Originally Posted by
Vince Russo
Yes, they're LIVING... but struggling to get by each day. Struggling to pay rent, utility bills, gasoline bills (if they have a car), and frequently maxing out their credit cards to try and pay for everything. Is that the life that people here aspire to in order to have a bigger salary? It still equates to poverty, doesn't it? Not being able to afford things? Take your pick of reasons: The salary is too low/the price is too high... What's the difference between "costing too much to buy it" and "not having enough money to buy it"? You're gonna hate to hear this, but a poor person here is probably better off than a poor person in the US. Here, the tropical weather allows you to sleep outside without freezing to death. The tamer culture allows you to be out at nite without being beaten and robbed. There aren't fruit trees everywhere, and no roadside stands selling low cost meals on the streets. You can't slaughter a pig in your backyard and use it for food, either. Personally, if I had had only a few bucks in my pocket, I'd rather take my chances here.
Yes Vince you want to take your chances here. Of course- from how I see it, you are a foreigner with savings/pension with your hyperwage salary. Your currency is worth whole lot here. BUT on a different scenario, would you chose to be a Filipino raised in Philippines? Earning third world salaries and buying first world items?