View Poll Results: Congress approves Anti Cybercrime Bill HB 5808. Is it Good or Bad?

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  • Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!

    14 10.69%
  • Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!

    117 89.31%
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Results 661 to 670 of 875
  1. #661
    C.I.A. cliff_drew's Avatar
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    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Though I do not agree on what these hackers did to our government websites, its a way of protest without the need of walking out the streets. Damage to property, yes, but not really disruption of its operation. These are not even e-commerce or banking sites. I bet nobody from the government knew what happened not unless the media exposed it.

    “Disagreeing with certain sections of the law or questioning the legislative intent is no excuse to commit crimes—defacing websites whether government or not, disrupting essential operations and services, and causing damage to scarce resources,” De Lima said.
    Last edited by cliff_drew; 10-03-2012 at 11:28 PM.

  2. #662

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    hahahah maayu unta naay free wifi padayun ang mudos unya ma trace nga ikaw gehapon ang nag post ug retwit

    prisohon gehapon ka nga ge priso naman ka

  3. #663

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    will wait for the next attack. its like de lima telling the hackers walay ra na inyo gi buhat.

  4. #664

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    they start attacking now . . operation philippines

  5. #665

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    og bata ang ni post sa comment nya wa ka uyon ang iya g
    Mah kiha ang bata? Mah priso? luoy xd.. Of all the untreated wounds this country has suffered for years and years now, they gave this allot of priority into passing it.. whats next? We pay for every step we take?

  6. #666

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    Kini palang unta ang unahon nato ug solve... Everybody happy unta...

    Dili raba ko kama-o mo sayaw... saon nalang ni...

  7. #667

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    Wala na! nag tulod2x na ang mga lawmakers nato!

    Lawmaker blames Aquino for

  8. #668

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    daghan lungag ning balaora..

  9. #669

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    This law violates a lot of existing laws.

  10. #670
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    Overreacting lang uban nga naa'y LIBEL clause naka butang sa Cybercrime Act , peligro na ma priso kung mo criticize ka ug usa ka individual especially a gov't official . I don't think nga kasohan ka kung constructive lang imo criticism dili pana-ot like e mention ang ila personal life , bold accusation with weak evidence , sungoggon like mentioning ila body-type , intelligence , and etc . Parehas lang gud ato ni "Wild Barney" nga instead e criticize nato ang iya sayop , naa nay nag post ug death threats , ihawon , asta gidamay ang pamilya ug friends ... kana lang nga example , technically grounds for LIBEL na .

    Kung edukado ang taw , kahibaw na unta mo ana before na introduced ning Cybercrime Law .
    um, libel is libel. You can be as constructive as you can, if you are making an allegation and it is found to be groundless in court, wala jud ka. The Philippines justice system is already as inadequate as it is, it will be even more burdened handling such complex crimes as libel. Death threats are not considered libel, it is coercion. As a matter of fact, and this is not a stretch, people who posted in this thread could file libel against you for your last sentence--merely for one condescending or demeaning remark. To the most technical sense, that is the effect of the law.
    Kung edukado ang taw, kahibaw na unta mo ana before na introduced ning Cybercrime Law .

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