accepting Christ/God as Lord the savior is faith,which i believe is the start of the Christian faith..
then of course if you have that faith, you share the same compassion that Christ had..may not
be of the same level..but as followers/believers would always imitate their masters,as Christian i would
ask grace from Jesus to give me the compassion for others and that's where good works comes services, feeding, outreach programs etc..for me this is the physical side of goodworks and of course it always requires faith to able to do these sincerely..that's where the spiritual side of good works comes in, like being a real friend,respectful, kind hearted ec mostly just being a blessing...even if you dont have limbs or you're paralyzed..
you can still be a blessing to others, making them realize how precious life is by showing others that in the midst of struggle there is still hope in the hereafter, that death is not the end of us...and of course one cannot do this without faith..that's how early Christians endure suffering,martyrdom,mother theresa for example,pope in the old testament...noah built the arc out of faith and lots of other examples..i would have cited muslim faithfuls but i don't know one..hehehe...for sure lots of them too...