflicted violence on them. At no time did the residents of Minanga agree to the military basing in their area. Under the 45th IB, intimidation and the interrogation of barrio folk and the illegal inspection and ransacking of their loads to and from the barrio were rampant. There were instances when the military would also fire their guns indiscriminately.

    The NPA timed its tactical offensive with the visit of the chief commander of the 502nd Bde. Gen. Rolando Senga. To cover up his embarrassing failure to thwart the NPA attack, Capt. George Domingo invented the story that they recovered two guns from the ambush site and that the two fighters they had supposedly wounded were now dead.

  2. #72

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed

    Oh, Ok. You're now quoting from a notoriously "envelopmental" media now, eh. The "media" kuno that's a major component of the AFP's PsyWar machinery. Their instrument in twisting the truth & the propagation of misinformation. Indulge me in this quote from the Great Helmsman.

    " Whenever there is struggle, there is sacrifice....And death is a common occurence"....
    and what are you? are you not a mouthpiece of the cpp-npa? are you not their (sic) instrument in twisting the truth & propagation of misinformation. the problem of what you are saying here are not verifiable and full of rhetorics.

    the great helmsman, that is mao zedong. hmm. . . he's so great in leading china to his not-so- 'great leap forward' and the chaos brought by his 'cultural revolution,' an instrument he used to consolidate his power.

  3. #73

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    Quote Originally Posted by tempest
    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest
    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed
    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus
    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed
    [size=18px]Rebolusyon dili eleksyon![/size]
    sure. you and what army?
    [img width=120 height=110][/img]

    The army of the people. Ang Bagong Hukbong Bayan.
    The true people's army.
    @ tempest: you're weird. you want to replace gma with ping and now you are a communist. ano ba talaga, kuya?

    @ jored: twice i saw you 'responding.' hmm. . . quite an improvement. congratulation. i thought your just a mouthpiece. anyway, good luck and godspeed. you need a lot of it. oops, sorry for offending you. you're an atheist.
    Jored and I have a tactical alliance. Once we will oust Gloria, we can negotiate who will be President. I have no problem Teddy Casino, Renato Reyes or Nat Santiago for President and Ka Roger as NPA Chief of Staff.

    Kung sino ang mauna, dun ako. Basta talsik lang mga Arroyo at mga alipores nyang sina Gonzales, Wycoco, Nograles, Pichay, Lomibao, Defensor, Anggie Reyes, Leandro Mendoza, Ebdane at Bunye atbp
    @spec-v: i agree with you now on temptest/dawn runner.

    @ tempest: how's your backside? you two will oust gma and will negotiate who will replace her? are you not hallucinating or are you that ignorant?

  4. #74

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP


    NPA raids Magpet Police Headquarters; confiscates 24 high-powered rifles,handguns
    Rigoberto F. Sanchez
    Merardo Arce Command
    Southern Mindanao Regional Operational Command
    New People's Army
    June 27, 2005

    [img width=120 height=110][/img]

    The Merardo Arce Command – Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command of the New People’s Army commends the Red officers, fighters and operatives of the Magtanggol Roque Command, Herminio Alfonso Command and the Ka Paking Guimbaolibot Red Partisan Brigade for the successful joint tactical offensive launched at 6 PM yesterday (June 26, 2005) at the Philippine National Police Municipal Headquarters in Magpet, North Cotabato.

    The daring NPA raid caught the enemy in complete surprise and resulted in the disarming of a total of 24 high-powered rifles and handguns. The Red fighters executed the raid with such precision and swiftness that not a single shot was fired. This speaks well of the increasing intelligence and operational capacity of the revolutionary people’s army. Suffice to say that this could not have been possible without the wide and deep support extended by the revolutionary masses and friends of the revolutionary movement.

    The top despotic bureaucrat of North Cotabato and his brother-mayor of Magpet town are understandably stunned because this is a strong slap on their faces. The dirty political maneuverings and bare-faced bully tactics by the Piñol-AFP fascist clique against the people of North Cotabato rightly deserve to be punished. Piñol’s programs of aggressive big agri-business expansion, “bagani” armed paramilitary formations and intensified military operations only seek to perpetuate his corrupt and coercive anti-people warlord rule. For this, a wide and large cross-section of the people of North Cotabato is silently rejoicing over this latest NPA action.

    Piñol is wrong to assume that the vulnerability of legitimate targets of NPA actions lies solely on their physical and geographic aspects. As he wallow from extreme anxiety over growing NPA capabilities, he would do well if he is able to realize that armed and repressive instruments of oppression and exploitation are vulnerable chiefly because they are the enemies of the people.

    In the light of mounting protests for the ouster of the corrupt, fascist and puppet Arroyo regime, NPA tactical offensives against the regime’s army, police and paramilitary forces serve to deliver staggering blows to the politically-isolated and bankrupt rule of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. As big mass actions are launched on a regular and nationwide basis by the democratic and progressive forces leading to a broad united front against this regime, tactical offensives by the NPA play a distinct role. These weaken the reactionary armed forces as it strengthens the people’s army. These offensives divide the attention of the enemy as it consolidates the revolutionary movement. The people are stirred to intensify protests to oust an oppressive and exploitative government. They are inspired to strive to put up a democratic people’s government even as the people’ army continues to advance the revolutionary movement for national and social liberation.#

    Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command
    New People’s Army

  5. #75

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    Patriotic AFP Members Can Join Council’ – Sison

    Bulatlat last week held an email interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison as a political analyst and inspirational leader of the national democratic movement in the country with regards the current political crisis. Sison, who is on forced exile in The Netherlands, is also the current chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

    The current political situation in the country, which has undergone two people's uprisings leading to the fall of two presidents (within 15 years) and that of another one – in just four years – unfolding, has created both disgust and frustration among many Filipinos.

    [img width=288 height=216][/img]
    THUMBS DOWN: Protesters at the Makati rally, July 1* * * *


    Needless to say, the present situation has also opened debates and forums over what is now appearing to be the most singular question: Is it a matter of replacing a president who has lost all credibility or is it already a matter of replacing a failed system. In this regard, there are at least four major options developing assuming that Gloria
    Macapagal-Arroyo is forced to resign or is ousted by another political uprising: first, constitutional succession;* second, a snap presidential election; third, military junta; and fourth, a transition or coalition government.

    Interviewing Prof. Sison was Bobby Tuazon. Following is the short interview and Prof. Sison’s reply:

    1) There is a growing number of Filipinos who are open to the idea of a transition or coalition government that will do away with the constitutional presidential succession in case Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo resigns or is ousted from Malacañang. The basis is not only frustration over the presidency but more so on the present political system that continues to breed corrupt presidents and elitist rule. Do you believe that the time and condition are ripe for this option that, in effect, will also be geared toward replacing the present presidential system of government and craft a new one? What makes you think this will become acceptable to the people?

    JMS (Jose Maria Sison): The Filipino people are desirous of revolutionary change and are open to the idea of a revolutionary coalition transition government to do away with the line of presidential succession in the 1987 constitution of the Manila government. It is possible and necessary for a broad united front of forces to oust Gloria M. Arroyo and her cohorts from power. The key forces now at work against the Arroyo regime are the mass organizations of the national democratic movement, certain opposition parties and certain groups of military and police officers. They can form a people's democratic council that can serve as the transition coalition government that calls for elections of executive and legislative officials as well as delegates to a constitutional convention six months after the ouster of the arroyo regime. The presidential form of government may be replaced by the parliamentary form.* The constitutional convention should be entirely different from the scheme of Arroyo and [House Speaker Jose] De Venecia to change the constitution according to their selfish interest. People will like the people's democratic council and the parliamentary form of government if the representatives of workers, peasants, women, youth and national minorities will be adequately and properly represented. The role of the people's armed revolutionary movement will gain importance and strength in changing the entire ruling system of big compradors and landlords.

    2) Related to the first question, how do you figure out this type of government considering the possibility that those who would comprise such would come from leaders representing various political shades and colors who were in the forefront in the ouster of Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo? Please clarify what should be the maximum and minimum basis for this type of alliance or government of national unity?

    JMS: The people's democratic council should include the representatives of the largest, most significant and most active parties and organizations in the movement to oust the arroyo regime.* We can let the forthcoming elections to decide the composition of the parliament, after the electoral rules are made so truly democratic as to allow parties and organizations of workers and peasants to field candidates successfully. But so long as the ruling system of big compradors and landlords remains intact, reactionary politicians will still be dominant. The continuing socio-economic and political crisis will favor the rise of the revolutionary forces and people against the reactionary politicians of the big compradors and landlords. The ouster or resignation of Arroyo in a favor of a people's democratic council or something else will not be the end of the story.

    3) Can you possibly mention or propose some specific names who should be in this transition or coalition government? Do you foresee any slot here for the military (active or retired) particularly some patriotic or progressive elements?

    JMS: It is premature for me to mention names that should be in the transition or coalition government. In due time, the strongest and most effective parties and organizations in the mass movement to oust the Arroyo regime will become obvious through the large numbers of people that they can arouse, organize and mobilize. Negotiations will occur among such parties and organizations in order to apportion delegates in a people's consultative assembly that will elect the people's democratic council. Retired military and police officers may represent retired and active officers in the assembly and council. But they should not be more than ten percent in order to uphold the principle of civilian supremacy. If Arroyo insists on staying in power by brute force, an alliance between the New People's Army and the patriotic sections of the AFP [Armed Forces of the Philippines] and PNP [Philippine National Police] is possible. Such an alliance will have to be taken into account in the broad united front.

    4) Any coalition, in principle, will inevitably undertake the task of drafting a new constitution, determining the form of political rule that should replace the present reactionary system and schedule an election. Do you believe that this political process can push through and in what way? What will happen to the present crop of political

    JMS: There should be a constitution that is patriotic and democratic. The draft of this can be prepared in advance under the direction of the people's democratic council. It should be deliberated upon and ratified soon after the Arroyo regime is ousted.* There should be elections that are truly democratic. Parties and organizations of the working people should be able to participate in the elections and thereby get their share of power and responsibility. Thus, the reactionary parties of the comprador big bourgeoisie and the landlord class should lose their monopoly of political power.

    5) Related to the previous question, "coalition governments" are known to be fragile and many of them eventually collapse with one political group or party dominating. How should the Left handle this?

    JMS: Coalition governments may be stable or unstable. But no matter how often is the change of parliamentary leadership, there should be an honest, competent and efficient bureaucracy. If the crisis becomes worse and calls for nothing less than a revolutionary transformation of society, then the people and revolutionary forces will smash the entire bureaucratic and military machinery of the state and establish a people's democratic coalition government.

    6) What should be the role of the NDFP in the coalition?

    JMS: The NDFP can play an important role in building a people's democratic coalition government. However, if the objective is to oust the Arroyo regime, it suffices that the different legal political forces, including the legal mass organizations of the national democratic movement, form the broad united front to oust the Arroyo regime and subsequently establish a provisional or transitional kind of coalition government. The NDFP will be able to play an increasingly important role as a result of the victories of the people in the legal democratic movement and the armed revolutionary movement against the ruling system. The CPP, NPA and the NDFP are the most important forces for building the people's democratic coalition government.

    The progressive elements of the AFP & PNP should consider the 10 Points of Action as suggested by the NDFP.

  6. #76

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    OT : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

  7. #77

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    Quote Originally Posted by whiteoleander
    OT : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
    " Pagkadaghan sa nahigmata...
    Nga nangandoy pang matulog...
    Kay mas tam-is ang magdamgo...
    Sa mga dili tinuod..."
    linya gikan sa kantang "Buta"

  8. #78

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    OT: @JoRed

    korek , mao nga matulog sa ko bai ...

    kay mas maypag magdamgo ug dili tinood,
    kung ang inyong giingon nga kamatooran,
    gikan ra sa inyong alimpatakan.

    mas tam-is pa ang akong pagkatulog,
    kay didto sa akong damgo wala ang sama ninyo nga magsamok samok.

    didto sa akong damgo wala'y susama ninyo,
    nga magbasol sa uban kung wala na'y bili ang piso.

    didto sa akong damgo , bahala na ug buta ko ,
    apan buta ko nga dili inutil tungod kay ang kamot ko dili armas ang gigunitan
    kundili ang kamot sa akong isig kaingon,
    ug kanila, ako, nakigtambayayong.

    buta tingali apan ana-ay tingog ,
    akong tingog naghaplos sa kasakit sa uban, wala nako dad-a sa daplin sa dalan.

    busa pasagdi lang ko bai , kung ako matulog sa ...
    kay gipasagdan lang tika samtang ikaw nagsaba-saba.


    p.s. wala na nako gi quote ra ha...

  9. #79

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteoleander
    OT: @JoRed

    korek , mao nga matulog sa ko bai ...

    kay mas maypag magdamgo ug dili tinood,
    kung ang inyong giingon nga kamatooran,
    gikan ra sa inyong alimpatakan.

    mas tam-is pa ang akong pagkatulog,
    kay didto sa akong damgo wala ang sama ninyo nga magsamok samok.

    didto sa akong damgo wala'y susama ninyo,
    nga magbasol sa uban kung wala na'y bili ang piso.

    didto sa akong damgo , bahala na ug buta ko ,
    apan buta ko nga dili inutil tungod kay ang kamot ko dili armas ang gigunitan
    kundili ang kamot sa akong isig kaingon,
    ug kanila, ako, nakigtambayayong.

    buta tingali apan ana-ay tingog ,
    akong tingog naghaplos sa kasakit sa uban, wala nako dad-a sa daplin sa dalan.

    busa pasagdi lang ko bai , kung ako matulog sa ...
    kay gipasagdan lang tika samtang ikaw nagsaba-saba.

    * Hinay-hinayan ang imong hagok 'dong...dz2rb0 sa banay....lolz!

    hahahaha , look who's talking .... dli lang banay imong gi-istorbo bai , timan-i na ...

  10. #80

    Default Re: 10 points of Action for the AFP & PNP

    OT: :mrgreen: , istorya ug katawa lang basta wala nay lusot . way bag-o nga copy and paste ron ?

  11.    Advertisement

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