light weight flywheel,.... and what is to light
ok,.... say the engine is fully built,
forge pistons,.... forge rods,.... knife edge crankshaft (balanced),..... complete valve kit,.... stage 2 camshaft,.... cam gears,.... pulleys,...
i wanna upgrade my flywheel,..... but still have power on up hill climb,....
on up hill climb,.... i would lose power with a flywheel that is to light,.....
so what is to light

i was thinkin' about getting a TODA Ultra Light CrMo Flywheel : 9.68 Lbs
im just researching about this so that i can send the list of the parts i need to my shop.
i registered at so that i can communicate with people that know about this,...... i dont think they aproved me,.... coz i can never get itor log in