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  1. #61
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    can't make it december 9 and tonight.. so that leaves us for tomorrow.. can we make it at around 7pm?
    would it be okay if we will just do this at a certain member's house? crashburn is offering his place.. hehehe.. then we will just buy pens and pentel pens.. what do you think? i have a white board also, i could bring that with me..
    or if layuan ra mo sa opon, we can always do the planning at chowking fuente or da vinci's mandaue.. but the disadvantage with that is we might not be that focused because there are other people also..
    there.. that's my suggestion for now.. that's for tomorrow ha.. need your comments, reg and sir blongx!

  2. #62

    Default Don't Rush Things Up

    thisbe.ara and reggiebuang,

    Don't rush things up. I myself don't want to lose breath in facilitating the session.

    If it cannot be done now, then it cannot be done now. We'll just have to find better times for it.

    A strategic planning session is not a game of cards we can just do anywhere. CrashBURN's place is OK. But Chowking/Fuente and DaVinci? Banish the thought --- I believe we are a bit more dignified than to sneak in just any corner of the town and be ogled at what we are doing.

    I made several suggestions here in some posts above this. But it looks like you are not reading them.

  3. #63
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    my bad, sir blongx..
    i wasn't convinced with the chowking/davinci concept, either.. hehehe..
    actually i asked bellavista hotel regarding their conference room because i might get some discounts there..however the room is booked from the 8th-10th..
    anyway, the strategic planning is a nice idea and i know that this can throttle us into a better direction. however, considering the expressed time and individual activity constraints, i believe that it is best to postpone the strategic planning.
    so, what do you think? show of hands please!
    for the meantime, what do you suggest we do before the strategic planning, sir blongx? something like keeping the flame burning.. thanks and hi to your 2 emilys! (OT!)

  4. #64

    Default Istoryan Writers


    I don't know anymore. I just wanted to help.

    What I do not understand is why do you have to kill yourself finding that conference room when I suggested one that will all go for free plus consummables.

    If you want me around for anything that you want to be doing for iSTORYAN.writers, call me after September 2005.


  5. #65
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    sir blongx,
    finding that conference room is no biggie for me because we use that room everyday. i just happened to ask around.
    hmmm...september of 2005 is way too far pa man oi. i'll just keep you posted. thanks.

  6. #66

    Default Istoryan Writers

    I try to be a writer, but I don't seem to like writing pero I have lots of ideas for stories...sometime I just have to draw em. I hate typing out words.

    I have a few screenplays and ideas in minds pero most often people cant seem to realte to my ideas coz dili kuno pilipino...wala man gud planting rice na scenes.

  7. #67

    Default Istoryan Writers

    My writing has been stalled, incredibly. I only have my blog, but even with this, I don´t have enough quality time to invest in writing, thinking right and editing properly because I work fulltime by day, have a language class 2x a week at night and a house to run after.

    BUT(!) I desire to improve my writing. I actually have a few book ideas on shelf somewhere in my brains compartment, cant tell much of it but I dwell on non-fiction categories (informative). In fact I have started writing this book, and with just a few pages, I suffered a writing relapse, lol. It badly needs some rehashing! Here´s what´s worthwhile - I made substantial researches for this book, may not be too exhaustive, but the fact that I have already started thinking of its marketing strategy means that its promising! There is a huge untapped market out there. OK, I am dreaming, its free anyway, lol.

    Come Saturday I fly to the Philippines for my brothers wedding and also spend a week holiday in a serene beach. And I just thought, well in fact decided, that its time to do the brains and keyboard pushing again, so I am going to stash my laptop in the luggage.

    My book needs desperate reworking.

    Would love to hear tips - advices or what have you from the professional and aspiring istoryan writers. Your input will be much appreciated.

  8. #68
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    welcome, DutcheD... you have gone a long way already.. and best of luck to your keyboard pushing as you fly here to the Philippines... you could share your pieces to us..
    the best person to help you with that is i think, blongkoy.. he is on a vacation right now with his wife and i am hoping to hear from him again..
    as for now, i am keeping in touch again with my writing.. my wastebasket is alive again with all the scratch but from time to time, i would dig it up again and re-read the whole scratch thingies.. hehehe..
    for the moment, i would encourage everyone to share their work here in this thread.. then maybe your comments and/or suggestions will help us with each of our pieces.
    what do you think, reg? i don't want this thread to gather its own moulds.. i want to keep this alive. suggestions, anyone?

  9. #69

    Default Istoryan Writers

    Quote Originally Posted by thisbe.ara
    welcome, DutcheD... the best person to help you with that is i think, blongkoy...
    thisbe.ara and reggiebuang,

    Merry Christmas.

    Just got back a few days ago; had we delayed for another day, we would have been sleeping at some airport terminals and even spending Chrtistmas there. It was her wise decision to forgo other things in the list. Anyway, I am back.

    I wished DutcheD would pursue his/her non-fiction effort. But there is very little I can do to help him/her. I can, for example, help him/her set-up his/her bibliography; but, other than that, I might not be of much use. (He/she --- a construct indicating an unavoidable dilemma in cybertalk).

    I missed a lot of sleep during the whole episode of this travel --- there were many things to do and very little time to them. So I am sleeping most of the time since arrival.

  10. #70

    Default Christmas in a Teacup

    thisbe.ara and reggiebuang,

    At Demel's in Vienna --- this little place of unforgettable pastries --- you can practically sip Christmas from a hundred-year-old Dresden teacup.

    In Bratislava, a romantic city by the edge of the remaining banks of glittering Danube, their goulasch suppe stayed in your taste long after you have emptied your bowl. In the meantime, the sight of Christmas just outside the shoppe kept on falling like it has never fallen before.

    The whole Danube episode was captured in video and will easily provide three or four cuts of "Turistang Ahat" stories.

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