if himoon nmo na taxi ang honda kay ila bawi-on ang unit... mao na ako nadunggan
if himoon nmo na taxi ang honda kay ila bawi-on ang unit... mao na ako nadunggan
wahahaha..Originally Posted by YJOB
sa qatar naa taxi na BMW.. that was the first time kasakay kug BMW hehe..
testingi bro nya labay labay daun sa honda display center... pasuya ba... hahahahaOriginally Posted by legal_cd
kana muragkana murag pwede na sya. wa man kaha na sa kontrata? wahehe.Originally Posted by YJOB
sakto nah ila ge storya bro. Honda won't allow their cars to be used as taxi. naa sa contract.
naa sa contract na dili pwede na ma PUV ilang mga sakyanan. mahal pud gasolina oi. alkanse ka sa boundary :P
nakakita ko ug honda taxi a few years back, honda civic esi model to be exact diri sa cebu... it was actually a second hand unit...nagamit lang sa original owner for 4 months... after that he sold it na... since ang second owner dili aware sa CONTRACT, he decided na ibyahe nya as a taxi... nakabyahe lang to for 2 to 3 days... Honda Motors Philippines nakahearing ani, so they hired policemen / agents to stop this... nagpost sila mga tao in almost every corner sa cebu... ang ila gibuhat was confiscate ang car and they paid the full amount / value of a brand new honda car to the owner... in-ana kastrict ang honda philippines...
noh? haya haya gud....wala diay to gi priso....hinoon second hand ra man cya...Originally Posted by jdx
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