why man diay bro? di pwede? isog ka? ahahhaha joke
Ato sa i define ang word nga "pagan" bro ha, para same page ta.
according to the dictionary
A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions
source: -Merriam-Webster-
So basically kong kinsa to ang dili "main stream" nga religion mao nai pagan..
so since ang catholic is part of main stream religion (base on its population) di na siya ma himong pagan.. regardless onsa iya buhaton di ba? hehehe.
Now kong mo pugos jud ka nga paganism jud lagi... then ato i search onsa ang in common sa catholic og protestant nga nag practice of paganism.
Christmas is from pagan original (search: winter solstice)
Jesus Christ sign "fishers of men" is from pagan origin (search: pisces)
Easter Sunday is from pagan origin ( i search)
the cross is a pagan symbol. (i search)
naa pai daghan bro kapoy nako 12 naman diay hehehe