I've been eavesdropping sorry about that but I will now join this healthy discussion.
Actually @
elvandesantos and @
Nefarian both have valid and solid points but in my honest opinion I would be in favor of scrapping the pork barrel as well as the PIGS.
Why? Firstly we are a nation that has its own constitution to follow by virtue the creation of those such funds are already against our constitution - the only constitution that defines our laws.
Why not try amendment? Our constitution was the product of great minds which drafted and heatedly debated this masterpiece. Moreover the constitution already been into a lot of revisions and the more people get confused. I'm aware that many of us here are not even familiar with our constitution that's a fact because it is already programmed in public schools - pls. don't ask me how come or else I'll kiss you. Bottom line there's nothing wrong with the constitution only the people.
The logical analogies delivered here were somewhat insignificant since the intricacies expressed were in broader scale and that's beyond comparison.
sorry guys will share some insights later my son just woke up I need to do some 163 code hehehehe he's sick got fever.
Continue to share some thoughts but pls. keep it civil.
God bless us all!