i think the smokeless incenerator is plausible.. but if its water filtration.. then its gonna be a highly contaminated water which should be treated before its thrown back to earth..
i think the water fueled car was also plausible.. downside is, millions of people will loose their jobs, global economy is at risk and possible world war III.. but i think its already in motion(the non oil running cars concept i mean), slowly starting with hybrids.. that i think is what made oil producing countries to try and find alternative source of income like tourism inspite of the infidel thingy.. hehe.. conspiracy.. conspiracy..
if our cars go electric... and if we are able to properly enhance the technology of alternative sources of energy like geothermal, solar, wind, wave... etc.
payts na.
but unfortunately...White House Joins Fight Against Electric Cars - New York Times
Last edited by grovestreet; 12-16-2008 at 12:53 AM.
goodbye Water-powered car. Say hello to the Honda FCX Clarity. Runs on Hydrogen !Uses Hydrogen Fuel cells. better technology, much brains working on the idea. Compared to one genius with a quirky attitude.
I still want the old-surefire-necksnapping-wheelburning aluminium blocks. Test Drive a new EVO X lately, and man! it doesn't just rocks like a hurricane, it's nuclear! this is probably the most exciting new arrival since God stuck a pin in a map and decided on Bethlehem.
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