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  1. #61

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    mga bai mejo Offtopic ko gamay.. tinood daw nga walay apil sa package ang OS sa mga gaming laptops? maoy ingon sa MSI dd2 sa sm..

  2. #62

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    yup wai labot OS. mka add raman gud cya sa cost. and simple rman kaayo mg install ug os

  3. #63

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    tagpila diay ang mga genuine nga windows 7 ron bai?

    Quote Originally Posted by akomao View Post
    yup wai labot OS. mka add raman gud cya sa cost. and simple rman kaayo mg install ug os

  4. #64

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    LAMIA ani! tigoman tikaw laptapa kah..

  5. #65

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    Quote Originally Posted by haruma View Post
    tagpila diay ang mga genuine nga windows 7 ron bai?
    pde raman pirate bai, hehe dli man mag void imng warranty ana kai software raman den for home use, dli ta madakpan..
    but anyway if gusto jud ka ug orig na windows 7, palit lng ka ug windows 7 Starter tag 1700, den upgrade lng nmo ug ultimate naa man daghan codes ana para ma upgrade..

  6. #66

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianBCBF View Post
    ok kaau brad, paspas naman kaau ng i5, ang i7 pang video rendering raman na or intensive 3d rendering churva2...
    mag gaming den fraps man gani q nga dli i3 ang processor, G530 ra.. kaya man gani kaau bsta paspas lng ang video card..
    thanks kaayo brad ill try and get this laptop

  7. #67

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    dli mani available ron sa msi cebu.. mayta by december naa nani dri.. Im planning kani akong kuhaon kay affordable ra and nindot ang specs.

  8. #68

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    you can order man bai... i believe c sorry18 maka order ani and insotec computers... try to inquire nila..

  9. #69
    Senior Member kat5252's Avatar
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    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ

    naglaway ko naglantaw sa specs oi!

  10. #70

    Default Re: gaming laptop for poor people MSI GE60 0NC-i3145+ 3rd generation Intel® Core i3 - 3110M 2.40 GHZ


    There is a big difference with i3 and i5.

    1.) Even if it's a 3rd generation i3 laptop, you can't easily say your 3rd gen is faster against any i5.
    Like any other laptop brands, you can't easily compare the performance just bec you have a msi and the other one is hp. Like Processors you don't easily compare them by Generation it was made. 3rd Generaton processors are ONLY 3-5% faster than 2nd gen. and consumes 10w less. One major thing to look out in a processors will be their "ghz".

    SO Obviously if you have an i5 2nd GEN running 2.60ghz, and i3 3rd GEN running 2.40ghz = i5 WINS!


    2.) i3's are dual cores with 4 hyperthreading which makes it only 2 pure cores, 2 "illusion" cores running in taskmanager.
    i5's are NOT dual cores but QUAD cores with 4 hyperthreading which makes it 4 TRUE CORES running in taskmanager.
    i7's are quad cores with 4 true cores running 8 hyperthreading.

    3.) Processors model. They are different. The real deal is what MODEL is that laptop processor is carrying.
    2nd - 3rd generation processors are made up of FOUR numbers. 2nd gen starts with 2 and 3rd gen. starts with 3.
    i3 2+++ (i3 and 2(means 2nd gen) - ARE ONLY THE BRAND, the next +++ will be THE MODEL)
    i3 3+++ (i3 and 3(means 3rd gen)

    This tells the Ghz, cache, etc.


    i5's in most cases are faster than i3's because they are running 4 TRUE CORES/QUAD the other is just 2.
    It DEPENDS ON THE "MODEL" NOT THE BRAND, not by generation it was made.


    i5's 3rd gen with Clock rate of 1.8ghz. vs i3's 2nd gen CLock rate 2.60ghz. which do you think WINS?

    IMHO: I would still pick i5 any day against any i3 even if its 3rd gen. bec of the 4 cores against 2.

    By the way, Nice Laptop.

    Owned, i3, i5, i7.

    and I forgot to mention.
    GRAPHICS CARD wil always be at the top OVER any PROCESSORS out there.
    and notebook should have a good amount of cooling factor , the higher the heat, the slower the performance it gets.
    so. .

    Take a good look in order:

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