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  1. #721

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by kiybordwaryur View Post
    muhilom nalang ko..moderator na jud nag comment..My username says it all!
    lisud na..basin maka violate pako rule na.. "attack the opinion not the user"

    anyway.. ill enumerate list later..why kunohay "ilahang intention" maayo
    but it was presented...badly..
    bad journalism...
    bad editing
    poor research...

    usa lng maayo nila... HD camera's.
    nothing else!
    Kani bai kay mo disagree jud ko nimo... I think klaro naman guro to nga ang ilahang "intention" kay "to spark change"...

    If presented badly pa to nga video or bad editing or poor research, nganong naapektuhan man ka ug ang mga parehas nimo nga nanga ulbo ang kaspa pagka kita sa video? Simple lang, meaning, their video works to "spark change... HOPEFULLY"...

  2. #722

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by yanong_banikanhon View Post
    Niresulta na gyud ang negatibong gibuhat aning Jimmy.

    Ulahi gyud pirmi ang pagbasol.Tsk.tsk.tsk.
    Wala man nimo gi post tanan bai, dara ang full statement niya ay:

    Read Sieczka's statement below which he sent to

    The following is my official statement regarding the "20 Reasons" video that I hosted:

    I, James Sieczka, have considered the Philippines as my second country and Cebu as my second home. The subject video that was aired was made in good faith and as a legitimate and reasonable exercise of my right, "freedom of expression." There was no intention to scrutinize the city nor the people that governs the same. It's an honest observation and opinion that I myself think needs to be worked on not just specifically in Cebu. These are little things that we see around us as normal people and from the eyes of an ordinary man like me. But from all that's happening and me just trying to exercise my freedom of speech, I am very open and amenable for an apology, on the manner and means that I exercise my right, if the need presents itself. As a sign of my compliance for the duly authorized authority and rule of law, I am not ashamed to apologize to people that I offended in the process with the hope that you would reconsider in declaring me "persona non grata."


    James Sieczka

  3. #723

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    Source: An Open Letter to Jimmy Sieczka and His Hate List About the Philippines | Definitely Filipino

    An Open Letter to Jimmy Sieczka and His Hate List About the Philippines
    By manilacitizen | March 17, 2012 | Filed under: Cultural Identity, CULTURE, HUMOR, Life in the Philippines, MISCELLANEOUS, Opinion, Rants, Reactions, Thought for the day, Tourism, TRAVEL

    Jimmy Sieczka

    At the end of the day, you love us

    If you weren’t so good-looking, I would hate you.

    You are the semi-complete embodiment of everything that is cool and not Filipino. But who am I to say you’re wrong when every single thing you said about us as a country is true.

    The decaying water drum in your opening scene represented the leadership abilities of our local government officials, and your simple nonchalant way of addressing it was a foretelling of what was to unfold.

    And we, the proud Filipinos, who were to watch your video for the next 30 minutes (ads included), would be subject to your scrutiny and high opinions.

    Boy did we not bleed?

    Ironically, we were entertained by your crack at us. Your mockery was the next best thing after Eat Bulaga.

    You had us laugh at ourselves that when you said everything in this country is under construction, I paused to imagine the number of building cranes I see atop rising buildings every single day.

    Ding ding ding, Jimmy, you were talking about me.

    So it made me think. You dropped too many revelations that we, as a culture, suddenly had a collective eureka moment for the next few minutes of buffering your video.

    And it wasn’t easy, knowing you told us things we ought to have known ourselves.

    True, we knew a lot of them, but you had to say it Jimmy! You just had to:

    1. We know about the filth everywhere on the streets. No amount of Ariel or Tide could erase the trace of pollution. But no one, probably because of the murky air we cannot see a thing, said a word.
    2. Yes, most (mind you, not all) of us love whitening products. You guys love getting tanned. Tit for tat.
    3. Good to know you noticed that even in the cities, we have chickens – roosters, cocks. They make great food and profit. We love chickens. Good thing you’re not one. I actually admire your boldness… No, seriously. I’m not kidding!
    4. Frisking is the heart of the Philippine security system. Remember SARS? We are so advanced in our national security that even those horrible viruses cannot enter our shores.
    5. Haha about the Koreans.
    6. Beggars are everywhere. They particularly like foreign guys who’re you-looking. Just saying.
    7. Oh yes, if it stinks, it’s pee-able. Look for areas with the sign “Bawal umihi dito”. It has the most stink. The best place to relieve yourself in. Of course, the shaking part still applies.
    8. Cockroaches are everywhere… in the world.

    But your heart-wrenching litany was what caught us off guard. You taught us too many new things I honestly was left replaying your video over and over again you received a thousand hits in a day.

    1. You made us widen our eyes in bewilderment and say, “Wait, they peddle male organ enhancers in streets?” We thought these stuff come in the most secret section of the drugs store, if there is one.
    2. You made us realize we’ve been eating in the same wet market all our lives and never got the chance to count just how much salmonella attacks missed us.
    3. You made my friends google MILF, just to get the joke that is our forever interfaith conflict in the South.
    4. You made us think if the guns of our sekyu (security guards) do work.
    5. Hot lady boys? The last time I checked, I’m the real thing.
    6. You made us evaluate just how much metal were wasted for the staples wires on your small purchases.
    7. You made us think twice before beeping while driving.
    8. We didn’t even know those were not motorbikes! Gah!
    9. We now question the existence of barkers.
    10. “What? You don’t have those cute little tissues in your country?”
    11. You made us want to stop calling our CR, CR. Sigh.
    12. You made us realize that someone actually notices about the everyday road accidents.
    13. You don’t love loud blasting bass music? C’mon! It’s heart-pumpin!

    Why did it have to take one hot-looking halfie (rumour has it that you are) to tell us things we do not know? More so, shove to our faces things we already know, but are too blind to really see.

    Your simple statements are a mild slap to our psyche as a people – that it has to take a non-Filipino to tell us what in the world is wrong with us.

    We love what you did. Honestly, the joke is on us. But it sucks knowing it had to be you. It could’ve been Manny Pacquiao, PNoy, Kris Aquino, or Charice. They could have gotten to your haters better, but then again, they wouldn’t have done a good job.

    Now on to my nth play.

  4. #724

    Default Re: Video - Complaining Foreigner

    Quote Originally Posted by Eve's Apple Project View Post
    TS: foreigners complain about our country yes..daghan sila..but mas daghan tang nagcge reklamo about our own country. i don't see anything wrong about complaining about the country. Nindot ang pinas but daghan dapat usbon para molambo ang pinas. cge tag encourage sa mga foreigner nga mosuroy sa pinas dayon sakitan ta sa ilang ikasulti about sa atong nasud? sala na sa atong Gov't sad TS & sala sad na sa mga tao nga walay disiplina. don't hate the dude just because he is stating the obvious. ana jud na ts, sakit ang kamatooran..hehe

    Sakto ka bro. This all reality and proven. As I watch video, for me the only thing I'd see wrong is the way he say's W.T.F. but anyway they are foreigner w/c is very easy and natural for them to say. I think we will not condemn our self on this. These is the calling for the government and for us as well. We don't like it but eventually we do it... Although dili ta ka afford sa ilang mga butang but we need to improved sa atong disiplina ug respito sa kaugalingon.

  5. #725

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

  6. #726

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    Maayo kay ni apologize diay si Jimmy. Pero para nko di man to maot ang iyang gibuhat oi... Constructive Criticism man to cya. Good for our country ang kasagran iyang gi sulti. Not that I'm siding with Jimmy here. Its just nga naa man gud cyay punto. Di raman si Jimmy nka bantay sa atong sitwasyon. Bisan kita kabantay man ta but we choose to ignore since naanad naman gud ta.

  7. #727

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    lets put it this way... Jimmy's ACTION prompted a response from the gov't and changes are coming. kanang OFW dihang murag si kinsa, kutob rag yawyaw pero la gihapoy gamit.

    Jimmy made it possible for some positive changes to made. now... ikaw, WTF did you ever do?

  8. #728

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    Mao lagi bai and it took a "Jimmy video" para lang makamata ta ninyong tanan sa mga butang nga gi take for granted lang nato... tsk tsk tsk...

  9. #729

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    @kiybordwaryur: if Jimmy is hitting on Pnoy you would probably idolize the guy

  10. #730

    Default Re: 20 reasons why I didn't like the Philippines

    c/o Sunstar:

    THERE is movement at the Cebu City Hall that a former mayor believes is political, but for Mayor Michael Rama, it was only to answer some of a foreigner’s gripes in an online video.

  11.    Advertisement

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