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OMG.. dude.. hacking means having an access without permission.. a programmer programs software to use and make complicated codes more user friendly.. a programmer is a career... a hacker is an underground person who seeks information that is unauthorized to public access.. you don't need to know Memory Segmentation and understanding of x86 processors and assembly language and etc and etc.. just don't get caught while doin' what you do illegally.. thats what hacking is.. coz it is illegal.. i know programmers who don't know how to hack man.. and i know hackers don't know how to program..
obviously dude, you dont even knw the meaning of the term "programming" or "debugging" how much more "hacking", these days ang word na "hacking" is now associated with exploits, infiltration, intrusion, etc.
But i dont blame you since like what ive said these days "hacker" now refer to "doing bad things" as common as using the word "google" to "search things online".
Originally Posted by
i know programmers who don't know how to hack man..
I cant imagine a programmer who dont know how "to hack", debugging and fixing the bugs on there program is hacking in practice.
Trivia: Did you know that QA guys or testers are sometimes refered to as "hackers", why? coz they find exploits or bugs on somebody's program..