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  1. #601

    i read before that there are lease aircraft station in palawan this are fighter jets. so hope its true,,
    but for now better focus on internal security, COIN planes are needed, hope cobra acquisition will push would be nice..

  2. #602
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005
    Yes, naay "fighters" sa Palawan to guard the Spratlys. These so-called fighters are S211s, originally used to train pilots. Any Airbus or Boeing airliner can easily outrun an S211. Aerial interception of Chinese or Vietnamese fighters is nearly impossible.

  3. #603
    nope not the s211,,naa lain more advance kay sa s211,, i dont know if its true,,

  4. #604
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarmac View Post
    Yes, naay "fighters" sa Palawan to guard the Spratlys. These so-called fighters are S211s, originally used to train pilots. Any Airbus or Boeing airliner can easily outrun an S211. Aerial interception of Chinese or Vietnamese fighters is nearly impossible.
    flankers vs. S211s.. patay..

  5. #605
    because we are an achepelago and mostly mountains the PAF is more in need of attack helicopters rather than fighter jets, tho we need also jets for border patrols, just a few jets and more helicopters lang sa..

    ive read sometime ago this quoted from a retired US military consultant, who is now living here in the philippines with his filipina wife, as his assesment because our geography is composed of mostly islands and lots of mountains, the best and a cheaper defensive solution is to set up anti-aircraft batteries over the mountains in stategic locations, any invading planes (god forbid) most negotiate the mountainous terrain of the philipines before reaching its target, by doing so, anti aircraft batteries will sting them, as they move through the mountains..he said...

  6. #606
    helicopter na lang kanang cobra.

  7. #607 mn jud ng s211

  8. #608
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by trazee View Post

    ive read sometime ago this quoted from a retired US military consultant, who is now living here in the philippines with his filipina wife, as his assesment because our geography is composed of mostly islands and lots of mountains, the best and a cheaper defensive solution is to set up anti-aircraft batteries over the mountains in stategic locations, any invading planes (god forbid) most negotiate the mountainous terrain of the philipines before reaching its target, by doing so, anti aircraft batteries will sting them, as they move through the mountains..he said...
    Anti-aircraft batteries alone have never defeated an attacking aerial force determined enough to get to its target. Intelligence and tactics can defeat the best-laid AA batteries. Look at the lessons of Vietnam and Iraq.

    By the way, I like your avatar.
    Last edited by Tarmac; 10-20-2009 at 11:18 PM.

  9. #609
    dli pmn sd in need ug AA batteries ky wla mn ty external nindot jud focus sa ang PAF sa ground support ug logistics ops...

  10. #610
    ai da wa man gani ka palit og pusil ang gobyerno sa mga bag-o nang graduate sa police. fighther jets na kaha..

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