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  1. #61

    The whole point is ... ATTACK the POST and not the POSTER .

    Kung mo ingon ka na ok ra ang INSULTUHAY , its not ok because its a VIOLATION of the rules and regulations here in the forums .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  2. #62
    IMO, the evolution thread was okay... until some ego's were slightly touched and it created a nuclear bomb. attack the post not the poster---some people have a hard time understanding that especially the newbies.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Ger View Post
    sarcasm is an insult mn gud... mao nay gasagaran weapon sa atheists... nindot mn nuon naay insultohay basta naa say ikapresent nga argument bah...
    sarcasm and a direct insult are two different things. you guys just don't get it when someone throws sarcasms at you. you cry like a baby and hide under your mom's palda.

  4. #64
    nindot unta diba kung ato istorya-an kay unsa mga rituals pwede buhaton kung blood moon... hehehe.. bitaw naa book sa una ako cousin on rituals and speels na buhaton.. pero na period.. wala man mi kassabot oi...

    nus-a diay anng blood moon oi? unsa-on man pagkahibaw kung blood moon?

    diba nice kung ingon ana ato mga topic?

    agi lng me...

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    sarcasm and a direct insult are two different things. you guys just don't get it when someone throws sarcasms at you. you cry like a baby and hide under your mom's palda.
    if they cannot differentiate the intention of sarcasm from insult, how much more fathom the process of evolution..

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by bluedes View Post
    if they cannot differentiate the intention of sarcasm from insult, how much more fathom the process of evolution..
    lol tell me bout it.

  7. #67
    we'll have to find first the missing link between Religion and Spirituality

  8. #68
    Hahaha...that's life without the fanatics and the anti-fanatics. Mas enjoyable man gud usahay pag ma-touch gyud personally ang mga participants sa discussion kay ma-feel sad nato ang passion sa tawo..pinugaay gyud sa tamang kusog hehe...alegre!

    kaya lang medyo di man gyud parehas ang tawo sa tolerance levels nila hehe...puliki gyud tawon ang mga mods- well that's your life for the position you choose.

    Because of people's difference ma-realized sad nako ang beauty sa atong existence...probably it is this way because this is perhaps perfect, lisod lang madawat kay samok lagi hehehe...unsa na lang ang kinabuhi kung way struggle? ang S&O kung wala mga struggle diri boring bwahahaha..

    Actually sometimes insults are used by those who wants to have an attention and pursue discussion, as if insult and ridicule of the belief in God is one way of showing there is no God (di ba?)...ambot nila sige ingon nga way hinungdan nga topic ning religions pero sige post ug topic about religion japon hehe.

    Sige post lang lingaw man sad...

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