Instead of a ninth ray, why not a crescent
Much has been said about adding a ninth ray to the eight-rays around the sun on the Philippine flag. In my opinion, the proposed change will not only inadvertently ruin the flag’s visual symmetry and distort the meaning of the sun rays which has come to symbolize the first eight provinces of Luzon that first rose up as one against Spain in 1896. A ninth ray may not be the most appropriate symbol of the Muslims’ struggle against foreign domination; for history shows that the Moro armed resistance did not start in 1896 but centuries before. The earliest of these wars of historical significance is the “Battle of Tampakan” where Rajah Silongan of Bwayan routed the forces of (Governor) Captain Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa in the year 1596, and where the captain died.
Since the avowed purpose of a ninth ray on the flag is to give recognition to the Muslims of Mindanao, I suggest that we add a green crescent instead to one of the stars. This way the recognition would be clear, distinct, apparent and can be readily explained to any grade school pupil. More importantly, the additional symbol hails them not just as mere freedom fighters but as Muslims.
Datu Lukes of Maguindanao Sultanate,
102 Quezon Ave., Poblacion,
Cotabato City