.. ok, talking of prophecies. There have been countless prophecies that have been proven false, like the end of the world will come on 1999, coz if you reverse the 1999, it will come out 1666. And many others... please to those who are religious, please don't limit yourself to this prison which is your religious beliefs, just put it on the side, focus on life and how to spend it happily, not to what your religion dictates but to what you yourself wants. and by saying that, i am off topic, nyehehehe
.. back to topic. It's hard to believe in that great flood of Noah, i just saw that 2012 movie and it greatly resembles the Noah's Ark tragedy. If that flood did happen, where did the water came from ?? And why only Noah where chosen ??
.. and really now, why is it that upon reading the Bible, it only revolves around Israel and it's neighboring countries
And if you try to relate it to the entire history of the world, there have been other people living in the British Isles, the chinese, the japanese and native american indians, the aborigines of australia, they were all living during those times of jesus, how come there were not included in the Bible ?? Is God only limited to Jerusalem, Israel and it's neighbors ??