View Poll Results: Congress approves Anti Cybercrime Bill HB 5808. Is it Good or Bad?

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  • Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!

    14 10.69%
  • Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!

    117 89.31%
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  1. #601
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Quote Originally Posted by AntitaniC View Post
    For the record... the libel was told to be an accident caused by negligence... and they're so stupid to not noticed it...

    argue with that...
    you believe that? it's called damage control.

    They deliberately do something, and when the public reacts adversely to it, they come out with a crock of sh*t excuse like "Oops! Oh we didn't notice that. heh heh" like we're supposed to buy it...and most of us do. They'll change the law, and it will be a victory for freedom of expression, but don't forget that they've already revealed their agendas with this "accident", and they will find another opportunity...These are lawmakers were talking about, they know better than to sign a document without reading it first internalizing what it is*Cough*Chiz*cough*

    Negligence my arse.
    Last edited by æRLO; 10-03-2012 at 03:21 PM.

  2. #602

    Default Re: Congress approves Anti Cybercrime Bill HB 5808. What can you say about this?

    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post
    Hmm let's see...


    You have other similar posts which can be considered as libelous, but I'm too lazy to dig them up. And as long as these stay online, you can be held liable. Just pray Teletech doesn't sue your sorry ass.

    Now unlike you, I don't want to live in a country that has its people muzzled and suppressed. I might think your opinions make you a bitch/asshole, but I will gladly stand up for your right to express yourself on the Web. Heck, some of the posts and threads here on iStorya are dumb as fÜck, but should they be policed because they're offensive? No, because freedom of expression is what the Internet is about (of course, this site's administrators are free to do what they want with uploaded content).

    What's next, jailing people for having conversations on why the government sucks balls? This policing of the Internet is a hair away from it.
    thanks for bringing my old post bro, that is precisely my example. I am still entitled to my opinion. and those who are worried sh!t about it are far more paranoid. Do I see myself hiding? No! Why? Because it is my opinion..clearly you dont understand my point. you guys are obviously looking at the extreme side of things, you honestly think that the authorities will "police" everyone for discussing issues and topics may it be politics or not. In my opinion, I don't think so! Our government is not that brain dead to run after petty things.

    If you so gladly uphold your freedom of speech then continue what you are doing. No one is really stopping you from doing so...the law is only there to reprimand and convict those who violated such law. Now as for my teletech post is concerned, yes for me personally they suck big time. It's my personal opinion and may or may not be factual statement... and thats that!
    Last edited by high_heels; 10-03-2012 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #603

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Quote Originally Posted by AntitaniC View Post
    copying is still plagiarism... and if copied it from foreign people.. our new stupid law can't reach them.

    aaahm... I think you didn't get my point to which side I'm on...
    yes i know..we are on same side


    the comment is not for u.. it's for the pros..hehehe

    peace bro..

    copying is still plagiarism
    maybe that was another accident bro, and he is too stupid to notice it

  4. #604

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Quote Originally Posted by i_the_mighty View Post
    I find it funny when, PNP/NBI/whoever task force it is, use a SCREENSHOT as evidence when implementing this law.
    this would be the most epic implementation..

  5. #605

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothea View Post
    But kung tanan nga ga Internet mo commit ug crime at the same time, unsaon man na nila? Asa man dapit prisohon nga puno naman kaayo mga prisohan? Maghimo na gulags or concentration camps?
    mahimong Guiness book record bro..

    biggest inmate LANPARTY!


    si juan na priso tungod kay ni like...

    ahh sir?

    can i bring my RIG inside the cell?

    cuz i need to praktis COD4

  6. #606

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Quote Originally Posted by i_the_mighty View Post
    I find it funny when, PNP/NBI/whoever task force it is, use a SCREENSHOT as evidence when implementing this law.
    is the picture RAW or Photoshoped?

    what version is an acceptable? DPI? size?

    the photoshop used legit?

  7. #607

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    there are 99899 members of and lets say there are more or less 40% of it are active members and say 30% of this active members are committing cybercrime. Asa na nila ibutang ang 11k++ ka tao sa prisohan?

  8. #608

    Default Re: Congress approves Anti Cybercrime Bill HB 5808. What can you say about this?

    Quote Originally Posted by high_heels View Post
    thanks for bringing my old post bro, that is precisely my example. I am still entitled to my opinion. and those who are worried sh!t about it are far more paranoid. Do I see myself hiding? No! Why? Because it is my opinion..clearly you dont understand my point. you guys are obviously looking at the extreme side of things, you honestly think that the authorities will "police" everyone for discussing issues and topics may it be politics or not. In my opinion, I don't think so! Our government is not that brain dead to run after petty things.

    If you so gladly uphold your freedom of speech then continue what you are doing. No one is really stopping you from doing so...the law is only there to reprimand and convict those who violated such law. Now as for my teletech post is concerned, yes for me personally they suck big time. It's my personal opinion and may or may not be factual statement... and thats that!
    Then you're naive and have forgotten the bitter lessons of Martial Law. Perhaps you've not seen the screenshot of the PNP's Facebook page threatening a Facebook user for voicing his "opinion"? You clearly don't understand the gist of suing for libel; it's not so much about convicting people as it is harassing them into submission.

    You're basically taking a chance , hoping the government will act in good conscience when enforcing this law. Lol this is the Philippine government we're talking about here.

  9. #609

    Default re: MERGED: All about Anti-Cybercrime Law, related issues and developments

    Hahaha.. Nobody dare say a bad word about us anymore.... incumbent forever!!!

  10. #610

    Default Re: Congress approves Anti Cybercrime Bill HB 5808. What can you say about this?

    Quote Originally Posted by high_heels View Post
    thanks for bringing my old post bro, that is precisely my example. I am still entitled to my opinion. and those who are worried sh!t about it are far more paranoid. Do I see myself hiding? No! Why? Because it is my opinion..clearly you dont understand my point. you guys are obviously looking at the extreme side of things, you honestly think that the authorities will "police" everyone for discussing issues and topics may it be politics or not. In my opinion, I don't think so! Our government is not that brain dead to run after petty things.

    If you so gladly uphold your freedom of speech then continue what you are doing. No one is really stopping you from doing so...the law is only there to reprimand and convict those who violated such law. Now as for my teletech post is concerned, yes for me personally they suck big time. It's my personal opinion and may or may not be factual statement... and thats that!
    you don't get it ma'am..

    your opinion will entitle u to a guarded cell.

    it's in the Libel clause

    13. Libel
    Unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.Revised Penal Code Art. 355 states Libel means by writings or similar means. — A libel committed by means of writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio, phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition, cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means, shall be punished by prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods or a fine ranging from 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both, in addition to the civil action which may be brought by the offended party.The Cybercrime Prevention Act strengthened libel in terms of penalty provisions.

    The electronic counterpart of libel has been recognized since the year 2000 when the E-Commerce Law was passed. The E-Commerce Law empowered all existing laws to recognize its electronic counterpart whether commercial or not in nature.
    that's why we don't like this law

    it's suppresses our personal opinions on everything we see | think | experienced as unfit for civil society

  11.    Advertisement

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