View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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Results 631 to 640 of 1380
  1. #631

    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    nice try, james. i'm honestly impressed. it's flattering to know that someone like you would actually follow my english skills.
    It was well written, I was reading your post and realized that the to side could use an almost totally opposite speech toward the others topics and points. It was a social studies test, you have humor and saw the humor, then responded with humor and still maintained respect to the other member. Excellent response, it mean you are fair and not vindictive, that you enjoy the exchange of thought and are not just pushing you personal agenda.

    You would have passed the social studies test with at least a A-. I had a harsh Professor but he would have liked your style.

  2. #632
    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post
    wishful thinking.


    flawed? wrong word.
    I was reading his post and realized that the two sides could use a almost totally opposite speech toward the others topics and points. It was a social studies test, you have no humor and could not see the humor, then responded with your typical scoff and insult, and still maintain no respect to the other member. Very poor and unnecessary response, it mean you are not fair and are vindictive, that you do not enjoy the exchange of thought and are only out to push your own personal agenda.

    You may have passed the social studies test but your score would have been poor at best. You just can not stop yourself can you?

  3. #633
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    One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orang-utan was reading two books - the Bible and Darwin's The Origin of Species. In surprise he asked the ape, "Why are you reading both those books"?
    "Well," said the orang-utang, "I just wanted to know if I was my brother's keeper or my keeper's brother."

  4. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post
    and he thinks that he is debating, hahaha.
    Even had to do it twice, once was not enough for you, very classy. I not debating I was testing, thanks for playing.

  5. #635
    Unsa jud diay wa nimo masabti bro anang imong gi post? It makes sense to most of us. Maybe you can tell us what doesn't make sense to you so we can help you with your confusion?

    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    Bro, the story is nice... but here are some notes you might want to consult with...

    Misconceptions about humans
    Trees, not ladders
    Humans are not "higher" or "more evolved" than other living lineages. Since our lineages split,
    humans and chimpanzees have each evolved traits unique to their own lineages.
    --- hmmm i don't know what this website mean, but you are at the same level as chimpz... nothing special between you and chimpz... hahaha, gud luck. Im sure mo 2o pod mo ani mga evolutionist... dba?

    Kani nndot sad ang STORY.

    tinood ni? hahaha! ka alegre.

    How we know what happened when
    1. Radiometric dating
    WikiAnswers - Radiometric dating is used to find the ages of various substances. What assumptions are necessary for this to be useful and reasonably accurate

    2. Stratigraphy
    --- SpringerLink - Journal Article

    3. Molecular clocks
    Yet the majority of such timescales are based on point estimates using fossils or the molecular clock.
    Calibration and error in placental molecular clocks: a conservative approach using the cet

    Mechanisms of change
    Mechanisms of change
    --- still the same they are still beetle. Producing the same KIND. yet they use it to validate that this change can produce PRINCE... hahahah!

  6. #636
    Quote Originally Posted by brownprose View Post
    What's wrong with copy-pasting facts? Besides, that's not my conclusion. I am not making up my own conclusion kebs. I am not even authorized to make one. That conclusion is the conclusion of the rest of the scientific community. The conclusion of the university where Behe works is not also mine - it is the conclusion of the university. I placed a quotation mark to say that it didn't come from me and to repeat the position of Lehigh University: “While we respect Prof. Behe's right to express his views, they are his alone and are in no way endorsed by the department. It is our collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally and should not be regarded as scientific." source: Lehigh University Department of Biological Sciences
    I noticed:
    It is our collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally and should not be regarded as scientific
    --- It means they don't support his claims, and they could not disprove his claim... and that the INTELLIGENT DESIGN is not acceptable.
    --- sorry i got lazy on checking your posts...
    --- this is his claim. Irreducible complexity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    --- if the institution cannot prove him wrong, then they are not taking part on it, thats how the situation tells us... READ it 10 times....

  7. #637
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    Have you read the book Darwin Black Box? You should read it...

    Darwin's Black Box: Irreducible Complexity or Irreproducible Irreducibility?

    "It may appear to have loose ends to the outsiders( non-scienctists ) but not to those who studied the necessary data and had applied the correct system."

    Michael J. Behe
    (born 1952) is an American biochemist. He currently serves as professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and as a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture

    -an intelligent design advocate

    Behe is outdated. you know what, i got links and sources too.

  8. #638
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    You see!? this is the perfect example why creationists work around in the same junction. Chad, he used your comment to defunct your comment. That's how creationists works.... use science to negate science... hahaha... what a fake.
    Well here is another hateful member who is only looking for the cheap shot. You failed the Social Studies Test too there Einstein. Your exposed so now I know two of this forums doorknobs. Thanks for playing.

  9. #639
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pein View Post
    dili na diay mutuo ug creation ang mga muslim ron?

    That is because God is the Real and what you call on apart from Him is false. God is the All-High, the Most Great.

    Don't you see that God sends down water from the sky and then in the morning the earth is covered in green? God is All-Subtle, All-Aware.

    Everything in the heavens and everything in the Earth belongs to Him. God is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy.

    Don't you see that God has made everything on the Earth subservient to you and the ships running upon the sea by His command? He holds back the heaven, preventing it from falling to the Earth—except by His permission. God is All-Compassionate to humanity, Most Merciful.

    It is He Who gave you life and then will cause you to die and then will give you life again. Man is truly ungrateful. (Qur'an, 22:62-66)


    I don't care what Muslims believe. Islam is divided as to the treatment of evolution.

  10. #640
    Quote Originally Posted by brownprose View Post
    Unsa jud diay wa nimo masabti bro anang imong gi post? It makes sense to most of us. Maybe you can tell us what doesn't make sense to you so we can help you with your confusion?
    Brad, pag ingon nga nothing special between you and chimpz, d nako ma comprehend mag lakaw ang chimpz wearing ipod in a nike sneakers and a sparkling earings talking to you...

    when they said, your legs evolve ana na time... omg, what time? and was there an observation? They always talk about patterns right? Ill show you how patterns mislead you.

    On an attempt to search for E.T., nasa goes to Mars.
    --- ice cap is visible
    --- ice = water
    --- water = life

    Pattern is WRONG.
    --- ice cap is visible
    --- ice = FROZEN CO2
    --- no LIFE

    You notice how theory made mistake... Outcome are totally different. But they start from the same pattern... Brad as long as there are no satisfactory result you cannot force me to believe you. Because i see Evolution as dangerous.

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