c# is pushed by microsoft, java is pushed buy suns...
Java is open source.. but how often do you check on how java's core is implemented?. how often do you contribute to java's progress?.
tell me who used java here and checked in some java fix to their source control?. or implemented a new hardcore java API. and got accepted as part of java's core?. heehehe. its open source but you cant touch it. for your eyes only.
i like c# cuz i dont do mobile apps. i like c# cuz of m$'s IDE rocks. i may use the mono version soon...
java's default GUI and fonts looks crap on windows. looks crap on linux, looks crap on mac. (no pun)
its more like a love at first sight thing. LOL. though i've used java earlier than c# but i fell in love with m$'s c#
c# has great support for the Windows OS. it can run 98% as fast as C++ in terms of game dev.
c# can run on Xbox360 with the new XNA game API. c# can access windows native APIs.
C# mono can run winforms 1.1
http://www.mono-project.com/WinForms though its still lacking. its not like your going to use all the functionality inside a winform... how often do you code winforms with weird combinations of other sh*t?.
its more of a "targeted" Operating system when you do development
ASP.net C# can run on linux with apatche + MySQL with Mono.
c# is not that bad. the only thing im a bit disappointed about is m$ stopping Managed Direct X development. though SlimDX is catching up. from where MDX stopped.. we'll see c# vs java when c# matures.
OT: there was this interview... about microsoft's lead for vista asking "if c# is so great/powerful.. why was vista not built under c#?"... and the answer was " its not that c# is not capable of creating an OS its just that we have more C++ programmers (oldies), and takes too much effort switching from c++ to c# LOL".. hehehee.
p.s i'm bias with c# LOL.