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Results 601 to 610 of 964
  1. #601

    Default Re: America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Huh? Unsa daw?

    America is our friend, but with friends like them who needs enemies?

  2. #602

    Default Re: America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyb
    I think you're the one who hasn't done your research. These countries do buy the advanced warplanes and missiles as they can very well afford them. Yet they still get some 'freebie' hightech military aide. We also buy military hardware, although very lowtech. And we do get some 'freebie' military aide, but it's clearly marked - "Hazardous to your life, use at your own risk!". Naay pakapin lungngon.
    FYI, they BUY it, they are not DONATION!, pag-research sad oy!, swerte gani ta kay libre jud!, sila paliton pa

    Basa pud tawn oy!, wala tawn ko ni-ingon nga donation!, faet!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyb
    I think you're the only person in the whole Philippines that is in denial. Do you know the percentage ratio of casualties caused by these Flying Coffins? Now! Do your research.
    OK since you know to much (i guess!!!) why not got to these Philippine Defense site ( and tell us what you think an i'll a sure you a lot of PAF Personel! are on this board!, i get info from them not from anybody else, i get directly from people whose involved!, adto ana nga forum, and i'll asure you you'll learn from the expert!, not from wikipedia or something!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyb
    Where in the world can a helicopter be 'downed' by a kite? Only in the Philippines.
    are you sure?, do you have any proof that it's Only in the philippines?, show us daw bi!, i dare YOU!

    and BTW, filipinos are not born to be an english speaker, tagalog ato language i don't care whatever you think!!!, we pinoys just adopted it!, but it's not our native tounge!!, and who are you to teach us correct english?, teacher ka?, even Americans maglisod man gani pag suwat ug proper english grammar!

  3. #603

    Default Re: America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    You're funny! Morag ikaw maoy wala mobasa dah! Or ako lang binisay-on aron motuhop gyud sa imong alimpatakan.

    I think you're just blindly in love with America. If you're happy with the way America is shortchanging us then good for you. I guess apil pud ka sa mga mobo ug kalipay. What I'm shouting out here is this -
    "America treat us the way you treat your WHITE allies."

    About the chopper crash: I'm 1000% sure only in the Philippines. Can you prove it happened somewhere else? Because I sure as hell can't (prove it). I'll give you P10.00 for your effort if you can show me it happened in another country.

    I already apologized for making fun of your "Carabao English". And yes, I am in fact an ESL teacher. Again sorry kababayan. Hey, I can tutor you ...discountan tika.

    The educated American speak and write perfect English. Probably most of the Americans you've encountered didn't finish high school. That's why you have that notion nga maglisod silag suwat.

    By the way, the site that you gave has the word - "UNOFFICIAL" ... ....just like Wikipedia.

  4. #604

    Default Re: MERGED: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    i think this is good but the advantages and disadvantages might not be enough to justify such moves

    1) we will be free to go in and out of the states
    2) economy will be better kay there is a direct aid sa states
    3) their will be less corruption kay states is very much against corruption
    4) lesser taxes, the us only charge 8% or less Income tax from its citizens
    5) many more.....

    1) We cannot go after people like the ones involved in the subic rape case
    2) they will have the right to own land and porperties in our own country
    ug daghan pang mosunod....

  5. #605

    Default Re: MERGED: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory


  6. #606

    Thumbs up Philippines: a State of United States of America

    Whats your opinion on surrendering Philippines into the hands of the United States Government or making the Philippines a colony of United States of America becoming one of its state...

    Good or Bad? Nice or not? Dollar or Peso?

    Express your self..

  7. #607
    no thanx.

    they suck, a government that has too many secrets.

  8. #608
    Quote Originally Posted by grovestreet View Post
    no thanx.

    they suck, a government that has too many secrets.
    compared to our country we more/less have the same number of secrets..

    oh wait, our officials' corruption are no longer secrets so less 1 secret

  9. #609
    Quote Originally Posted by c_cebrecus View Post
    compared to our country we more/less have the same number of secrets..

    oh wait, our officials' corruption are no longer secrets so less 1 secret
    haha well said sir
    dba we should feel honored if that'll be the case,
    if they'll join us in ther umbrella.

  10. #610
    Quote Originally Posted by santichua View Post
    Whats your opinion on surrendering Philippines into the hands of the United States Government or making the Philippines a colony of United States of America becoming one of its state...

    Good or Bad? Nice or not? Dollar or Peso?

    Express your self..

    daginuton ang Pinas sa US? For what reason? Mao unta na unang pangutan-on nimo TS...

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