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  1. #621

    @Iceman: you've got a very long post out there ... just tonight, the news is on Dumlao who wants to testify on the Dacer-Corbito case. let us wait and see if your posts are what we call "true", and therefore all the insinuations are lies; or otherwise ... as the saying goes, where there is smoke, there is fire! Justice is overdue for the death of Dacer-Corbito ... and what about the many victims of kidnappings, supposedly perpetrated by men in uniforms? I hope Dumlao and Mancao can also shed light on these kidnappings too. Am praying!

  2. #622
    C.I.A. AntitaniC's Avatar
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    lol...... leading a country... doesn't just end in catching corrupt and criminals...

    the Philippine national police can do that... even if he's not around...

    all we need is a smart one.... we can never say they are not corrupt... be we can be sure he/she is LESS CORRUPT compare to others...

    Maybe GMA fixed the votes or whatever... Well I'm not against with that.... If it can make this country less corrupt.....

    If I'm the one to choose who will be president... I'd rather pick the poor ones but has the idea of changing the country... than this OBVIOUS corrupt politicians who mostly pops out in our Televisions today... spending billions and billions of dollars..... LIKE INVESTING in some kind of business...

    then if they win...... triple the amount or more will be in their pockets... that's for sure....
    this politicians here really suck...
    Last edited by AntitaniC; 06-02-2009 at 12:25 AM.

  3. #623
    @master, yes i agree that we should wait and see, coz so far, the admin already thrown all the mud they possibly can to ping, remember ador mawanay? they corroborate their stories that it sounds so believable in 1 point in time, but unfortunately for them, the truth prevails and mawanay turn around against FG, well the Dacer case maybe another attempt to get back at Ping, as for me, i remain skeptic, abangan nalng ang susunod na kabanata

  4. #624
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    what the?!? a dictator? aw hinuon, wa man sab mo makasuway tingali sa panahon ni Marcos noh. maau rapud para makasulay gyud mo unsay kaagi sa atong fellow Pinoys sauna...

    as for me, in your dreams!!!

    if u apply Marcos' style to today, even the slightest criticism in this forum against the supposed powers-that-be tingali delikado nka nga mo disappear forever. LOLs

    even the idea of "militant groups" will become extinct napud cguro...cge suwayi...

    what the hell are u people thinking nowadays? r u on dope?...reverting back to a dictator country can only make it worse...
    filipinos have become too complacent and are enjoying far too much freedom than they can handle responsibly, maybe a few well directed blows could sober up the nation and propel it into taking the right path towards development

    the robust economies of Singapore and South Korea are testament to how a well-run iron-fisted government can make the lives of its citizens better

    the problem with the filipino is his stubborness and his unwillingness to make sacrifices that would eventually benefit the nation

    we are badly in need of discipline...and perhaps when we are mature enough as a people, then we could regain the freedoms that we now enjoy
    Last edited by nItO/pIrEnA; 06-02-2009 at 01:56 AM.

  5. #625

  6. #626
    tinood ba nga bading dw ni c ping?

  7. #627
    Quote Originally Posted by |ceman View Post
    are these "hidden properties" already proven? Berroya is a head of a kidnap for ransom group for Christ sake, si ping man gni nagpa dakup ana nya
    Bro, am impressed by this affirmation of yours! I really don't know if you are one of ping's PR people ... I hope you will make some research ... I have heard directly from a family whose two members were kidnap victims (for their security, I can't say who and where sila nakidnap), it was ping who offered help for them ... and they felt safe for a while ... because the paoctf used one of their rooms as their barracks .. nightmares came when everything they were talking in the silence of their house, even banal things, where they go, who they meet, the telephone calls they made or received, were also known to the kidnappers ... bwahaha .. the paoctf were the only "strangers" in the house .. how do you explain this bro? and there are other things they revealed which i can't even post here ... if the good boy image of ping has been held suspect, i think it is his own doing ... the philippines need to be safe and secure ... and i dont think ping is the right person for that.

  8. #628
    Quote Originally Posted by nItO/pIrEnA View Post
    filipinos have become too complacent and are enjoying far too much freedom than they can handle responsibly, maybe a few well directed blows could sober up the nation and propel it into taking the right path towards development
    yeah like those rallies without permit...nobody even dare slap them traffic violations much more w/ libel.

    Quote Originally Posted by nItO/pIrEnA View Post
    the robust economies of Singapore and South Korea are testament to how a well-run iron-fisted government can make the lives of its citizens better
    well, Singapore is a parliamentary republic...cha cha is even far off our imagination nowadays. and South Korea? remember there was no North or South Korea long ago. still divided up to now...don't need a separate Mindanao republic, don't we?

    Quote Originally Posted by nItO/pIrEnA View Post
    the problem with the filipino is his stubborness and his unwillingness to make sacrifices that would eventually benefit the nation

    Quote Originally Posted by nItO/pIrEnA View Post
    we are badly in need of discipline...and perhaps when we are mature enough as a people, then we could regain the freedoms that we now enjoy
    then let us start arresting erring drivers, those motors w/o helmet, those not wearing seatbelts. for all we know, discipline starts sa tugkaran mismo nato...dili kanang Ping sa Malacanang nga imong gusto...
    Last edited by giddyboy; 06-02-2009 at 11:24 AM.

  9. #629
    paabot usa ko unsa result unya ana dacer-corbito double murder case

  10. #630
    kusog au cya mg exposed ug mga issues. but what about him? don't tell me he is as clean as anybody n politics?! d only fact i know that he is juz one of them and he has juz have great ambitions personally that he wants to have everything most coruupt leaders have. he was given the chance katong police pa cya but he didn't do anythign big...
    nka dakop ba cya ug druglords, smuglords, jueteng lords and any other lords out there during his time? if he did many times then dnha ko bilib niya!!!

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