Originally Posted by
boss esoy,
im still hoping for the best. maayo unta naa jud makalead og tarong aning owwa nga makatabang sa mga ofw's thru its
My friend Loren, we should plot out our future and not let it be in the hands of others(officers of OWWA or any government agency), as the Boss of PNoy, we should tell them what is good for us and not what they give(TIHS) to us, what we want and not what they want for us. We should lead them - we are the Boss of PNoy, and that is what PNoy has been saying. However, we have to be ONE (1) VERY BIG BOSS. United we stand. Many still do not understand what it is to be a BOSS, the BOSS- we call the shots.. PNoy and the rest of the government personnelS are our "EMPLOYEES".
The timing is now very critical because PNoy is trying to make good public image, He needs POGI points, if we lose this opportunity then we will continue to get the "SHTTY" service that many many Filipinos have been clamouring(bagolbol) about since time immemorial.. We can make this into country into another Singapore or better. Singaporeans are no "geniuses" but they have a very nice country - organized and efficient. It does not need a "rocket scientist" to achieve similar to those that Singapore achieved. We need unified people, unified in principle and have an outrageous love of God and Country.