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  1. #61

    I've been eavesdropping sorry about that but I will now join this healthy discussion.

    Actually @elvandesantos and @Nefarian both have valid and solid points but in my honest opinion I would be in favor of scrapping the pork barrel as well as the PIGS.

    Why? Firstly we are a nation that has its own constitution to follow by virtue the creation of those such funds are already against our constitution - the only constitution that defines our laws.

    Why not try amendment? Our constitution was the product of great minds which drafted and heatedly debated this masterpiece. Moreover the constitution already been into a lot of revisions and the more people get confused. I'm aware that many of us here are not even familiar with our constitution that's a fact because it is already programmed in public schools - pls. don't ask me how come or else I'll kiss you. Bottom line there's nothing wrong with the constitution only the people.

    The logical analogies delivered here were somewhat insignificant since the intricacies expressed were in broader scale and that's beyond comparison.

    sorry guys will share some insights later my son just woke up I need to do some 163 code hehehehe he's sick got fever.

    Continue to share some thoughts but pls. keep it civil.

    God bless us all!

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    Katong pabor kaau sah PDAF I'll give you a simple consequence for your deliberate emotions that filled-up the roads demanding for PDAF's removal.

    Cebu City Medical Center(CCMC) to be demolished, no budget yet for raising another CCMC structure according to both Local Government and the National Government.
    Why does the government need to set up a public hospital in the first place? Kami middle class dako kaayo amo gi-bayad nga tax every 15th and 30th pero wala jud me katungtong anang CCMC. Wala sad me nakadawat ug financial assistance sa gobyerno bisan piso.

    If you want to go to a hospital, pay it with your own funds. Kung walay public hospital and other social services, walay taxes; walay taxes, walay corruption. If you want to help other people, pag setup ug imohang kaugalingon hospital para pang charity. Mao na gibuhat sa mga charitable institutions ug mga churches-- naghimo sila ilaha schools ug hospitals. Pwede sad ka mag-donate. Ing-ana ra ka simple.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by simoncpu View Post
    Why does the government need to set up a public hospital in the first place? Kami middle class dako kaayo amo gi-bayad nga tax every 15th and 30th pero wala jud me katungtong anang CCMC. Wala sad me nakadawat ug financial assistance sa gobyerno bisan piso..
    that's a clear selfish side of you, try and shout it out to everyone. Unfortunately there are those people who got good talents and so on that didn't get the "middle-class" life like you got there bud, those feelings that you really doesn't have enough to pay for medical consultations or admission which got you frustrated that some even committed suicide-you lacked off. This institutions gave way to those, even CCMC or VSMMC will hand picked those they will be admitting-those really are deserving who doesn't have the real means to pay for private hospital.

    Hala, pamatya ang ubos pa sah middle-class nah mga tao kay para nmo wala nah silay hinungdan.

    Kung walay public hospital and other social services, walay taxes; walay taxes, walay corruption.
    really rational person? really no taxes? nag tuo ka naay dalan or security imong kinabuhing "middle class" kun walay tax.

    Rational you. This is the very reason the Philippines went way down after the fall of Marcos, people didn't think way too much who' should enthroned in Malacanang. They rather chose the housewife who in the first place admitted no idea running a country. The result was too much cronies on her side. LOL

    Pak pak. including to the person liking your post.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    that's a clear selfish side of you, try and shout it out to everyone. Unfortunately there are those people who got good talents and so on that didn't get the "middle-class" life like you got there bud, those feelings that you really doesn't have enough to pay for medical consultations or admission which got you frustrated that some even committed suicide-you lacked off. This institutions gave way to those, even CCMC or VSMMC will hand picked those they will be admitting-those really are deserving who doesn't have the real means to pay for private hospital.

    Hala, pamatya ang ubos pa sah middle-class nah mga tao kay para nmo wala nah silay hinungdan.

    really rational person? really no taxes? nag tuo ka naay dalan or security imong kinabuhing "middle class" kun walay tax.

    Rational you. This is the very reason the Philippines went way down after the fall of Marcos, people didn't think way too much who' should enthroned in Malacanang. They rather chose the housewife who in the first place admitted no idea running a country. The result was too much cronies on her side. LOL

    Pak pak. including to the person liking your post.
    Elvan, you had me in your first paragraph. That simoncpu cannot comprehend what being poor is. Sometimes unforseen and uncontrollable circumstances in life blindsides you and all of a sudden you find yourself so deep in debt, public hospitals would be your only choice for medical care. I hope his arrogance would not award him a karmic death.

    Then somehow you bring up the Marcoses. Tsk! Tsk! I'm just so happy how things worked out for this country - esp. getting rid of him and his plundering family. I can only imagine how bankrupt and wasted our country could've been had he stayed longer. Even until now his cronies are still in power as he only took in the best, the brightest and most corruptible people into his circle.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    that's a clear selfish side of you, try and shout it out to everyone. Unfortunately there are those people who got good talents and so on that didn't get the "middle-class" life like you got there bud, those feelings that you really doesn't have enough to pay for medical consultations or admission which got you frustrated that some even committed suicide-you lacked off. This institutions gave way to those, even CCMC or VSMMC will hand picked those they will be admitting-those really are deserving who doesn't have the real means to pay for private hospital.

    Hala, pamatya ang ubos pa sah middle-class nah mga tao kay para nmo wala nah silay hinungdan.

    really rational person? really no taxes? nag tuo ka naay dalan or security imong kinabuhing "middle class" kun walay tax.

    Rational you. This is the very reason the Philippines went way down after the fall of Marcos, people didn't think way too much who' should enthroned in Malacanang. They rather chose the housewife who in the first place admitted no idea running a country. The result was too much cronies on her side. LOL

    Pak pak. including to the person liking your post.
    Of course, I'm selfish; it's my money. If you want to help the poor, please use your own money. I will help the poor using my own money too. I will not give it to the government in the guise of helping the poor; if you think that giving your money to Napoles is more efficient than direct action (i.e., helping the poor yourself), then it means that you're the one who's irrational. Mao na problema sa mga Leftists ug statists; cge ra yawyaw, dili man diay mo-hatag sa charity.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by KhogMoh View Post
    Elvan, you had me in your first paragraph. That simoncpu cannot comprehend what being poor is. Sometimes unforseen and uncontrollable circumstances in life blindsides you and all of a sudden you find yourself so deep in debt, public hospitals would be your only choice for medical care. I hope his arrogance would not award him a karmic death.

    Then somehow you bring up the Marcoses. Tsk! Tsk! I'm just so happy how things worked out for this country - esp. getting rid of him and his plundering family. I can only imagine how bankrupt and wasted our country could've been had he stayed longer. Even until now his cronies are still in power as he only took in the best, the brightest and most corruptible people into his circle.
    Sometimes, you cannot comprehend simple Math. I-compute na gud imo tanan taxes, apil SSS ug Philhealth, and other deductions. Then ihapa kung pila ang returns or benefit kung ibutang na nimo sa private insurance o bisan sa banko. Then ihapa pila ang benefits nga gihatag sa gobyerno. Abi nimo walay taxes ang poor? Ang sardinas ug noodles* nga ilang gikaon naay tax. Kita tanan naay tax.

    *dapat exempt na unta ni, ambot unsa na status karon

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by simoncpu View Post
    Of course, I'm selfish; it's my money. If you want to help the poor, please use your own money. I will help the poor using my own money too. I will not give it to the government in the guise of helping the poor; if you think that giving your money to Napoles is more efficient than direct action (i.e., helping the poor yourself), then it means that you're the one who's irrational. Mao na problema sa mga Leftists ug statists; cge ra yawyaw, dili man diay mo-hatag sa charity.
    okay you had your point. be the "middle-class" you want. D tanan panahon bai ayahay ang kinabuhi, na gyud panahon mo dangup ka sah imong d ganahan so til that time comes... ZIP nalang ko . you win okay.

    Besides charity is giving what you can offer without asking for anything in return.

    Anyway, I got your point, your no charity at all. I am hoping you get to have the life of your dreams, enough cash, the best job or business and the most healthy family in the whole wide world.
    Last edited by elvandesantos; 10-25-2013 at 01:30 AM.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by KhogMoh View Post
    Then somehow you bring up the Marcoses. Tsk! Tsk! I'm just so happy how things worked out for this country - esp. getting rid of him and his plundering family. I can only imagine how bankrupt and wasted our country could've been had he stayed longer. Even until now his cronies are still in power as he only took in the best, the brightest and most corruptible people into his circle.
    Sorry about that. As I understand your point about the Marcos, but what I cannot comprehend is that the people allow themselves feeling to over-rule. Letting a housewife who's in the 1st place denied any knowledge on running a government was really a ridicule. Surely there was someone who is more qualified out there during the fall of the Marcos years or was it just Cory at all?

    • A president running the country on martial law for 20years! WTF!
    • A political-background husband died controversially
    • A mourning housewife with rich familial backgrounds (most of their companies - on govt. control that time)
    • A charismatic cute daughter (Kris, yes she's the national daughter at that time too)
    • An enrage people, specially when someone murdered what they think was the one who can stop the current admin that time

    The mob, the familial, etc choosing the mourner? Really? I understand the feeling, but that strong? they cannot even stop for a moment and think or ask themselves "wait? is there no other person qualified for the position?" That could be the greatest oppression Marcos did, absence of education if there was no one else fit for running the position.

    And yes, the feeling was just too strong. There's a lot of story going on with that from porno, vehiculars, romance, famous albums and even comedies... "The Feeling, Too Strong"

    But just to be clear here, I'm am not bidding Marcos' stay that time. Just a supposed more qualified person as replacement. Qualified due to education, not because of peoples feeling.

    Hoping for the offended to be clear on it.

    But the other guy we agreed too? He must be real rich or something
    Last edited by elvandesantos; 10-25-2013 at 01:29 AM.

  9. #69
    well glad to see someone who claim to be in the middle class did not even to bother avail the paid membership..

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by simoncpu View Post
    Sometimes, you cannot comprehend simple Math. I-compute na gud imo tanan taxes, apil SSS ug Philhealth, and other deductions. Then ihapa kung pila ang returns or benefit kung ibutang na nimo sa private insurance o bisan sa banko. Then ihapa pila ang benefits nga gihatag sa gobyerno. Abi nimo walay taxes ang poor? Ang sardinas ug noodles* nga ilang gikaon naay tax. Kita tanan naay tax.

    *dapat exempt na unta ni, ambot unsa na status karon
    Bro being a citizen of this nation that's our responsibility to pay our taxes because that's our rule of law your statement sounded to naive pls. read this...

    The Preamble reads: Preamble of the 1987 Constitution

    “ We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of the Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution. ”

    If you are so concerned about how much you pay in taxes better take off your helicopter find an island where you can relax as a proud middle class.

    Bro no man is an island...time will come you will need the help of those people you drag the most.

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