50 wpm
I understand English words.
I know how to spell English words.
I can edit what I hear and make the sentences very readable.
8 hours per day.
I have a paypal account.
50 wpm
I understand English words.
I know how to spell English words.
I can edit what I hear and make the sentences very readable.
8 hours per day.
I have a paypal account.
I can type at the speed of 50WPM. I understand English words. I know how to spell English words. I can edit what I hear, so the sentences I write are very readable. I can devote at least 5 hours per day to homebased/work at home projects. I can be paid via bank transfer.
50 wpm
I understand English words.
I know how to spell English words.
I can edit what I hear and make the sentences very readable.
8 hours per day.
I have a paypal account.
65 WPM
I understand English words.
I know how to spell English words.
I can edit what I hear so the sentences I write are readable.
I can devote 6 hours a day for work.
I have a paypal account.
70 WPM
I understand English and can spell really well
I can edit sentences.
minimum 4 hours a day
have Paypal account
I can type more than 45 WPM
Yes, understand English
Yes, I know how to spell English words
Yes, I can edit what I hear to make the sentences readable
Yes, I can render more than 12 hours per day since I am facing my computer most of
the time, because I am a full-time online marketer since 2003 to present.
I have PayPal account/Bank/Wire Transfer
I can type 45 WPM
I understand English very well
knows how to spell English words
I can edit sentences to make it readable
9 hours per day
I have a paypal account
You need paypal for this. If you don't have paypal, how can you receive payment?
hello Ts, please pm me for the details...
my typing speed is 55 WPM
good English comprehension
good in spelling
2-3 hours per day
verified paypal account
45 wpm
Can understand English
Know how to spell English words
Can edit sentences to make it readable
4-5 hours per day
bank transfer/paypal
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