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Problem with us, is we're trying to seek on some operational definition of God, where in fact there's some things in this world that don't have it also, but still believe to be as it is...
operational definitions are used as a point of agreement in an argument such as this so as we can have a point of reference in case things veer towards another direction. operational definitions are platforms wherein the argument is played. it does not attempt to become absolute. two people talking about a 'cat' must first agree to a definition of what a 'cat' is to make the conversation flow smoothly.

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God gave us the FREEWILL to decide on which path to seek and what things to believe in...
:arrow: would a 'good god' allow his creation to fall into evil? no.
:arrow: with the power that he has (omnipotence) he should try his earnest to prevent his people to fall into evil, or to annihilate evil.
:arrow: he does not.
it is either,
:arrow: he is the source of evil, or
:arrow: he does not have any power over it.
with regards to
freewill, which is to chose between good and evil.
:arrow: god knows beforehand that man is doomed to fail
:arrow: he allows it (by giving the supposed 'freewil')
it is then, either
:arrow: he does not love his people (because he allow us to fall), or
:arrow: he does not know the future, or
:arrow: he does not have power over evil.

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it could be true that God indeed may have the power to determine/control what would happen in the future
... and being the 'good god', he is supposed to spare us from that evil.
but he obviously did not. he wants to affirm our faith through the test of evil, which he knew beforehand, would cause countless people to fall.
what is it then with humanity's belief? how does it affect the divinity? or perhaps it is a soothing egotistic balm... perhaps god only exists because we want it to... of course, with faith.
god granting us freewill and the problem of evil sounds to me like a 3-year old child, seeing an anthill swarming (of course!) with ants, got each and every ant that was there and placed them in a large basin full of water. upon doing so the child sticks his hand on the basin and tells the ants... 'climb into my hand or drown'. here is your freewill, gentlemen. and so much of it.