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  1. #671

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    i know that guy mao na c koto istoryan ghapon

  2. #672

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    Oo, naa kaayo, kuyo
    Quote Originally Posted by kururulovescurry

    Shucks. No problem!

    Pwede nibble lang? Mas less menacing na sa bite. 8D

    Naa pud ka adtong event?
    Oo, naa kayo, kuyog mis akong bro.. Pero half day lang mi kay duty man ako bro ato gud hehehe.. Nyah nyah... ganahan tami malit ug merchandise pero gilamok man wahaha.. mo to uli nalang

    BTW, unsa nang nibble wahahahah... *googles nibble*

  3. #673

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]


    Nibble gud...Small bites? XD;

  4. #674

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    Waaaa... paspasa mo reply wahahaha... kani lageh

    BTW, naay mga Haruhi na Merchandise ato

  5. #675

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    naa to poster ra pero napalit sad dayun pag lingi nako.

  6. #676

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    @dwardwarbinx: alay problem pwede nimo isend ang imong nacompile na pix sa One of these days, magsend ko'g email sa mga ganahan moapil para magmeeting ta bahin sa Otaku fest 2.0. After all school crap is done.

    @kururulovescurry: would madame ballescas want to help sa sunod na otaku fest? And we don't need another OCD contest anymore, we're having an on the spot poster making contest sa sunod para walay lalis. Ate Veron naman, you're making me sound like a dork. make that olive brown skin naman, para exotic pamati-on. Wehehehe.

    Ug ganahan mo moorder ug anime merchandise, text lang mo ani niya: 09206273151.

  7. #677

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    Is it a bad thing I reply fast? :S

    Some people think it's nice though...

    Errr. Yeah.

    I'm not quite sure but the anime goods were being sold off really fast then.

    People crowded and all.

    Ate Ara, you still owe me cake. 8D

    ...Why would you need Madame Ballescas' help? DUDE. IF YOU KNEW WHAT SHE WANTED.

    8D' -giggles- It has to do with...waste disposal.

    *rolls around laughing* KUNG KABAW LANG KA!

  8. #678

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    @ate ara: hhmm... what time namo makuha ang prizes?

    Diri lang ko mananghid. Nanguha ko og pics sa Otaku. thankz Kaau

  9. #679

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    Motext lang mi bout sa prizes giingnan na mong wednesday pa?

  10. #680

    Default Re: Otaku Fest [this coming February, sa U.P.]

    I thought you said Monday! O_o;

    Enlighten us? Or did I hear you wrong last Saturday---err kahapon.

  11.    Advertisement

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