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  1. #61
    Site Keeper Bigfoot Oracle's Avatar
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    for those who are planning to get married --Think twice (times a jillion).

    That's my only advice.

  2. #62
    "If you believe in your heart that you have found someone with whom you are able to grow, if you have sufficient faith that you can resist the endless attraction of the road not taken and the partner not
    chosen, if you have the strength of heart to embrace the cycles and seasons that your love will experience, then you may be ready to seek the miracle that marriage offers. If not, then wait. The easy grace of a marriage well made is worth your patience. When the time comes, a thousand flowers will bloom...endlessly."


  3. #63
    nosebleed...but nice though...thanks for sharing..

  4. #64
    make sure that is is for real and for good.

  5. #65
    this is good..."
    So do not fear marriage, just as you should not rush into it for the wrong reasons. It is an act of faith and it contains within it the power of transformation. If you believe in your heart that you have found someone with whom you are able to grow, if you have sufficient faith that you can resist the endless attraction of the road not taken and the partner not
    chosen, if you have the strength of heart to embrace the cycles and seasons that your love will experience, then you may be ready to seek the miracle that marriage offers. If not, then wait. The easy grace of a marriage well made is worth your patience. When the time comes, a thousand flowers will bloom...endlessly. "

  6. #66
    Basta Ateneo! the best essays.

    hilak ko da.

  7. #67

    Default An article from Bro. Bo Sanchez... :)

    I Fell in Love Again

    Life is About Creating Moments

    I just came from Boracay.

    And I fell in love with the loveliest woman on the planet.

    And on the white powdery sands of this beautiful island, I got married again.

    But I’m getting ahead of the story.

    First of all, I had to propose a decent proposal.

    I did it at our regular weekly prayer meeting called the FEAST in Manila.

    As a surprise.

    Marowe, who knew nothing of my plan, was sitting at the front row. At the end of my talk, I went down the stage, stood in front of her, planted one knee on the ground, and whipped out a diamond ring in a red little box.

    “Marowe, will you marry me…again?”

    With tears streaming down her cheeks, she said, “Of course!”

    The next day, we flew to Boracay for our wedding—part two.

    With us were our two boys, plus both sides of our family, plus Fr. Steve Tynan, my spiritual director. All in all, 28 people.

    Before I tell you what happened, let me give you a little background…

    Ten years ago, my wife wanted a small, private wedding.

    But we didn’t have one. Because I wanted everyone who attended the FEAST to join us. I explained to her that my Community is my spiritual family and I couldn’t think of not celebrating this great event without them. She was convinced and we had a grand wedding attended by a thousand people.

    Expensive, right? Wrong. The reception was potluck. I asked everyone to bring food and they did. When we ended, people brought home bags of food.

    But that was ten years ago.

    Today was going to be different, I told her.

    I promised Marowe that our second wedding would be very, very private.

    So private, it will only be attended by 28 people. Just parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces.

    Let me describe to you that incredible event.

    Early in the morning, we marched off to the beach.

    I was wearing—what else—a pair of blue jeans and a white top.

    I requested all the guests to do the same.

    My bride, on the other hand, wore a simple, knee-high, white sundress that blew in the gentle wind. In her hand, a bouquet of pink tulips. She was a picture of loveliness.

    Fr. Steve, who was also present in our wedding ten years ago, was again officiating our Renewal of Marriage Vows.

    With the blue sky above us, the majestic sea in front of us, and the shiny sand on our feet, we said our “I Do’s” again.

    I cannot describe the joy I felt.

    I knew I created a memory.

    When Should You Splurge?

    When You Create Memories

    I’m a preacher of the simple life.

    In fact, I wrote two books on simplicity. And my third book on money, the 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich, I exhorted everyone to save and invest.

    Today, I’m asking you to splurge and invest.

    That’s right. Splurge!

    I splurged for that diamond ring in that red little box.

    I splurged for our Boracay trip.

    I splurged for the pink tulips.

    But it was all worth it.

    I was still investing. But of a different kind.

    I was investing on memories.

    I now believe that life is about creating memories


    When we’ll be both happy ninety years olds, still holding hands in the sunset of our lives, we’ll look back at our tenth wedding anniversary. And we’ll cherish the fantastic moment of getting married all over again on the beach of Boracay, surrounded by the special people we love.

    And we’ll say, as we do now, “It was all worth it.”

    - in every relationship, always, always include God, others might not knew or recognize him but believed me, it work with us....

    Have a blessed day....

  8. #68

    Default Love in Marriage

    Another inspiring story from Bro. Bo Sanchez...

    Call Me Crazy, But She Still Makes My Heart Go Pumpity-Pump

    After ten years of marriage, I’m still crazy for this woman.

    Being with her is my little piece of heaven on earth.

    Here’s my proof: So far, I’ve had 508 romantic dates with my wife. (Yes, my wife. What were you thinking? She’s my ex-girlfriend, right?) That’s once per week for almost 10 beautiful years.

    And I’ve loved every single one of them.

    Our date night is sacred.

    Unless it’s an invitation from the President of the Republic, I say no to all invitations and meetings. Our marriage is what it is today because of those precious 508 dates.

    Call me corny. Call me deluded. Call me in denial.

    But I really love being with her.

    By the way, did you know my wife has magical powers?

    When I’m with her, she drains my stress away. When I’m going through a rough time, all I have to do is share my problems to her, and instantly, I feel so much better. With her, I’m at home. And I rest.

    I believe couples need to connect with each other in a deep way, or they will drift apart and look for attachments elsewhere.

    Aside from our weekly dates, I grab special times I call “spontaneous moments of connection”.

    Spontaneous Moments Of Connection

    Yesterday afternoon, I came home ready to dive into my work. The usual stuff I do: articles to write, talks to prepare, meetings to plan…

    But when I came home, I saw this lovely woman sitting on the couch all by herself.

    I thought to myself, “Work can wait,” and I grabbed this opportunity to sit beside the greatest girl on the galaxy. It wasn’t planned. But we were able to talk and connect our hearts. Even just for a few minutes.

    Life offers us these fantastic times of bonding. I’ve learned not to miss them: Being stuck in traffic with her. Or waiting for the dentist. Or lining up in the grocery. These times don’t have to be boring if you hold hands and talk.

  9. #69
    this is very therapeutic.hehe :'c

  10. #70
    when we get married, its a myth that two persons become one. when they read that gospel in Church, its not meant to be taken literally. it means that you are bound to take care of each other wholistically. but you keep your own life -- your own job, your own set of friends, your own interests and hobbies, your own personal sense of self despite being married. you juggle and find time for everything -- magician ka when you get married, without a doubt it is the TOUGHEST job. but if you surmount your trials, it is the most rewarding. it does not take a whole lot of money to make it work. it needs patience, persistence and real love. love is giving until it hurts. and yet we give more. it takes two people, with real love and determination to make it work. i know love works. marriages work. because there are 3 persons in a marriage - the couple and God on whom the marriage is founded...

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