@bcasabee: Bro, YES, I WOULD RECOMMEND IT to my parents (i smoke weed with my father), my kids (when they are of age), my wife ( i smoke it with her. i have had some really good times with her when we were stoned...), my friends (i have let my friends try it, and some of them have opened their minds to this herb)...
Oh, and please, do not lump this herb with SHABU... do not even lump it with alcohol... alcohol gives you a hit by POISONING you... think that's funny? it's the truth. weed, on the other hand gives you a hit by attaching its tetra hydro cannabinol (THC) to certain receptors in your brain... receptors which scientists are now finding out, are really for cannabis intake... meaning
your body has receptors MADE ESPECIALLY FOR WEED. This is probably due to the fact that man has been using it as food, smokes, oil, incense, tea, etc. for 5000 years already.
Please do not add more fuel to the PROPAGANDA that cannabis is bad. It is even better than coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fatty foods... you say it hurts the lungs? take it as tea. I do when i have a flu...
I'm not claiming to be a doctor... i am telling you guys this based ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE. Take it with a grain of salt, because MILEAGE MAY VARY.
@manny: Cannabis requires NO PROCESSING, bro. You plant it, you dry it, you smoke it. I have my own plants, by the way. :mrgreen:
The bible in its present form does not mention marijuana, just as it does not mention vatican, pope, purgatory, etc...
seriously, and you have to research on this, but "calamus" and "sweet cane" in the bible were mis-translations of KANEH BOSM, or KINEBOISIN, aka CANNABIS... This is very likely, as most of you know, Cannabis was and is still in widespread use in middle east and asian countries, not only for smoking, but for tea, oils, food, etc...
The first solid evidence of the Hebrew use of cannabis was established in 1936 by Sula Benet, a little known Polish etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw (1).
The word cannabis was generally thought to be of Scythian origin, but Benet showed that it has a much earlier origin in Semitic languages like Hebrew, and that it appears several times throughout the Old Testament. Benet explained that "in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament there are references to hemp, both as incense, which was an integral part of religious celebration, and as an intoxicant (2)."
Benet demonstrated that the word for cannabis is kaneh-bosm, also rendered in traditional Hebrew as kaneh or kannabus. The root kan in this construction means "reed" or "hemp", while bosm means "aromatic". This word appears five times in the Old Testament; in the books of Exodus, the Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
The word kaneh-bosm has been mistranslated as calamus, a common marsh plant with little monetary value that does not have the qualities or value ascribed to kaneh-bosm. The error occurred in the oldest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint in the third century BC, and was repeated in the many translations that followed (3).
Anyhow, believe what you must, i will stick to my beliefs about God and cannabis...
@Gwyn: if you weren't so far away, i would invite you and you hubby to a cannabis dinner, wherein i have some friends over and my wife makes a terrific herb-glazed rack of french lamb - great with some red cab sauv or a cabsauv-shiraz-merlot mix... and some herb-infused tea with cookies after... :mrgreen: all al fresco, of course...
Is so sad that man has totally shut out this plant that was so ingrained in his past civilizations... anyway, it's good that some people still see through all the propaganda and hate... here's an interesting site to begin exploring the wonders of cannabis cooking: