Just because you choose to remian blind to the truth doesn't mean I have to "see" the same way you do.
You're burying your head in the sand. The companies that make those pills themselves already admitted that they cause a hostile endometrium. For example, the function of the Pill is described by one as "the rendering of the endometrium unreceptive to implantation"(
ABPI Datasheet Compendium, Datapharm Publications Ltd., 1996-1997, (Femodene) p1007).
These contraceptives do not always suppress prevent ovulation or prevent conception. That is clearly the case as there is evidence of "breakthrough pregnancy". But this pregnancy rate is far, far below the rate of breakthrough ovulation. This
wide discrepancy is a clear indication that at least some (and probably a significant number) of the fertilized eggs -- newly-concieved life -- are lost due to abortifacient action. See the table below:
Contraceptive Rate of Ovulation Breakthrough Pregnancy
Combined Pill up to 5% 0.1***
Pill 40-60% 0.3
IUD Up to 100% 0.6
Norplant 10-50%* 0.09
Depo-Provera 1%** 0.3
* Rising with each consecutive year of use
** Derived from 0.3-0.7% breakthrough pregnancies per year
*** Figures for 1st year of use given perfect usage
J. Kippley also estimated that the Combined Pill causes one early chemical abortion for every 88 menstrual cycles of a woman who continually uses it (Kippley, J., "The Pill and Eearly Abortion", All About Issues, 8, Aug-Sept 1989, pp22-23). This translates to 1.4 million pill-incuded abortions in the US in 1989, given around 10 milion users, according to Patrick McCrystal of Pharmacists for Life International.
A contraceptive is an abortifacient if any of this happens at all. The actual rate of abortion is irrelevant. Whether it's high or low, an abortion is an abortion. If the contraceptive causes it
at all, then it is an abortifacient.
Finally, even if you are irrationally obstinate in your doubt, you must still err on the side of life. If there is any doubt, then you cannot assume that an abportion dopes not occur because we are talking about human life here. The value at stake is too great for reckless judgement. If you err on the side of caution, you preserve life. Even if you are wrong (and the contraceptive is not an abortifcient), no life is lost. But if you are not cautious, and the contraceptive is abortifacient, then you
KILL someone.
A method that deliberately discards several newly-concieved lives (the fertilized eggs) in order to implant just one is certaoinly abortifacient. You kill several lives just to make one more. And you think that's not abortifacient? Get real.
Now that's just a matter of interpretation. When is the growth rate too high? Can you actually show that is does cause poverty on a national scale? No one has been able to do so, and neither can you. The studies show otherwise: population growth does
NOT cause poverty or significantly affect it in any way. The evidence is pretty clear on that. But I suppose you will just ignore it.
Take note that decrease in population growth rates also leads to population ageing, which we are NOT prepared to handle. There are no mechanisms anywhere in the country to do so. In fact, we do not even know how to handle it. Population control has dangerous economic consequences that you have totally ignored as well.
Only because you choose to remain blind to the fact that many of these methods are abortifacient.
You're burying your head in the sand again. The figures speak for themselves. The Guttmacher Institute, which is a pro-abortion group, estimates that 60% of abortions are by women who were on some contraceptive when they became pregnant. That litte fact effectively sinks your argument completely.
Calling it crap doesn;'t change the facts. Your eally should try to find a real argument instead of resorting to foul language. You will look less silly that way
You really don't know much about NFP, I'm afraid. NFP doesn't rely on the old calendar method. It also uses the mucus method and basal body temperature method (BBT). All three combined are very accurate and it works even for women who have irregular periods. Of course this presumes that you know your partner, which pronotes commitment and fidelity -- and your irrational tactic of calling it "crap" doesn't change that fact.
You accuse the Church of lying, but is clearly
YOU -- and those like you -- who who are lying. You can't even get your facts straight. And when your errors have been exposed, you resort to foul language. That is really a very clear indication that you
don't have any rational arguments to stand on.
Why should he? Dispensing condoms is
NOT a mandatory medical prtactice.
It never has been. Killing may be part of a solfier's job, but contraception is
NOT necessarily a doctor's or health worker's job. They have always had the right to refuse. Dispensing contraceptives is a
NEW requirement being imposed by this anti-life bill. That is something you have convenienelty forgotten.
By the way, the hippocratic oath taken by doctors obliges them to nurture life, not destroy it, Again, that is yet another thing that you and the authors of this coercive anti-life bill have forgotten.