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  1. #61

    Quote Originally Posted by Crinkles11 View Post
    Dili na joke2x ng magpaboto kag bomba ikaw ra usa boss oi.
    Boss kasabot ko sa imong situation diha.. ang gapakaon nimo is mga CHinese mao sad gahatag nimog trabaho.. uli sad diri panagsa para naa sad kay sympatiya sa imong nasud

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTuthaus View Post
    Boss kasabot ko sa imong situation diha.. ang gapakaon nimo is mga CHinese mao sad gahatag nimog trabaho.. uli sad diri panagsa para naa sad kay sympatiya sa imong nasud
    European akong amo boss.

    Kanang mga info diha sa ato about China karaan na kaayo na kinahanglan nag update.

    Akong kasing2x boss sa Pinas bisan asa pa kong dapita sa kalibutan.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Crinkles11 View Post
    European akong amo boss.

    Kanang mga info diha sa ato about China karaan na kaayo na kinahanglan nag update.

    Akong kasing2x boss sa Pinas bisan asa pa kong dapita sa kalibutan.
    European lagi bai @Crinkles11 pero naas China .... mao na ako sige ug tabi diri nga ingon ana pud unta ang Pinas daghan foreign companies mga begtime corporation dili lang kanang naa sa mga MEPZA nga ginagmay ra ...

    Pero beleive jud kos mga Pinoy nga diri sa Pinas na asenso panarbaho ... hangyoon nakos Duterte puhon katong mga OFW's dili na priority ug work diri sa Pinas puhon ug ma ayos na economiya, priority ang mga Local Workers nga nag antos sa kalisod diri.

    Ayaw suko boss ha ....

    Dili nato atong bomba2x boss ha ayaw na ato kay bati to ... kiskis lang ta ...

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Crinkles11 View Post
    Kanang mga info diha sa ato about China karaan na kaayo na kinahanglan nag update.
    its not outdated, coz what we see is what is happening... we are not against all chinese, only chinese a$$hol3s apparently daghan lang sila... my laptop is made in china (Lenovo), my new coming smartphone is made in chain (Asus ZF2), my coming tablet is made in china (Xiaomi Mi Pad), my airsoft guns most them are from china (WE/WA/JG).... you see until we can defeat china in terms of economy we need to suck it up and get on using some of their products...

    i have some chinese friends that are not really that nationalistic... they hate the chinese govt for being too strict.. this people are bloggers and hackers..
    Last edited by salbahis; 05-30-2015 at 06:46 AM.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Crinkles11 View Post
    European akong amo boss.

    Kanang mga info diha sa ato about China karaan na kaayo na kinahanglan nag update.

    Akong kasing2x boss sa Pinas bisan asa pa kong dapita sa kalibutan.
    unsa diay ron ang update diha sa china bro?
    murag nagkinahanglan mi sa imong update da!

    Quote Originally Posted by salbahis View Post
    i have some chinese friends that are not really that nationalistic... they hate the chinese govt for being too strict.. this people are bloggers and hackers..

    sakto ka boss. in reality, it is the chinese government ang lungag sa lubot and not the whole chinese people. some chinese people probably did not not agree with what their government is doing. those who are happy of their government were probably mislead by their government's false information.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by salbahis View Post
    its not outdated, coz what we see is what is happening... we are not against all chinese, only chinese a$$hol3s apparently daghan lang sila... my laptop is made in china (Lenovo), my new coming smartphone is made in chain (Asus ZF2), my coming tablet is made in china (Xiaomi Mi Pad), my airsoft guns most them are from china (WE/WA/JG).... you see until we can defeat china in terms of economy we need to suck it up and get on using some of their products...

    i have some chinese friends that are not really that nationalistic... they hate the chinese govt for being too strict.. this people are bloggers and hackers..
    Naa sad ko kauban dili ganahan sa ilang Goberno bro, pero imagina kun ang China pareha sa Pinas ang panggoberno? 1.3billion unsaon man nimo?

    China Gov't TOO Strict < mao ni example sa akong giingon nga outdated nga info bro.

    Dili ta ganahan sa China pero ganahan ta modaug si Duterte.. BISAN AKO DUTERTE KO KUN MOLANSAR.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Crinkles11 View Post
    China Gov't TOO Strict < mao ni example sa akong giingon nga outdated nga info bro.
    its not outdated if that guy is sill in china... who experienced it personally this are not chinese guys nga naa diri sa pinas... i deal with this people on the daily basis and they are based in china...

    then again its you POV, its their POV... and also my POV so cant say we know what we know is outdated because all of us are just POV.. just because you are there doesn't mean you know everything na that makes us outdated, in this issue i would rather trust a word of a chink (with a grain of salt) than a filipino who work on china... because this people its their home.., unless you are a member of the 50 cent party... but thats a different story na...
    Last edited by salbahis; 05-30-2015 at 09:43 AM.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by salbahis View Post
    its not outdated if that guy is sill in china... who experienced it personally this are not chinese guys nga naa diri sa pinas... i deal with this people on the daily basis and they are based in china...

    then again its you POV, its their POV... and also my POV so cant say we know what we know is outdated because all of us are just POV.. just because you are there doesn't mean you know everything na that makes us outdated, in this issue i would rather trust a word of a chink (with a grain of salt) than a filipino who work on china... because this people its their home.., unless you are a member of the 50 cent party... but thats a different story na...
    Pag abot nako diri ing ana sad akong pagtuo... Unsa man nga patakaran ang dili ganahan sa imong mga amigo bai?

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Crinkles11 View Post
    Pag abot nako diri ing ana sad akong pagtuo... Unsa man nga patakaran ang dili ganahan sa imong mga amigo bai?
    #1 strict censorship, technically seo writer ni siya so he need to have full accessibility sa internet which when your in china some information might be hard to get, he always use proxy just to do it, or some ask me to get it for him...

    #2 sanitation sa ila lugar, is next to non-existent, govt let the local factory just basicly pollute the area... (pareha mi hubakon mao allergic kay mi sa mga aso ug abog)

    #3 annoying 50 cent troll...

    there is no problem on other services, except lang sa gi curtail nila nga information freedom ug sa no proper sanitation...

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by salbahis View Post
    #1 strict censorship, technically seo writer ni siya so he need to have full accessibility sa internet which when your in china some information might be hard to get, he always use proxy just to do it, or some ask me to get it for him...

    #2 sanitation sa ila lugar, is next to non-existent, govt let the local factory just basicly pollute the area... (pareha mi hubakon mao allergic kay mi sa mga aso ug abog)

    #3 annoying 50 cent troll...

    there is no problem on other services, except lang sa gi curtail nila nga information freedom ug sa no proper sanitation...
    1. Pwd ra ka gamit ug vpn, kani wa sad ko ganahi ani, pero ang punto ani gud ex. katong protest sa HK ug ipakita to sa mainland dili kaha magkagubot ang 1.3B ka taw? daghan pa sad baya diri gamay or way grado.

    2. kanang number 2 naningkamot si Xi Jinping ana. Dili ni makab ot sa dali nga panahon bai pero kita gyud ko mismo nga ilang goberno naningkamot gyud. Grabeng tinannanay ug kahoy diri SH.
    Beijing to Shut All Major Coal Power Plants to Cut Pollution - Bloomberg Business

    Kanang number 1 dili ra sa China ang gabuhat ana.

    Kanang number 2 pareha na sa Pinas, ang kabati lang mabayaran ra kasagaran, diri sa China mabayaran sad pero ayaw lang pasakop.

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