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  1. #631
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by mudskipper77 View Post
    I love Mother teresa.
    Please allow me to share another quote I heard yesterday from a famous TV series:
    "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa

  2. #632

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    ^^^ that is true. thanks for sharing

  3. #633

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    "Run, jump, shout but do not sin"

    --St John Bosco

  4. #634
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iron_cross View Post
    "Run, jump, shout but do not sin"

    --St John Bosco
    you hit something that's closest to home... =)

  5. #635
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    "How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are madly in love with the same God" - St. Thomas Aquinas

  6. #636
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Saint Luke was born a Greek and a Gentile in Antioch, Syria. He was a physician and it is believed that he may have also been a slave, as it was not uncommon in his day for slaves to be educated in medicine so the family would have a resident physician.
    Luke became a close companion of Paul of Tarsus and accompanied him on his missionary journeys. It is very possible that Luke provided medical assistance to Paul when he had been beaten, stoned or nearly drowned while evangelizing to the Western Roman Empire.
    Luke is the only Gentile to have written books in the Bible. He is the writer of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles and his writings have been proven to be historically accurate.
    In the third Gospel, Luke emphasizes Christ's compassion for sinners and for those who suffer. One will also find in Luke's account of the gospel, a strong emphasis on the role women played in Christ's ministry.
    Luke's Christian ministry can be followed in the book of Acts. Up until the sixteenth chapter the story of Acts is written in third person, much like an historian recording facts. The voice of the narrator then changes to first person and scholars believe this is done at the time Luke first joined Paul at Troas in the year 51. The book of Acts switches back to third person and scholars believe that this reflects a period in time when Luke was not present during the events that are recorded.
    It is believed that Luke lived a long life and died c. 74 in Greece. He was the first Christian physician and was venerated by the Catholic Church as the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. Saint Luke is also considered the patron saint of painters because according to tradition, he had painted images of Mary and of Jesus. This was later proven to be incorrect.

    Saint Luke's feast day is celebrated on October 18th.

  7. #637
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    The North American Martyrs, also known as the Canadian Martyrs or the Martyrs of New France, were eight Jesuit missionariesfrom Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, who were martyred in the mid-17th century in Canada, in what are now southern Ontario andupstate New York. The Martyrs are St. Jean de Brébeuf (1649), St. Noël Chabanel (1649), St. Antoine Daniel (164, St. Charles Garnier (1649), St. René Goupil (1642), St. Isaac Jogues (1646), St. Jean de Lalande (1646), and St. Gabriel Lalemant (1649).

    Jesuit map

    All of whom were killed during the mid-century warfare between the Iroquois and the Huron. By the late 1640s the Jesuits appear to have been making more progress in their mission to the Huron, and they claimed to have made many converts at this time. Nevertheless, within Huron communities, the priests were not universally trusted. Many Huron considered them to be malevolent shamans who brought death and disease wherever they travelled. Their arrival had coincided with epidemics after 1634 of smallpox and other infectious diseases, to which aboriginal peoples had no immunity. (Epidemiological studies have shown the diseases were likely carried by the increased number of children immigrating after 1634 with families from cities in nations where smallpox was endemic, such as France, England and the Netherlands). The Iroquois considered the Jesuits legitimate targets, as the missionaries were nominally allies of the Huron. They had often helped organize resistance to Iroquois invasions.

  8. #638
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    I beheld a Virgin of extreme beauty wrapped in a white mantle and a delicate tunic . . . with her beautiful golden hair falling loosely down her shoulders. . . . She stood with uplifted hands, her eyes fixed on heaven, rapt, as it were, in an ecstasy of contemplation, in a rapture of divine sweetness. And while she stood in prayer, I beheld her Child move in her womb and . . . she brought forth her Son, from Whom such ineffable light and splendor radiated that the sun could not be compared to it. . . . And then I heard the wonderful singing of many angels. - St. Birgitta of Sweden

  9. #639
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    Saint Daria

    Saint Daria is a Christian Saint venerated in the congregation of martyrs and a heavenly patron of all baptized with the name of Daria. A saint patron keeps us from all trouble and affliction and always prays to God for us.

  10. #640

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    nice thread you got here....

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